
Vie come corda dall'alto in Oceania

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Top rope
15 Bindun

Start at Fisherman's Basket but swing right onto the blocky face and up the corner to the top. Protection looks marginal... Top-rope only!

FA: Gary Rankin, 1991

Corda dall'alto 10m South Coast
24 Clear Felling

This is the pillar between the routes. Top rope only. No bolts please due to proximity to other routes.

FA: TR: Terry Svingen, 2003

Corda dall'alto 13m Burleigh Heads National Park
22 Dunno

A one move wonder, but what a move! Hard, technical face with big hueco immediately to the right of Grunt

FA: Grant Edser, 2000

Corda dall'alto 10m Redcliffs
Hard Won (open project)

A hard but contrived arête which uses only the most difficult moves

Corda dall'altoProgetto 10m Redcliffs
17 This Won

Face climb just right of arête

FA: Phil Box, 2000

Corda dall'alto 10m Redcliffs
16 Other Won

Face and thin crack climb up the easiest line on the face

FA: Steve Waite & Alison Greenhalgh, 1998

Corda dall'alto 10m Redcliffs
20 Which Won

Up thin crimpers and side pulls to smears avoiding the easier crackline of Other Won.

FA: Grant Edser, 2000

Corda dall'alto 10m Redcliffs
16 - 19 Twin Paranoia

On the seaward side of the boulder, climb the L-leaning twin cracks (R-one wide, L-one thin) L of the overhang to the top.

Natural pro and tree belay.

FA: Steve Baskerville & Jason Shaw (TR), 1998

Corda dall'alto 7m The Citadel
19 Heartburn
Corda dall'alto 8m Atherton Tablelands
20 Cheese Gobbler
Corda dall'alto 14m Atherton Tablelands
18 Cheese Grater
Corda dall'alto 17m Atherton Tablelands
24 Cosmic Winch
Corda dall'alto 12m Coningham
18 Mononeuron
Corda dall'alto 23m Fruehauf
24 Leger Frenzy
Corda dall'alto 18m Fruehauf
27 Jack Jumper
Corda dall'alto 15m Fruehauf
26 Mozzie Fodder
Corda dall'alto 15m Fruehauf
25 This is Steep Mum
Corda dall'alto 18m Fruehauf
12 Not Straining Rail

Incorrectly written up as Straining Rail which is located downhill on the Chain buttress. Northwest Vic guide in 2000 only recorded the routes Sze and Drain Pipe and mentioned a few lines to the right of the later on this face.

Very popular beginners climb. Could be Trad but very poor pro. Start in the corner on L (It's cheating to use the big boulder behind you) and then head straight up the wall.

Corda dall'alto 20m Camels Hump
12 Dog Rock
Corda dall'alto 10m Inner Melbourne
12 Number One
Corda dall'alto 12m Inner Melbourne
15 Sonufa
Corda dall'alto 12m Inner Melbourne
12 Number Two
Corda dall'alto 12m Inner Melbourne
22 Wodka
Corda dall'alto 14m Inner Melbourne
17 Mt Bob
Corda dall'alto 15m Inner Melbourne
20 39 Cents Of Glory

On the main slab is an obvious white water streak. Follow this over the steepening and past some dubious flakes. No protection!

FA: Iain Sedgman, Peter Watson & Peter Cunningham, 1979

Corda dall'alto 30m Beechworth Area
18 Little Crack

The short crack at the left end of the Flake Off wall is a "muck around boulder problem".

FA: Iain Sedgman & Peter Cunningham, 1979

Corda dall'alto 6m Beechworth Area
14 The Arena

The western face of the outcrop known as Dog Face, at the top of the hill above Wagstaffe General Store.

FFTRA Will Monks, Peter Monks, Dec 96.

FA: Will Monks & Peter Monks, 1996

Corda dall'alto 15m Bouddi National Park
20 15+ L Variant

FFTRA Will Monks Dec 96

FA: Will Monks

Corda dall'alto 12m Bouddi National Park
21 15+

FFTRA Peter Monks, Will Monks Dec 96. The crack starting out the roof at the L end of the orange wall 200m above the southern end of Lobster Beach.

FA: Peter Monks & Will Monks

Corda dall'alto 12m Bouddi National Park
17 Moss City

At the R end of the slabs above the beach known as Little Lobster, 150m N of Lobster Beach. Was a little slick on the FFTRA! Approx 30-50m N of the more recently established Lobster Cave routes.

FA: FTRA Will Monks & Peter Monks, 1996

Corda dall'alto 18m Bouddi National Park
22 Temper Temper

At right hand end of short wall. Boulder up rounded flakes. Top rope or solo only.

FA: Paul Riviere (solo), 2002

Corda dall'alto 6m Woy Woy
15 SB#1

Start: P1 10m right of S at ground level. P2 from same ledge as SB#2 and SB#3.

  1. (15m) Low-angled lichen slab with rusty carrots at 3 and 10m.

  2. (7m) Left of SB# ledge. Steeper slab with 2 rusty carrots.

Belay off immovable blocks 5m back with directional rusty carrot near edge (on right facing out).

FA: Steve Babka

Corda dall'alto 23m, 2, 3 Evans Crown
16 SB#2

Start: In middle of SB# ledge.

Mildly overhung start then up scoopy slab with 3 rusty carrots.

Belay off immovable blocks 5m back with directional rusty carrot near edge (on left facing out).

FA: Steve Babka

Corda dall'alto 6m, 3 Evans Crown
21 SB#3

Start: On right of SB# ledge.

Desperate overhanging start then up easier slab past 2 rusty carrots.

Belay off immovable blocks 5m back with directional rusty carrot near edge (on left facing out).

FA: Steve Babka

Corda dall'alto 5m, 2 Evans Crown
12 Headache

Start: Slabby arete toward the left end. Probably goes up the giant slabby block which is clean and rough in the middleand steeper and lichenous at the top. Start only possible from the lower left as the middle starts with a 3-5m overhang. Probably also soloed, with only a few potential RPs in a seam on the left.

FA: J.Friend, 1970

Corda dall'alto 20m Evans Crown
25 Top Rope Arete Corda dall'alto 7m Bridle Rock
22 Pizzas Over The Pilbara
Corda dall'alto 11m Newman
20 Keepings Off

Start below the overhang midway between 'Froth' and 'Arrow'.

Straight up, keeping off 'Froth' and 'Arrow'.

Corda dall'alto 18m Kangaroo Point
16 Ring Around the Moon

Start 1m R of 'Dinosaur'. Marked "RAM".

Up arete to overhang then escape R and top out.

FA: Bernie Corfield & John Jones, 1980

Corda dall'alto 18m Kangaroo Point
23 Sa-raie

Start between 'Surrender' and 'Love Hurts'.

FA: Justin Apeggio

Corda dall'alto 18m Kangaroo Point
21 Foreclosure of a Dream

Start: Below big overhanging block Left of GR. Up easy crack to below the big roof & RB. Layback out right onto small ledge and climb nice crack to grassy ledge. Up sustained wall on right of sharp arete, with good gear in horizontal cracks, to loose top.

NB: This route needs an anchor, as Council have since shotcreted the top 2m of cliff and established the parkland above.

FA: Simon Hennig (TR) & Neil Montieth, 1993

Corda dall'alto 20m, 1 Kangaroo Point
19 Toby's Mum

A TR route off Basalt Assault's chains (use quickdraws on chain to reduce wear). Start 4m L of Basalt Assault with a layback hanging L from the granite xenolith. Layback up xenolith slab to a mantle shelf. Undercling, traversing R off mantle shelf on small footholds. Up L to nice jug. Step R onto xenolith and straight up on extremely fingery holds to finish 1m L of BA's chains.

FA: Chris Bell & Matt Brown, 2000

Corda dall'alto 14m Castle Hill
23 Quark

Start on right side of obvious arete move up arete to finish. (Large flake on left is loose) Will require long anchor set-up

FA: Douglas Hockly, 1999

Corda dall'alto 17m Castle Hill
24 Pumping
Corda dall'alto 12m Atherton Tablelands
26 As Good As It Gets
Corda dall'alto 12m Atherton Tablelands
22 Close Suspects

A leaning corner above the water at the lefthand end.

Corda dall'alto 10m Canberra
20 Downward Bound

Thin crack just left of the large dark overhang near the waters edge, ~3 m left of Romance in Cow Paddocks.

Corda dall'alto 10m Canberra
20 Romance in Cow Paddocks

Climb up to the niche beneath the overhang, then left and up.

Corda dall'alto 10m Canberra
24 Romance in Cow Paddocks Righthand Variant
Corda dall'alto 10m Canberra
18 Prosthetics

The undercut corner, then a small rooflet and up the left-facing corner above. Starts at the left side of the rockfall scar, 5 meters right of Downward Bound. Double anchor bolts on the top of the prow.

Corda dall'alto 15m Canberra
20 Blurred Vision

A substantial rockfall in 2017 removed most of the original first half of this climb. The route is still climbable although may have some loose rock and dirt for a while.

Start on the undercut wall behind the tree. Up the wall (leave the poor tree alone) to a ledge. Up the groove, then left onto the arete and up. A good finish on big buckets.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
15 The Hanging Garden

In the heavily vegetated corner. Easily up wall to the ledge, then up the bottomless chimney. Not done much these days...

Corda dall'alto 11m Canberra
20 Robot Monster

A body length of good moves. Climb up to the ledge, then up the right wall of the chimney to another ledge then finish up to the right.

Corda dall'alto 12m Canberra
20 Dead Fish Crack

Start at the left end of the main wall beneath the lookout, a couple of meters right of the corner. Head up and left on the ramp, pulling through onto the wall above past an old piton, and up through the flared hand crack. Above here it trends up and right to the bolted anchor shared with Standing Room Only.

The hold on the top headwall is moving a little, and is fairly large. It will likely fail at some point soon.
Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
21 Standing Room Only

Start left of the small tree beneath a rooflet. Sustained face climbing the whole way, with a difficult crux, leads to a roof guarding the anchors. When pulling the roof, be gentle with the jugs, which have some fracture lines - belayer take precautions.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
22 Scrofula

Marked with a faded "S" and starts a meter or so left of Closed Circuit beneath a vertical groove. Nominally follows the vauge groove, then right for a few moves, then finish straight up. Arbitrary and challenging to find moves that aren't part of Standing Room Only or Closed Circuit.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
20 Closed Circuit

Start is marked with a white "CC" beneath the blunt arete to the left of the large overhang. Move from out under the starting rooflet then continue up the arete with some tricky moves to get onto the face above.

Corda dall'alto 11m Canberra
19 Charlotte Sometimes

The corner crack running up the left side of the the large overhang, approximately 1 meter right of Closed Circuit and using a few holds on the arete.

Corda dall'alto 11m Canberra
23 Charlotte Sometimes Variant Finish

Step right from the corner once you are above the overhang and climb the groove up and right.

Corda dall'alto 11m Canberra
19 Robbins Memorial Route

Climb the arete beneath the central crack in the large overhang, 3 meters right of Charlotte Sometimes. Traverse left beneath the roof and finish up Charlotte Sometimes.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
22 Extremely Anal

Up the arete beneath the roof, then reach through to jam the crack and make a few bouldery moves to transition into a layback on the wide section, before face climbing to the top.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
20 Vermin Man vs Sludge Monster

A boulder problem consisting of a short rising traverse leftwards to the overhang.

Corda dall'alto 3m Canberra
24 Uncut Pork

A bouldery start bear hugging the arete leads to the minor rooflet. Move into the sweet right-facing flake, catch your breath, then tackle some sustained and technical climbing all the way to the bolted anchors. Keep looking left for your holds. Looks like the anchors have clips.

Corda dall'alto 12m Canberra
23 Missionary Positions

Strenuous climbing up the small corner. Head left to the flake and layaways. Finish left as for Extremely Anal.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
23 Missionary Positions Direct Finish

Continue up from the corner and slightly right to a jug just below The Bummer, then traverse left on big holds.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
17 Vandalous Behaviour

Up the wall on small toes and crimps just right of The Bummer, trying to stay off the corner, up to a two-bolt anchor.

Corda dall'alto 13m Canberra
18 Heat and Dust

The once-brushed line a few meters right of Silent Running.

MH: Definitely very dirty with thick lichen at the top in 2021. Tried to avoid using the crack further right. A trad anchor can be constructed using the crack at the back of the upper vegetated ledge - needs a small wire, a smallish cam, and maybe a sling for the little tree if you're desperate for more?

Corda dall'alto 12m Canberra
16 The Ant's Pants

On the wall behind the I Hate Sunday Barbecues wall. The corner at the L end with a tricky start. When it expires, continue up steep rock to belay off the big pine tree.

FA: Erik Lock & Nick Neagle, 1991

Corda dall'alto 10m Aldgate Super Crag
14 Sic 'em Rex

Arete 3m R of The Ant's Pants.

FA: Erik Lock & Nick Neagle, 1991

Corda dall'alto 10m Aldgate Super Crag
21 Ant Acid

Locate a smooth wall several metres R of Sic 'em Rex. Boulder up the L side of this (2m R of a corner) to a ledge, then through the overhang and up the wall to a gum tree.

FA: Erik Lock & Nick Neagle, 1991

Corda dall'alto 10m Aldgate Super Crag
20 Damage Control DF

The centre of the Damage Control wall, with blinkers.

FA: Doug Brooks, 2007

Corda dall'alto 10m Argadells
16 Anchor Blade
Corda dall'alto 8m Lark's Edge
16 Schweppes
Corda dall'alto 8m Lark's Edge
18 Postscript
Corda dall'alto 10m Lark's Edge
19 Aussie Butler Variant
Corda dall'alto 10m Lark's Edge
14 Wall Street
Corda dall'alto 10m Lark's Edge
22 Ozone

Up the face (just to the left of the crack), around the horizontal roof edge, up the face.

Corda dall'alto 12m Lark's Edge
22 Thug

Climb the obvious vertical crack through the overhang, then keep following it up. More of a beast then it looks.

Corda dall'alto 12m Lark's Edge
20 Poha
Corda dall'alto 15m The Monkeys
22 Gasher
Corda dall'alto 10m The Monkeys
13 Miss Muffet

Climb the arete on the LH end of the buttress.

FA: TR Christie, 1967

Corda dall'alto 17m Rocky Tom
16 Cast Iron Claw

The face halfway between the LH arete and the chimney of Funnel-web. The first moves are fairly tricky. The rest is easier but steep.

Corda dall'alto 15m Rocky Tom
15 Funnel-web

The chimney which evenly bisects the buttress. Move out R at the top.

FA: TR Reg Williams, 1967

Corda dall'alto 15m Rocky Tom
20 Devil Rides Out

A devious and rather psychologically demanding little route. Start at the base of the chimney of Funnel-web. Traverse out on small holds, heel-hook onto the face (crux) then finish up the cracks and face above.

Corda dall'alto 15m Rocky Tom
16 Fly Trap

A testing route up the face just R of Funnel-web. Steep and worthwhile, though a little loose on the lower sections.

Corda dall'alto 15m Rocky Tom
15 Spider Wall

The wall directly above the cherry tree. The difficulties are proportional to the height.

FA: TR John Wholan, 1967

Corda dall'alto 15m Rocky Tom
13 Gossamer

Just around the corner to the R of Spider Wall is a gently sloping face. Start with a good orthopaedic move 2m R of the arete, then follow the good holds above to the top.

Corda dall'alto 10m Rocky Tom
9 Arapiles Crack
Corda dall'alto 5m Rocky Tom
16 Square Root Variant
Corda dall'alto 10m Rocky Tom
16 Square Root Direct
Corda dall'alto 10m Rocky Tom
19 Surd
Corda dall'alto 10m Rocky Tom
16 Square Root
Corda dall'alto 10m Rocky Tom
19 Cube Root
Corda dall'alto 10m Rocky Tom
18 Absurd
Corda dall'alto 10m Rocky Tom
Oblique Gully
Corda dall'alto 4m Rocky Tom
10 Victoria
Corda dall'alto 5m Rocky Tom
14 Una's Crack
Corda dall'alto 4m Rocky Tom
18 Nathan
Corda dall'alto 4m Rocky Tom
16 Palpitations
Corda dall'alto 7m Rocky Tom
13 Trembles Arete
Corda dall'alto 7m Rocky Tom
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