
Vie in Pucko's Boulder

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Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
V1 Cheat Code

Same start as 'Stardrop' but instead of mantling left, go straight up and top out

Boulder 5m Mount Keira
V2 Posture Check

Stand start and move up using crimps and dimples.

Any rock left of obvious break on the left is OUT

Boulder 5m Mount Keira
V1 Stardrop

Stand start, balance traversing left until you reach the lip. Mantle left onto the ledge.

Boulder 3m Mount Keira
V2 Mossy & Chossy

Stand start and straight up through a series of sharp crimps and pinches

Boulder 6m Mount Keira
V4 Beyblade SZN

Stand start on obvious jug foot. move up and right through a slabby sequence, then mantle, walk right across the ledge and top out.

Boulder 9m Mount Keira
V5 Above the Clouds

Stand start undercling on the flake. Snake your way up and right through more flakes & sharp crimps to top out.

Recommended to do on rope first, landing is not ideal

Boulder 8m Mount Keira
V6 Grace Under Pressure

Same as 'Beyblade SZN' until the mantle. Instead move up to the crimpy seams and top out.

Boulder 9m Mount Keira
V8 Gatekeeper

Sit start LH undercling pocket & RH gaston crimp. Using the arete and other holds, move up and right into the crack and keep going up.

Boulder 9m Mount Keira
V4 Hot Star Chicken

Stand start undercling on the flake. Move up and right via some crimps and tricky footwork to the jug, then go up to top out.

Boulder 8m Mount Keira
V4 Door Man

Squat start on little platform (right side), hands holding crack seam thing. Straight up to slimpers then traverse left to join and finish up Gatekeeper.

Boulder Mount Keira
V8 Early Retirement

Sit start same as 'Gatekeeper'. Move up and left using heels and compression on the arete to the jug out left on the slab. Go up and top out.

Boulder 9m Mount Keira
V8 Thrasher

A tad contrived for the sake of more problems. Stand start on the lowest footer with both LH & RH on sidepulls. Move up and right through a series of pockets & crimps to exit the same as 'Grace Under Pressure'

Obvious jug foot and all rock to the right of the break is OUT

Boulder 9m Mount Keira

Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

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