
Ascensioni di Schwarzer Kater

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Tutti 5 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
8- Schwarzer Kater Sportiva Westpfalz
Antoine Coulanges
Dom 6 Set 2020
8- Schwarzer Kater Sportiva Westpfalz
Antoine Coulanges
Dom 20 Set 2020
8- Schwarzer Kater - con Shana Sportiva Westpfalz
Jef Van Alsenoy
Gio 24 Set 2020
I wasn't sure the single glue in was the anchor, so decided to waltz my way up the roof to the obvious anchor, with sling and all (that turned out to also be a single bolt anchor). Very doable but took me some guts to work through the overhang, not exactly my forte. Pulled my way up to the final bolt using gear, some Germans who were working badass material a couple lines down the rock looked at me with anguish and disapproval. The Germans are badass boys.

8- Schwarzer Kater Sportiva Westpfalz Buona
Arne Winter
Sab 7 Mag 2022
8- Schwarzer Kater - con Mads Sportiva Westpfalz
Ma Rio
Ven 6 Mag 2022

Tutti 5 ascensioni visualizzati.

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