
Vie in Phra-Nang Beach del grado selezionato

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Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
6c+ Princess Eyes

The righthand 6c, this time getting through the steep bit on fingery pockets. This one is also supposed to be pretty average. Shares anchors with 'Little Shit'. Titanium bolts.

Tracciata: Tex Somyod, 1992

Sportiva 8m, 4 Railay
6c+ Fertilite

Starts in the corner right of the Money Maker pillar and climbs up right onto the face. All titanium bolts.

The original line was one of the first routes on the Phra-Nang peninsula and climbed on further right for a total length of 35m. However, due to the proximity to the Princess Cave and the many tourists below on the beach, only the first half has been rebolted and the original bolts have been chopped.

Tracciata: Thierry Renault, Marlie Walsh & Kurt Albert †, 1989

Sportiva 18m, 5 Railay

Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

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