
Vie in 广西 Guangxi del grado selezionato

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1 - 100 di 109 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
5.8 Two Faced

Easy fun climbing.

FA: Andrew Hedesh & Joe Gasses, 2009

Sportiva 27m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Watered Whine

FA: Li Shu & Misa Heater, 2002

Sportiva 18m, 5 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Alice in Wonderland

Scarier than it looks. Could be creeping onto 5.9 because of the blank space. Do not be fooled by the grade, requires lots of careful movement.

FA: J Viitala, A Halkyard & Paul Collis, 2006

Sportiva 9m, 3 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes
1 5.8 25m
2 5.7 40m
3 5.7 30m
4 5.7 25m
5 5.8 30m

FA: Sylvain Langris & Olivier Balmer, 2004

Sportiva 150m, 5 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Irresistible

FA: Eman Lacoste & Paul Collis

Sportiva 15m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Chairman Mao

FA: Jeremy Wendell, 2009

Sportiva 25m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Go hard frenchy

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sportiva 16m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 皇后驾到 Fruit Flavoured Frogs

super fun and not difficult with varied climbing

FA: Paul Collis & Echo Wu, 2004

Sportiva 17m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Smokin'

Cruxy start geting onto the wall, then traversing right into the corner. Technical climbing on good rock.

FA: Ken & Karen McMahon, 1998

Sportiva 20m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 The Footsteps of Our Ancestors

FA: Paul Collis & Lao Gan Ma, 2004

Sportiva 21m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Lounging Lizards

Very enjoyable climb for the grade. The hanger is missing on the last bolt (10/2019) but the climbing to the anchor is easy.

FA: Morgan Heater

Sportiva 24m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 青蛙特工 Frog March

maybe the best route for first time climbers anywhere in the world.

FA: Angela Carlin & Hotrocks, 2004

Sportiva 17m, 4 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Left Wing

Nice and easy. starts outside the wall left side.

FA: Paul Collis & Eman Lacoste, 2005

Sportiva 23m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 非林佛龙 Felinfoel

Nice climb on good holds.

FA: Paul Collis & Brad Stappeferne, 2006

Sportiva 11m, 5 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Tianjin Special

FA: Paul Collis, Bob Keaty & Pia Hockert, 2006

Sportiva 15m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 魔法龙 Puff the Magic Dragon

The best climb at the crag but much harder then the grade suggests.

The last bolt before the anchor, there are two options, a bit of rope loop or a bolt. Either works.

FA: Dan Kinch, Dingo & Kalle Juhani Viira, 2003

Sportiva 13m, 4 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 劈叉 Bridge

This route is the 2nd last climb on the far right side end of the crag. The route is directly left of Tianjin Special 5.8, 15m. Start up Tianjin Special then take the left hand option after the 3rd bolt.

FA: CMDI, 2007

Sportiva 21m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Into the 3rd dimension

the simple chimney opposite Chuck Norris. at the top you can walk through a hole and access the anchor of Sturgeon.

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sportiva 12m, 4 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 瘦肉

FA: 泡沫, 2019

Tracciata: 箩筐, Mag 2019

Sportiva 10m, 5 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 抠门 Stingy

Located directly left of 'Vino Line' and directly right of Irresistible.

FA: CMDI, 2007

Sportiva 25m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 2
Sportiva 15m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 World of Delusion

FA: Paul Collis & Jim Gray, 2008

Sportiva 15m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Simon Wilson 5.8

Left of the two routes near cave 100m right of other routes.

Sportiva 12m, 5 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Zhu's Shadow

FA: Zhu Ge

Sportiva 20m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 新线
Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 1: Name?
Sportiva 15m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Bald Team

A chimney. Climb it. you wont be disappointed.

FA: Simon Lü, 2001

Sportiva 21m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 巴啦巴啦

Tracciata: 罗柳生 & 赖文苑, 18 Mar 2018

Sportiva 13m, 4 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 5. Unnamed (sport)
Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Little Plum - to merge
Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Shortstack

This is a new route on the left of "Puff the magic dragon", it starts stepping on a high ledge.

Sportiva 10m, 2 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 ?

Tracciata: Lug 2020

Sportiva 10m, 4 马山 MaShan
5.8 Too Many Hamburgers

NO FALL ZONE. Dirty and sharp Chimney. Not worth it. Not recommended.

FA: Simon Dilks & Dave Gliddon, 2005

Sportiva 16m, 5 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 妳若盛开
Sportiva 12m, 6 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 Small Tree

Tracciata: Eben Farnworth

FA: GuangTui

Sportiva 17m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Missing Snow


Sportiva 25m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Instant Noodles

FA: Xiao Mo

Sportiva 17m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 蝈蝈 Ribbit

Same start as Kermit, it goes straight up

Tracciata: Andrew Hedesh

FA: Fred Blancher

Sportiva 18m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 6. Unnamed (trad)
Trad 8m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Tsunami Memorial

Awesome stalactite roof. This is sandbagged and is more like 5.10c.

FA: Keith Noyes, Yoga Chong 12/2004

Sportiva 30m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 春风十里

FA: 周小宝

Tracciata: 罗柳生, Feb 2021

Sportiva 9m, 5 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 木人桩 / Wooden Dummy
Sportiva 16m, 8 马山 MaShan
5.8 American Pie

FA: Xiao Si, 2006

Sportiva 10m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Boogie Nights

Tracciata: Andrew Hedesh

Sportiva 24m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 六堡茶

FFA: 十字

Tracciata: 罗柳生 & 十字, 2011

Sportiva 11m, 6 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 Solar Power
Sportiva 29m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 初来乍到 / New arrival

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 18m, 5 马山 MaShan
5.8 巴啦巴啦延长线

Extention to '巴啦巴啦'

Tracciata: 罗柳生, Nov 2018

Sportiva 21m, 10 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 抬头望月 / looking up at the moon

Tracciata: 龙少, 2018

Sportiva 9m, 4 马山 MaShan
5.8 未命名1

FA: Sam

Sportiva 南宁 Nanning
5.8 #5
Sportiva 南宁 Nanning
5.8 No Name

This climb is located inside the cave, on the right hand side. This route is logged above as the name "ROTTEN CHILD".

Sportiva 10m, 3 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 未命名2

FA: sam

Sportiva 南宁 Nanning
5.8 R2 P1

Tracciata: 邱江, 2018

Sportiva 25m, 13 马山 MaShan
5.8 Red River
Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 #6
Sportiva 南宁 Nanning
5.8 未命名3

FA: Sam

Sportiva 南宁 Nanning
5.8 R3 P1

Tracciata: 邱江, 2018

Sportiva 25m, 13 马山 MaShan
5.8 发 / Fa

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 20m, 11 马山 MaShan
5.8 未命名#11
Sportiva 16m, 6 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 扬尘 / Dusty
Sportiva 20m, 8 马山 MaShan
5.8 Treasure

FA: Xiao Qiao

Sportiva 20m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 好喜哦 / So happy

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 10m, 4 马山 MaShan
5.8 未命名#9
Sportiva 18m, 6 北流 BeiLiu
5.8 岩悦 / Rock Joy
Sportiva 15m, 6 马山 MaShan
5.8 DNA

Tracciata: Serge Sandulenko, 2017

FA: Brandon Crowley, 2017

Sportiva 18m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Do They Know Its Christmas?

Climb Up ‘Tsunami Memorial’ and then eventually climb right and finish at the same anchor as ‘TM’.

Sportiva 26m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 敬畏 / Awe

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 15m, 8 马山 MaShan
5.8 霞均
Corda dall'alto 12m 北流 BeiLiu
5.8 1
Sportiva 15m, 6 马山 MaShan
5.8 雨山前

Tracciata: 罗柳生, Mar 2023

FA: 叶子, Mar 2023

Sportiva 14m, 9 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 Father & Son pitch 2
Trad 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 2 Sportiva 桂林 GuiLin
5.8 神坛 / Altar

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 15m, 6 马山 MaShan
5.8 未命名#4
Sportiva 10m, 4 北流 BeiLiu
5.8 Kill Me

FA: Qiu Jiang

Sportiva 20m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Jungie

FA: 恰恰, 4 Ott 2019

Sportiva 18m, 7 马山 MaShan
5.8 龙卷风

Tracciata: 罗柳生, Giu 2023

FA: 罗清晨, Giu 2023

Sportiva 10m, 5 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 攀成山1 / Climbing Mountain 1

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 17m, 9 马山 MaShan
5.8 3 Sportiva 桂林 GuiLin
5.8 见血
Sportiva 14m, 6 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 Zipper

Tracciata: 2010

Sportiva 19m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 3
Sportiva 18m, 7 马山 MaShan
5.8 Illicit Apple

FA: Andrew Hedesh

Sportiva 18m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 攀成山3 / Climbing Mountain 3

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 15m, 6 马山 MaShan
5.8 Top-Rope Problem
Corda dall'alto 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 1
Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 尘沙
Sportiva 7m, 4 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 Hanging Garden

so grown over not worth your time to look for it. shit hardware too..

Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 蚁窝 / Ant nest

Tracciata: JiaYao, 2018

Sportiva 20m, 7 马山 MaShan
5.8 扎扎 / Zaza

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 15m, 5 马山 MaShan
5.8 The Drill Debacle

Starts at the far left side of Beijing ledge.

FA: Bob Keaty & Tyson Wallace, 2008

Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 House of Terrasaurus

The 3 pitches can be linked together if you don't mind rope drag, however its more fun to climb and belay at each pitch to enjoy the view.

FA: Eben Farnworth & A dong, 2009

Sportiva 3 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 Nameless?

so grown over not worth your time to look for it. shit hardware too..

FA: 2007

Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 豆包的假期 / Bean bag holiday

FFA: 果果

Tracciata: 赵四, 2018

Sportiva 12m, 6 马山 MaShan
5.8 大菜刀

Tracciata: 2017

Sportiva 16m, 6 马山 MaShan
5.8 4: Name?


Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 And now for something completely different

so grown over not worth your time to look for it. shit hardware too..

Sportiva 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 11

Tracciata: JiaYao, 2018

Sportiva 26m, 8 马山 MaShan
5.8 Ezy ryder Ezy

Both pitches are 5.8

FA: Florian Vogel

Sportiva 42m, 2 阳朔 Yangshuo

1 - 100 di 109 vie.

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