
Vie in David Thompson Corridor del grado selezionato

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Tutti 11 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Frejya / Via Ferrata
5.9 Starstruck
1 5.7 35m
2 5.7 35m
3 5.9 25m
4 5.9 40m
5 5.7 35m
6 5.7 30m
7 5.9 35m
8 5.7 35m
9 5.4 30m
10 5.7 30m

This 10 pitch climb is just north of 'From Nordegg With Love' Via Ferrata, put up by guides from Girth Hitch Guiding. More Beta here.

FA: Tim Taylor & Andrew Abel, Giu 2020

Sportiva 330m, 10
Little Russia
5.9 Davidson Highway

For you Yamnuska lovers and thrill seekers! Got bored belaying those cool teens on 5.12s? Go on this one! Start on a face 5m right of Red Sonya. Climb some Canadian limestone to the overhang. Feel free creating your own holdsJ Pull the overhang and continue on more Canadian limestone. Named after Tyler Davidson.

FA: M. Montemurro, 2018

Sportiva 25m, 8
5.9 Green Mojito

Start on a small face, pull little overhang and finish on a small slab trending up and right. A true warm up! Named after Lee Green.

FA: L. Castro, 2018

Sportiva 22m, 8
Abraham Slabs
5.9 The Groove

First 2 pitches can be easily linked together with minimal rope drag.

Pitch 5 is long, a 70m rope rappel with stretching may get you to the P4 anchors with no rope to spare depending on the stretch of the rope and climber weight, tie knots!

There is a set of intermediate rappel rings near the beginning of pitch 5 if you don't quite reach the P4 anchors. Rappel from the intermediate rings and also P4 anchors, as the intermediate anchors wont reach P3 anchors.

FA: J. Booth & A. Berge

Sportiva 150m, 5, 14
Shakakan Wall
5.9 When in Doubt Pull Out

FA: I. Curran, 2011

Sportiva 16m, 5
Water Knot Wall
5.9 5.11 Dreams
Sportiva 12m
The Dark Side
5.9 You're Looking in Alderan Places

This route lives up to its name, there are lots of hidden holds trust your instincs to get to the finish.

Tracciata: M. Smith, A. Cotterell & A. Goodine, 2016

5.9 Bunnies and Muffins

Straight up to the left of the roof, head right to go above the roof to the anchor.

Tracciata: T. Hasse, 2005

Sportiva 9
5.9 Wooky's Woot

Tracciata: M. Adolph, J. Adolph & T.D. Elson, 2006

Sportiva 8
5.9 R
Mt. Stelfox
5.9 R Couch Potato Fair
1 5.4 30m
2 5.7 50m
3 5.9 R 50m
4 5.7 R 50m
5 5.2 30m

FA: J Mills & Jody Goodwin, 2008

Trad 210m, 5
5.9 R Cragalagadingdong

Right hand corner.

FA: J Mills & Jody Goodwin, 2007

Trad 70m

Tutti 11 vie visualizzati.

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