
Vie come trad in East Kootenays

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Tutti 42 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Perry Creek The Big Wall
5.11a Thunder Buster

Right hand variant pitch (2nd) to Ponderosa

5.11a Dr Pepper

P1: 5.10a 25m P2: 5.11a 20m P3: 5.6 15m

Trad 65m, 3
Spillimacheen Hueco wall
5.11- 9 Unnamed
Trad mista 23m, 2
Spillimacheen Julian's crag
5.10+ The Fin
Trad mista 17m, 1
Perry Creek Slabhedrals
5.10d Wolverine Trad mista 2
5.10 R
Spillimacheen Kuba Wall
5.10 R Cairn Roof
Trad 20m
5.10 R Isaac Is He Off
Trad 19m
Perry Creek The Right Side
5.10c Dick Cheney's Private Hunting Lesson Trad mista 3
Perry Creek Slabhedrals
5.10b Trad Roof Trad
5.10b The Slackarete Trad mista 3
St Mary's Prime Realestate Wall
5.10b Old Boy's Way Trad 25m
Fernie Spine Back Mid Spineback
5.10a Centre crack

Bolts at top. Bring longer draws for wandering route up crack.

Trad 30m
Perry Creek Take It Or Leave It
5.10a Yosemite Can Wait Trad
Spillimacheen Julian's crag
5.10a Rat Bone Soup


Trad 17m
Spillimacheen Kuba Wall
5.10- Inspector
Trad 19m
5.10- Right Cairn Crack
Trad 20m
Canal Flats Mt. Sabine South Face
5.9 Limestone Cowboy Trad 200m, 8
Perry Creek The Loft
5.9 Kootenay Jam Session Trad
Perry Creek Slabhedrals
5.9 Split the Trees Trad mista 4
5.9 Crab

Originally graded 5.5, but has since been upgraded in the 'East Kootenay Rocks guide book, 2021 edition.

Trad mista 5
St Mary's The Basement
5.9 Top Rope Tatter Trad 12m
5.9 Cracker Jack Trad 12m
St Mary's Prime Realestate Wall
5.9 Pat's Crack Trad 25m
Spillimacheen Nathan's wall
5.9 G.E Crack

G.E. Crack is at the right side of Nathan's Wall. It is the obvious, incipient crack that runs up the wall. The crack terminates at a cove. At this cove is a roof with a crack running up through it. Traverse right to the anchor station. This route shares an anchor station with Salmonella Ecstacy.

Trad 20m
5.9 Unclimbed Crack

Large crack just left of 'Fructosis', it is not clear if this has actually been climbed.

Trad 18m
5.9 Abalokov Rocks

On the right side of the cliff is a face with a incipient crack running up it. This crack ascends to a prominent roof. One can traverse left around this roof and ascend the left facing corner to a anchor a station. This is abalokav rocks. This route is to the right of the sport climb Too many ledges.

Trad 20m
Spillimacheen Black Slab
5.9 19 - Unnamed
Trad mista 23m, 4
Spillimacheen Kuba Wall
5.9 Left Cairn Crack
Trad 19m
5.9 C1
Trad 19m
Spillimacheen Hueco wall
5.9 Black Slab 1

Start on gear on this line up the left side of the slab, finish on gear above.

Trad mista 23m, 4
5.9 1A Corner Crack
Trad 22m
Lake Lakit Broke Back Alley
5.8 Unknown name

Climb the obvious crack on gear and end up at the chain of its neighbour.

Perry Creek Slabhedrals
5.8 Bat-Man Trad
Spillimacheen Nathan's wall
5.8 Unnamed Crack

An old guide book described the gear for this as "None"...

Trad 18m
5.8 Teacher's Pet
Trad 15m
5.8 Pumpkin Crack

This route is sandwiched between two sport routes. To the left is Darkness Descending; the right, Too Many Ledges. Ascend the easy, right facing corner to a ledge. Here you will find a bolt. Ascend the thin cracks up the face. The pro does look meager, but perception is not reality. The right crack in particular hosts lots of good pro. Traverse left. Ascend the easier terrain to the anchor station.

Trad mista 20m, 1
Perry Creek Slabhedrals
5.6 Unamed Trad mista 2
5.6 Corner Trad
Spillimacheen Julian's crag
5.6 Hominy Grits
Trad 15m
Spillimacheen Nathan's wall
5.6 Swiss Army Route

This route is at the right side of Nathan's wall. This route ascends a large, left facing corner to the cliff top. To the right of this route is the sport route named Estrogen arete. Ascend the corner to the cliff top. There are no anchors atop this route. Scramble left to clip the anchors atop Salmonella Ecstacy, or alternatively, scramble right to the anchors atop Estrogen arete.

There are a couple variations to this route to make it more interesting. Option 1: do the low traverse left to the right facing corner and climb around the arete to the Salmonella Ecstacy anchor station (more difficult). Option 2: do the high traverse left. Climb around the arete to the Salmonella Ecstacy anchor station (5.6).

Spillimacheen Kuba Wall
5.6 C2
Trad 20m
Perry Creek Baby Bum Wall
Project Project? Trad

Tutti 42 vie visualizzati.

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