
Ascensioni di Fluxus

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Tutti 5 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
7a+ Fluxus - con Moxi Sportiva 22m Freienbach Buona
Lun 13 Apr 2020
7a+ Fluxus - con Moxi Sportiva 22m Freienbach Buona
Lun 13 Apr 2020
Crux at the start, then spaced bolts over an easy slab to a nice and technical upper part

7a+ Fluxus - con Philip Sportiva 22m Freienbach Media
Lun 13 Apr 2020
Lower part was hard to read. The slab afterwards was really scary when you do it for the first time and have no idea where the „holds“ are and when you are thinking about the potential grounder you could take... the upper part was better.

7a+ Fluxus - con Philip Sportiva 22m Freienbach Media
Lun 13 Apr 2020
Not that hard when you know the holds and even the slab was ok this time.

7a+ Fluxus - con Ivo Sportiva 22m Freienbach Buona
Andreas Aachen
Sab 5 Set 2020

Tutti 5 ascensioni visualizzati.

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