
Vie in Vanrhynsdorp del grado selezionato

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
19 Waterval Storieboek
1 16
2 18
3 19

On the main buttress to the right of the waterfall and left of the big overhang is a open book with two vertical cracks on either side of a column. Climb the left crack.

  1. Start on the grey lichenous face heading left to the small chimney/off width. Stance at top Chimney/offwidth on a small ledge.

  2. Climb the layback crack to a small ledge with a tree. Climb the face directly above the crack and to the left of the tree to a big ledge under a big roof and stance.

  3. Walk 5m to the right and climb the crack into a corner with small roofs. Pull through the roofs to the summit.

Descent: head right to the gully and path leading down and back to the waterfall.

FA: phlip olivier, J Papendorf & J. Burger, 2007

Trad 3 Vanrhynsdorp
19 PROT:R Herbie Goes Offroad
1 19
2 18 R
Trad 2 Vanrhynsdorp
18 Passing the Pocket

FA: phlip olivier, 2008

Trad Vanrhynsdorp
18 Get Me to the Church on Time

FA: phlip olivier, 2008

Trad Vanrhynsdorp
19 The Easy Trad Route Direct

Climb the direct line to the anchors.

FA: J Papendorf, 2007

Trad Vanrhynsdorp
19 Fransie Buurman's Arête

Climb the obvious arête.

FA: F. Buurman, 2007

Trad Vanrhynsdorp
19 1st Upon a Time
1 18
2 19
3 19
4 18

Start in the small corner on the Column.

  1. Follow the corner and crack to a hand traverse. Traverse left to a ledge under a roof. Stance on the upper right block.

  2. Take off from the block and move right onto the face and break past the roof. Continue on the face through rails to a big ledge. (rap anchor under blocks).

  3. Climb the face, keeping to the right. Through difficult and deep rails. Pass some vegetation. Continue on the face on the right to a ledge with a bottomless chimney.

  4. Climb the chimney on the left. Pull through the overhangs and step onto the face left of the chimney. Continue up the arête to the top.

Trad 4 Vanrhynsdorp
18 The Extension to the Pinnacle

Start at the top of the pinnacle. You can either walk around to the top or do route #2 and #3 as one.

FA: J. Botha, 2006

Sportiva 7 Vanrhynsdorp

Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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