
Vie in Padina lui Călineţ

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Tutti 79 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
2A Traseul 1 - estic Trad Piatra Craiului
3A Traseul 2 - vestic Trad 2 Piatra Craiului
3A Muchia Răchitei Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
4A Muchia Reptilei Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
3A Traseul 3 Trad 2 Piatra Craiului
A0 3A Traseu fără nume Trad 8 Piatra Craiului
4A Muchia Bondarului Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
5A Traseul 4 Trad 2 Piatra Craiului
6 3B Hornul din Brâul Răchitei Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
3B Creasta Frumoasă Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
4B Traseul cu Narcise Trad 7 Piatra Craiului
5+ 2A Lespedea Verde Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
3A Muchia cu Horn Trad 2 Piatra Craiului
4B Faţa Mică din Ţancul Caprei Trad 6 Piatra Craiului
4A Creasta din Brâul cu Flori Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
3A Muchia Teşită Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
4B Faţa Mare din Ţancul Caprei Trad 6 Piatra Craiului
7/7+ Rock n Rolla Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
2A Muchia Ţimbalului Mic Trad Piatra Craiului
3B Muchia cu Verdeaţă Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
7 A2 4B Traseul Scara de Fier Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
2B Muchia Ţimbalului Mic - variantă

FA: Rupi & Hoțul, 27 Ago 2016

Trad Piatra Craiului
3A Vâlcelul din Ţancul Caprei Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
4A Hornul Adânc - firul principal Trad Piatra Craiului
6+/7- 4A Fisura în S Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
4A Muchia Scării Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
5A Surplomba Neagră Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
4A Muchia Grotei Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
7 A0 4B Creasta Şoimilor Trad 6 Piatra Craiului
4B Traseul Marian Nicolae Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
5- 2A Muchia dintre Ţimbale Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
5 Creasta Frumoasă
1 4
2 5
3 2
4 4

One of the easier ridge routes in Piatra Craiului. All natural belays (rock spikes/bushes). Mostly protected on mobiles and slings, although some of the harder moves take pitons.

Pitch 1 starts with an initial ~15m chimney, protected with 3 pitons - 1 on the right, near the start, 1 on the left (better ignored to minimize drag) and 1 again on the right, near the chimney exit (crux of the pitch). Continue on the ridge and sling a rock for a belay.

Pitch 2 continues on the ridge up to a 10m crack, protected with pitons (it takes mobiles as well) - this is the crux of the route. After it, traverse slightly to the left and follow another crack, this time with no fixed protection, to a patch of dwarf pines and some belay rocks after it.

Pitch 3 is an easy ridge traverse that at some point enters a gully. 70m long but with multiple intermediary belay opportunities if you want to avoid simulclimbing.

Pitch 4 is whatever was left out of pitch 3 and a final, relatively simple chimney (partially protected with pitons). Belay to the left of the chimney exit.

FA: Ionel Coman, Daria & Ion Mircan, 1947

Trad 180m, 4 Piatra Craiului
4A Hornul Mic din Colţii Gemeni Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
6 A0 5A Creasta Prieteniei Trad 6 Piatra Craiului
2A Colţii Gemeni Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
4A Muchia Arinului Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
3B Turnul Înclinat Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
4B Sângele Voinicului Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
6+ - 8+ A0 5A Fisurile Centrale Trad 6 Piatra Craiului
4A Traseul Lespezilor de sub Ulcior Trad 8 Piatra Craiului
7- Creasta Coarnele Caprei
1 4+ 40m
2 7- 25m
3 7- 25m
4 5- 60m
5 5+ 30m
6 3 30m
7 6/6+ 60m

4A Romanian 7- UIAA (6- A0)

A not too airy but quite fun to climb ridge. Some belays and cruxes have had bolts added, and the old pitons are still there for aid, but having at least a minimal rack and some extra 120cm slings (and at least 1 240cm) is recommended. There are many opportunities to set a belay on natural features (the pre-rebolting route had all natural belays) so the number of pitches will vary - the description below is only one possible way of doing the route.

Approach: through Padina lui Calinet past Saritoarea Mare, then take the secondary for a few dozens of meters (before the first obstacle)

P1: Starts with a 15m runout on broken slab, doable either on the left (5+, chossy) or right (4+, grassy but less friable, some nut placements available on the ridge next to you). Then cross right on a protected ledge, under the eponymous "goat horns" formations, and back left on a 4+ chimney that leads to a belay boulder. 40m, 4+/5+ UIAA

P2: Head up a grassy bit that leads to a 7- face (aidable down to 5 A0) followed by a 6+ slightly overhanging dihedral (same). Then head up an easy chimney to a ledge. Belay off a bolt + small tree. 25m, 7- UIAA (6- A0)

P3: Continue on the ledge to the right until reaching a slightly overhanging 7- face (aidable), then on easy terrain up to a boulder belay. Uniting this with the previous pitch will lead to quite a bit of rope drag on the overhang. 25m, 7- UIAA (5 A0)

P4: Head on easy runout to the base of the wall visible above you. The 5- crux is protected by a bolt, and the pitch can be broken in two by belaying on natural features (choose your own). Final belay is off a large boulder, but there are opportunities for medium or large cams as well 60m, 5- UIAA

P5: The new bolted version to the right (7 UIAA) misses the best photo opportunity of the route, so head left instead, climb a flake separated from the wall (5+, protectable by slinging a chockstone) until gaining an airy 5+ secondary ridge protected by the occasional piton. Rejoin the main ridge (beware of a very loose microwave-sized boulder, we couldn't get rid of it since there were people in the gullies below) and belay off a boulder. 30m, 5+ UIAA

P6: Traverse to the right on grassy ledges, then climb a very easy and mostly unprotected chimney (3 UIAA) until regaining the main ridge. Belay off a boulder (very comfortable belay "armchair" for the next pitch) if you have 60m ropes and a 240cm sling, or continue for 10m through the bushes to a bolted belay at the base of a face if any of these is missing. 30-40m, 3 UIAA

P7: Do the 10m of bushwhacking if you haven't already done them, then stat on a well-protected 6 UIAA face, avoiding the overhang at the end on the right, continue on the ridge to a second bit of compact rock (6/6+, technical slab, on pitons) and finish with a 5+ friable runout to the final belay (on the left of a rock ridge). 50-60m, 6/6+ UIAA

Retreat: 1 20m rappel to a grass slope, then head left on Braul de Sus (in good visibility, easy to follow - it's the great faultline crossing Muchia Timbalului Mare) up to the gully before Acul de la Amvon (Valcelul cu Smardar). Descend that down to the arch of Valcelul cu Fereastra, cross into it, downclimb or rappel (5 rappels, first and last off trees marked with cord, middle 3 off bolts - the bolts aren't marked with cord but the old pitons are, so pay attention)

Trad mista 270m, 7, 10 Piatra Craiului
5A Fisura Verde Trad 6 Piatra Craiului
4A Hornul Piticului Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
6+/7- 4A Creasta Piticului Trad 2 Piatra Craiului
4B Peretele vestic din Călineţ Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
3A Muchia Întreruptă Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
4A Traseul Hornul Căpriţei Trad 5 Piatra Craiului
3A Creasta Friată Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
3A Muchia Scurtă Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
4B Muchia Suspendată Trad Piatra Craiului
3A Zăvorul Călineţului Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
2B Hornul Îngheţat Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
4A Traseul Vestic din Ţancul fără Nume Trad 3 Piatra Craiului
4A Creasta de Sus Trad 6 Piatra Craiului
3B Colţii Brâului Trad 4 Piatra Craiului
Traseul lui Cătălin Berbec Sportiva Piatra Craiului
Valcelul Colţilor Gemeni Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1A Brâul Soarelui Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
2A Hornul Adânc - firul secundar Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Brâul Răchitei Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1A Brâul de jos Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Brâul de Mijloc Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Padina lui Călineţ - firul secundar Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Călineţul Mic Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Padina lui Călineţ - firul principal Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Brâul de Sus Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1A Vâlcelul Caprelor Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
Vâlcelul Caprelor - secundarul superior Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Hornul Cetății Sfărâmate Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
2A Secundarul Hornului Cetății Sfărâmate Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Hornul Pliat Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Hornul Brâniţei Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Valea Podurilor - firul principal Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Valea Podurilor - firul secundar Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Valea Ciorânguţa Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Valea cu Grotă - firul principal Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Valea Vlăduşca - firul principal Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Valea Vlăduşca - firul secundar Alpinistica Piatra Craiului
1B Valea cu Grotă - firul secundar Alpinistica Piatra Craiului

Tutti 79 vie visualizzati.

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