
Vie in Mt Everest Guest Farm

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1 - 100 di 163 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
14 Rhino On The City Hall Steps
1 14 25m
2 13 28m
3 11 28m
Sportiva 81m, 3 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Pressure Cookie
Sportiva 9 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Long Haired Freaky People
Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Fight the Feeling
1 12 20m
2 17 12m
3 21 25m
4 13 25m
5 19 25m
6 16 25m
Sportiva 130m, 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 For Your Eyes Only
1 18 30m
2 17 20m
3 17 35m
4 15 35m
5 18 45m

This is actually quite a moderate route and is over-graded in comparison to other routes in the area (and country, in general). The fourth pitch, currently graded 15, is probably 9 and no other pitch harder than 16/17.

Note that the route is laid out in a manner entirely different to other routes in the area - some pitches are in excess of 50m long and require as many as 20 quickdraws. A 60m rope is necessary.

It is possible to avoid the final pitch by walking off towards the left. Descend by hiking around the back of the mountain and down the gully between Eagle Crag and Eagle's Head.

Be aware that there are chains in the vicinity of the top of the route that appear to be abseil chains, however, it is unclear whether it is possible to abseil the route and at least one party has been rescued after becoming stranded on a ledge.

FA: Philippe Gaboriaud, 2017

Sportiva 170m, 5, 20 Mt Everest Guest Farm
13 Shells

Start off a small boulder at the right-hand side of the face. Climb up through the big scoop above.

FA: Fran Botha, 1993

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Aggro Grannies
Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
16 Eggstacy

Start near the middle of the east face. Climb straight up to a prominent flake or horn. Pass it on the left and then head right for the chains at the top of the next route.

Tracciata: Clive Curson, 1993

FA: Cathy O’Dowd, 1993

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
19 I Saw Elvis At The Chains
Sportiva 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Over Easy

Start just to the right of the previous route. Step up off the block and climb the steep face by starting up the stem of the Y-shaped crack line. Move up the left-hand crack line at the fork and continue up to the chains. This line uses the anchors at the top of the previous route - see note above.

FA: Grant Murray, 1993

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Men Behaving Badly
1 13 24m
2 17 24m
3 17 24m
4 10 24m

This route follows the blunt arête on the right of Rhino on the City Hall Steps. Communication between the climber an belayer can be difficult if windy. It is possible to descend by rappel. To get to the stance at the top of pitch 1 requires a little bit of scrambling. Otherwise, if you have two ropes, you can rappel in two 50m pitches.

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Trevor Johnson, 2003

Sportiva 96m, 4 Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Power Pigeon

FA: Clive Curson, 1994

Sportiva 15 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Easy Rider
1 15 18m
2 16 12m
3 17 10m
4 18 12m

FA: Clive Curson, 1995

Sportiva 52m, 4 Mt Everest Guest Farm
10 Three Bears

Walk around to the face on the opposite side to the previous climbs. Climb the horns and jugs on the arête slightly to the right of the bolts (Baby Bear - 8), or climb straight up the line of bolts (Pappa Bear - 10), or climb the arête to the left of the bolts (Momma Bear - 9).

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Some Girls Wonder
Sportiva 12 Mt Everest Guest Farm
16 Trinity Session
Sportiva 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm
15 Siesta

Climb the line immediately to the right of 'Bonni's Head'. This line shares the anchors with the previous route.

FA: Arno Naude, 1995

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
15 Dry Ice

This is the left-hand route on the south face. Start directly below the first bolt. Pull up through a bulge onto a ledge. Using the rock on the left reduces the grade significantly.

Sportiva 2 Mt Everest Guest Farm
15 Woozle Tracks
Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
10 Piglet
Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
9 Goldilocks

Climb the short, neat, wrinkly face between the 'Three Bears' and 'Hot Porridge'.

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
12 Poo Bear
Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Omelette

Start to the right of the previous route and climb up just left of a sort of rounded arête.

FA: Michael Cartwright, 1993

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Bonni's Head

Make a tricky start from the flat rock at the base of the arête on the left-hand side of the pillar. Climb the arête to anchors on the 'head'. Keep mainly to the right-hand side of the arête but do not use the holds on 'Siesta'.

FA: Gerhard Kruger, 1995

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
10 Kanga
Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
19 Sunny Side Up

Start just to the right of the slight corner at the right-hand edge of the overhanging face and climb straight up. Two hard moves off the ground lead to easier climbing. Note: The anchors are badly located over the top of the climb and cause severe rope-wear when lowering. To avoid this, use long slings on the anchors when top-roping and then arrange the rope so that the last climber can abseil off.

FA: Michael Cartwright, 1993

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 There's a Bird In My Shoe

This is the last line of bolts on this side of the boulder. The line is tricky and reachy. Finding the big 'invisible' pocket makes life easier but is not essential.

FA: Arno Naude, 1995

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
13 Serengeti

Tracciata: Clive Curson

FA: barbara curson, 1993

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Lay-In

To the right of 'Siesta' there is a deep, wide crack in the boulder. Layback up the right-hand side of the crack as far as possible, step out to the right and then continue straight up to the anchors which are shared with the next route.

FA: Gerhard Kruger, 1995

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
11 View to a Kill

FA: Clive Curson, 1993

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Buckets Full of Sickness

FA: Ruth Behr, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Frozen Chocolate Milkshake

Climb the line of bolts up the black water streak. The bolts are quite widely spaced.

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
15 Masai Mara

Tracciata: Clive Curson

FA: Barbara Curson, 1993

Sportiva 15 Mt Everest Guest Farm
16 Slightly Chilled

Start from the rock just left of the arête on the right-hand side of the south face. Climb up left of the arête to reach the ledge then move up left to the anchors on 'Dry Ice'. The start is fingery and off balance. It is difficult to recover your draws.

Sportiva 3 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Pocket City
Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Opening Night
Sportiva 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Iceberg

Start towards the left-hand side of the north face, about 2m to the left of the central black streak . Climb up diagonally left towards the arête. After the second bolt, either pull through rightwards immediately, or go up left to clip the next bolt before going through the small bulge. Continue to the top. Apparently the climbing is much easier if you traverse out to the arête and climb this, however, you will then find it hard to clip the bolts.

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Crack It
Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Pumping Peacock

FA: Clive Curson, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
8 Hot Porridge

Climb straight up the prominent scoop to the chains.

Sportiva 2 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 No Walk in the Park

This route takes the line of bolts to the right of the previous route. Start just to the right of the line of bolts and move up diagonally left, then continue straight up the bolt-line to the anchors - tricky.

FA: Arno Naude, 1995

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Stoney

Climb the line of bolts up the middle of the downhill face.

Sportiva 3 Mt Everest Guest Farm
22 Simply the Best

FA: Arno Naude, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 ToughTurkey
1 20
2 10

FA: Michael Cartwright & Grant Murray, 1994

Sportiva 2, 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm
22 Suicide Blonde

FA: Mike Behr & Ruth Behr, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Little Wibbler

FA: Glen Harrison & Mike Behr, 1996

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Green Eggs and Ham

Climb the line of bolts towards the right-hand side of the overhanging face.

FA: Grant Murray, 1994

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Tundra

Start towards the right-hand side of the north face. Pull up awkwardly onto the rock then move diagonally right to the arête. Continue up, on or next to the arête. There is a thin move near the top but going left up the diagonal break is just as tricky.

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Polar Crossing

Climb up just to the right of the black water streak. Tend slightly right towards the top. Climb the higher crux by laying away to the right. Apparently some of the holds have broken off near the top of 'Tundra' and 'Polar Crossing' making these routes more tricky than expected.

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
22 Keep the Change

FA: Mike Behr, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Two Fingers in the Pocket
1 21 30m
2 13 28m
3 13 28m

Start as for Rhino, but carry straight up all the way. 2 move wonder 21, can be aided by pulling on a draw, still much harder move than the rest of the 3 pitches combined.

FA: Dylan Salt & Dario Tedeschi

Sportiva 86m, 3, 15 Mt Everest Guest Farm
24 Alice In Chains

FA: Gunther Migeotte & Mike Behr, 1995

Sportiva 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Fat and Feeble

Climb the line of bolts on the right hand side of Coffin Dodger on good pockets. Avoid using the block on the right as far as possible.

FA: Gavin Peckham, 2008

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Cholesterol Bomb

Climb the overhanging jagged arête on the left of the flat, overhanging, orange face on the NW side of the boulder.

FA: Peter Lazarus, 1993

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Rocket in Your Pocket
Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Fat Boy
1 17
2 17

FA: Mike Behr & Ruth Behr, 1997

Sportiva 2, 12 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Chill Out

Start just to the right of the arête. After a tricky starting move, climb straight up on 'dinner plates'.

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Unkown

Line of bolts left of Eggstacy.

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
27 Space Cowboy

FA: Glen Harrison, 1996

Sportiva 14 Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Zombi

FA: Mike Behr, 1995

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Silent Debate

FA: Ruth Behr, 1995

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
8 Black Bra

From the bottom of 'Hot Porridge', traverse across to the short arête on the right and then climb this to the top.

FA: Nicky Swart, 2003

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
21 Lemon Twist

Start up 'Slightly Chilled' to the first bolt, then move to the right, around the arête and onto the east face. Continue up just to the right of the arête to reach the anchors.

Sportiva 3 Mt Everest Guest Farm
19 Jews With Glues And Spanish Rubber Shoes

FA: Mike Behr, 1995

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Coffin Dodger

Right around the Boulder from Woozle Tracks. Pull up onto the face on good pockets. Follow the bolts to the top

FA: Gavin Peckham, 2008

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Take It Easy
1 18 40m
2 20 25m
3 11 25m
  1. 40m (18) 13D. This pitch ends on a large ledge below the overhanging Red Wall. One-bolt belay.

  2. 25m (20) 15D. Climb back and clip the last bolt of the previous pitch and continue up.

  3. 25m (11) 6D. This pitch takes you to the top.

Abseil back down the route. From the anchors at the top of pitch 2, abseil over the edge and onto the ledge below the Red Wall. The final abseil bolts are located on the clean rock face adjacent to the extreme right-hand side of the ledge. After the final abseil scramble down an easy gully to reach the base of the crag. Tie a knot in the end of your rope - this pitch is almost 35m long.

FA: Grant Murry & Michael Cartwright, 1994

Sportiva 90m, 3, 15 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Big Sky
1 17 35m
2 14 15m
3 14 45m

FA: Gavin Peckham & Gavin Raubenheimer, 2005

Sportiva 95m, 3, 17 Mt Everest Guest Farm
19 Face It
Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Dancing in the Dark

FA: Arno Naude, 1995

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
17 Damocles

FA: Mike Behr, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Young Chicks

Start just right of the previous route and grovel up the rounded arête.

FA: Peter Lazarus, 1993

Sportiva 5 Mt Everest Guest Farm
22 Red, Red Wine

FA: Arno Naude & Gerhard Kruger, 1996

Sportiva 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Sock It
Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
15 Access Route

This line gives access to the start of the next two routes.

FA: Clive Curson, 1994

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Fergus Sings the Blues

FA: Mike Behr, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 YAS

FA: Ian Guest, 1996

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 Slush Puppy

Start just to the right of 'Chill Out'. The start is tricky and the next few moves are also quite thin but the climbing eases off higher up. Be careful clipping the second bolt

Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
15 Hagar

FFA: Gavin Peckham, 2005

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
22 Jagged Little Pill

FA: Ruth Behr, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
18 How Does a Dog Know?

FA: Ruth Behr, 1995

Sportiva 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
{AU} 14 On the Edge
Sportiva 15m, 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
{AU} 7 Easy Street
Sportiva 15m, 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Acrophobia
1 19
2 20

FA: Mike Behr, 1995

Sportiva 2, 9 Mt Everest Guest Farm
{AU} 8 A Walk in the Park

Share first bolt of ES, then right

Sportiva 9m, 8 Mt Everest Guest Farm
26 Just Yolking

Climb the line of bolts near the centre of the overhanging face. Some of the holds near the top have broken off and the route may now be significantly more difficult.

Tracciata: Grant Murray

FA: Gilles Benier, 1994

Sportiva 6 Mt Everest Guest Farm
16 Magic Carpet Ride
Trad 75m Mt Everest Guest Farm
15 New Line

Incomplete line on the north ("car park") side of the boulder.

There are no chains.

Sportiva 3 Mt Everest Guest Farm
The Way Less Travelled

apparently also exist in this area, but no other info is available - even the first ascentionist (Alex Steyn) can't remember where it goes !

FA: Alex Steyn

Trad Mt Everest Guest Farm
25 Ts and Cs

FA: Ian Guest, 1996

Sportiva 7 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Fly Till I Die
1 19
2 23

FA: Stephan Isebeck, 1996

Sportiva 2 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Alcatraz
1 23 30m
2 22 25m

FA: Michael Cartwright & Grant Murray, 1994

Sportiva 55m, 2, 12 Mt Everest Guest Farm
20 Riding Fences

FA: Michael Cartwright & Grant Murray, 1994

Sportiva 12 Mt Everest Guest Farm
7 Goofy

FFA: Gavin Peckham, 2005

Sportiva 2 Mt Everest Guest Farm
23 Toad of Toad Hall
Sportiva Mt Everest Guest Farm
25 Draw From the Hip

FA: Grant Murray, 1994

Sportiva 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm

apparently also exist in this area, but no other info is available - even the first ascentionist (Alex Steyn) can't remember where it goes !

FA: Alex Steyn

Trad Mt Everest Guest Farm
Tim's Project
SportivaProgetto Mt Everest Guest Farm
22 Delirium
1 19
2 20
3 22

FA: Glen Harrison & Mike Behr

Sportiva 3, 10 Mt Everest Guest Farm
33/34 Mass Extinction

Left-hand side line of bolt on the overhanging red wall slanting to the right, midway up the face. Stick clip recommended. Rebolted by Andrew Pedley in 2012.

Tracciata: Grant Murray, 1994

FA: Mel Janse van Rensburg, 28 Mar 2019

Sportiva 30m Mt Everest Guest Farm
8 Casper

FFA: Gavin Peckham, 2005

Sportiva 2 Mt Everest Guest Farm

1 - 100 di 163 vie.

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