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Tutti 38 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
5.12 Say You’re Sorry + Jenga
1 5.12 35m
2 5.11+/12- 35m

Tracciata: Nathan Kutcher & Rebecca Lewis, 29 Set 2019

Sconosciuto 70m, 2 Eyeball
5.11d Cave Creature

Just to the left of Wafer. Start at the cave entrance (or deep in the cave if you want to make a statement), climb up and left to a crux bouldery mantle. After a rest on the ledge, follow the crack to the ring anchors.

Wafer Area.

Trad 20m Papineau Roadside
5.11 Co-ed Slumber Party

Tracciata: Nathan Kutcher & Rebecca Lewis, 29 Set 2019

Trad Eyeball
5.11 R Caterpillars and Sarcophagae
1 5.5 50m
2 5.11 10m
3 5.8 20m
4 5.6/7 22m
5 5.6 15m
6 5.9 R 18m

FFA: Mike Grainger & Danylo Darewych, 3 Lug 2018

Trad 140m, 6 Eyeball
5.11 Water World

the left most route over the water

Sportiva Greater Sudbury
5.11 C Starfish

4 bolts. climb up to the overhanging chunk of rock, pull some difficult moves up to a good ledge and continue up through easier climbing. Varitaon 12a — start traversing from shore, and work your way into the route. Difficulty varies depending on water level, with higher water level turns into a pump fest pulling through to the second bolt.

Sportiva 4 Greater Sudbury
5.10 B Ledge Hopper

3 bolts. Climb up fairly big moves between good ledges, then work up some crimpy holds to the top. Don’t bail out right to maintain the difficulty.

Sportiva 3 Greater Sudbury
5.11d The Eviscerator

FA: Travis, Set 2015

Sportiva 20m, 6 Greater Sudbury
5.12a R Chuckin Berries

Start up the cracked arete just right of Johnny Be Good to gain the runout bolts protecting the crux. Some psychological gear may be found to supplement the bolts to the anchors. Belay at a tree with slings on it.

FA: 2000

Sportiva 20m, 2 Eagle's Nest
5.11d Bloodsucker

Stick clip recommended, fun and physical crux around the first bolt. Finish on ring anchors.

Sportiva 10m, 2 Papineau Roadside
5.12a Dodo's Delight

Short, obvious middle line follow up the thin crack past two bolts, make an odd transition to an awkward finger jam and crux to then solid holds to the top.

FA: Connor Watson, 5 Nov 2016

Sportiva 9m, 4 Greater Sudbury
5.11 Lord of the Flies

FA: Nate Kutcher & Rebecca Lewis, Set 2018

Sportiva 57m, 15 Eyeball
5.11+ Conspiracy Theory

FA: Nate Kutcher & Rebecca Lewis, Set 2018

Sportiva 95m, 15 Eyeball
5.11 Unnamed
1 5.11 35m
2 5.10- 33m
3 5.9 32m

Tracciata: Randy Kielbasiewicz, Graeme Taylor & Daunte Rezaie, 13 Mag 2017

SportivaProgetto 100m, 3 Eyeball
5.12 No Country for Old Men

Tracciata: Gus Alexandropoulos

SportivaProgetto 120m, 21 Eyeball
V4 London Fog

Contrived problem: the top lip of the rock is eliminated, leading to some excellent climbing. Same start as Dandy. After gaining the first widening of the crack, shoot out right to jugs and continue traversing the slopey rail feature. With a big swing to reach the Eggs Benny arête, finish same as Vanilla Smoothie.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders
V4 Turn That Frown Upside Down

On the backside (facing the cliff). Right side of the wall, sit start on your choice of small holds. Move up through the crimps and gymnastic moves to the bucket up top.

Boulder Papineau Roadside
V4 Party on Wayne
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 HufflePuff
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Regina
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Open the Iliad
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Bucephalus
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Lost Corner
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Side Effects
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Brail
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 They All Can't Be Gold Extension
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Stardate
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Jam The Berry
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Choosey Moms Choose Jif
Boulder Gold Mine
V4 Baby Commando

Same as Commando, but start on the big jug on the right and throw directly to the sloper

Boulder Greater Sudbury
V4 High Waisted Pants

Start far right on two underclings. Make your way left traversing under the slanted roof to gain a sidepull and a series of small rails. Fire up and left diagonal to the top.

Sidepull hold broke sometime late season 2020, harder transition but still climbs at V4.

Boulder Eagle's Nest

Start with both hands in the crack left of the green streak. Shoot for the sloped rail overhead and continue right as it becomes the ledge, then go straight up to the peak of the prominence to top out.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders
V4 Soggy Crackers

Start low with both hands jamming in the obvious finger crack and both feet hooking the lip out left. Follow the crack up to top out. Often seeping. * Difficult to avoid dabbing the first move after lifting off a crash mat, recommended to start on a thin mat/ towel. Starting with one foot already high skipping the first foot movement sequence makes the climb soft but still lot of fun.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders
V4 Omelette du Fromage

Climb the arête from the low crimps; one on the steep, one the slab.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders
V4 Around the Bend

Full value! Climb the entire route without using any rock above the transection. Palmpress the leftmost holds on the diagonal rail, and figure out how to maneuver around the bend and then continue right and complete the problem From the Bend.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders
V4 From the Bend

The latter and steep section of Around the Bend, but excellent climbing on its own. Use only the rock below the transection, start on the sidepull jug and work through the crimp pockets to mantle on the far end of the rock.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders
V4 T-Rex

Low start with the good size right facing sidepull and the large flat right leaning rail. Up through the band of crystals to the top while staying on the steep side of the boulder. Be wary of the deep sharp jug ⅔ of the way up on the left, it is quite hollow, and the hold above/ slightly to the right of it is solid.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders

Start in the same spot as PB&J, but move right to the ledge at the end of the crack, then up some crimps to the large ledge.

Boulder Sunnyside Boulders

Tutti 38 vie visualizzati.

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