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Tutti 42 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
5.9 Walk it Off
1 5.9 20m
2 5.9 18m

FA: R Logtenberg & S Podstawskyj, 2011

Sportiva 38m, 2 West Kootenays
5.9 Deep Fried Pickles

Crack on the right side of the main wall.

FA: JT Croston & A Kristiansen, 2011

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Nursery Rhyme


FA: H Mutch & K Ridge, 2007

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Brads Corner

FA: M Hladik, 1994

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Invisible Man

Climb the orange face left of "Invisible Crack", with which it shares anchors.

FA: D Brown & S McGuinness, 2010

Sportiva 15m West Kootenays
5.9 After School Special
1 5.9
2 5.9

FA: Aaron Kristiansen & A Simpson, 2008

Sportiva 2 West Kootenays
5.9 Gentle Shist

Climb the flakes and edges to the top.

As of summer 2020, the bolts looked rusty -- though hangers looked ok.

FA: JM Savoie, 2004

Sportiva 25m West Kootenays
5.9 Blue Skies Ahead

The right route on the slab just left of the big corner. Cool easy stemming at the bottom then a thoughtful crux above the midway ledge. Bolted with a beginner lead climber in mind so should be approachable for everyone.

FA: Nic Williams

Sportiva West Kootenays
V0 Davey Jones Locker
Boulder West Kootenays
5.9 Napalm Corner

FA: Unknown

Tracciata: Stephen Seneca, 2019

Trad 20m West Kootenays
V0 Arrowhead
Boulder West Kootenays
5.9 Breast Stroke 101

A very slaby climb which slowly traverses to V-20's anchor

FA: D Jack, H Mutch & K Ridge, 2007

Sportiva West Kootenays
V0 Treasure Island
Boulder West Kootenays
5.9 Deep Throat

The obvious chimney. A fantastic route with built in air conditioning.

FA: H Mutch, K Ridge & D Brown, 2007

Sportiva West Kootenays
V0 Single Malt
Boulder West Kootenays
5.9 Orgasmatron

FA: G Israelson & and friends, 1975

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Arcenciel
Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Self Awareness

FA: Aaron Kristiansen, 2006

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Jack's Crack

FA: B Mclean & M Misuraca, 2011

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Racing the Rain

FA: D Brown & S McGuinness, 2010

Sportiva 28m, 8 West Kootenays
5.9 Joan of Arc
1 5.9 30m
2 5.8 25m
3 5.9 45m
  1. 5.9 30m. Either climb right up the blocky corner around the tree to a narrow slab then back left to a good ledge 5.7. Or climb straight up the corner through the broken crack and over some delicate slabs.

  2. 5.8 25m. Climb the face then follow the rib up and right to sloping grass ledge. Possible to walk off left.

  3. 5.9 45m. Traverse right then stem your way up the long corner with good holds on the right.

Exit left and down the trail in the gully or rap the route.

FA: Hamish Mutch, 2017

Sportiva 100m, 3 West Kootenays
5.9 Badger

FA: Aaron Kristiansen, 2009

Sportiva West Kootenays
5.9 Amazons
1 5.9 30m
2 5.8 25m
3 5.9 45m
4 5.3 30m
5 5.5 30m
6 5.5 30m
7 5.3 25m
8 5.9 33m
  1. 5.9 30m. See 'Joan of Arc'

  2. 5.8 25m. See 'Joan of Arc'

  3. 5.9 45m. See 'Joan of Arc'

  4. 5.3 30m. Angle up and right over two large steps. Tree Belay. Often combined with Pitch 5 by staying left of the tree.

  5. 5.5 30m. Continue up the main slab. Some route finding required for the next 3 pitches.

  6. 5.5 30m. Continue up the slab and through some bushes. Often combined with Pitch 7.

  7. 5.3 25m. Up the easy slab.

  8. 5.9 33m. Climb up the gully on the right to the base of the corner 5.7. Or Climb the face on the left to the base of the corner 5.8. Then up the groove past a shallow roof to a belay on a boulder at the top. The second to last bolt can be tricky to spot.

FA: Hamish Mutch, 2017

Sportiva 250m, 8 West Kootenays
5.9 Gimlet

FA: V Hempsall, 2012

Trad 13m West Kootenays
5.9 Madame Guillotine

FA: C Chatten, M Curran & H Mutch, 2010

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Consolation Crack

FA: J Hall, 2012

Trad 13m West Kootenays
5.9 Missionaries

FA: Aaron Kristiansen, 2009

Sportiva West Kootenays
5.9 Mossy Corner variation

variation climbs left face of upper corner.

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Destination Moon

FA: Andrew Osnach, 2019

Trad 3 West Kootenays
5.9 Show Us Your Ticks

FA: Aaron Kristiansen, 2010

Sportiva West Kootenays
5.9 More Funky Than Monkey
Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Euro-tard

FA: Aaron Kristiansen, 2010

Sportiva West Kootenays
5.9 Unnamed
Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Itchy Crack

FA: Vince Hempsall, 2010

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Exfoliation Direct
Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Cat-er-Pillar

FA: A Bryant & H Mutch, 2011

Sportiva 3 West Kootenays
5.9 Deep Thought

FA: D Jack, K Greenley & H Mutch, 2008

Sportiva West Kootenays
5.9 Pass or Flail

FA: D. Lussier & D. Raber

Sportiva 21m, 7 West Kootenays
5.9 Cat Mandu

FA: D Brown & H Mutch, 2010

Sportiva West Kootenays
5.9 Quondam Birch


FA: G Lindsay

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Savoury

FA: Aaron Kristiansen, 2007

Trad West Kootenays
5.9 Chilly

FA: Aaron Kristiansen, 2010

Trad West Kootenays

Tutti 42 vie visualizzati.

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