
Ascensioni in California da Will Vidler

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1 - 100 di 130 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Data
5.11c King and I - con Adrian, Jesse, Victoria Sconosciuto Yosemite National Park Molto buona Lun 30 Ott 2023
5.8 Walk On The Wild Side - con Trinity Robinson
1 5.8 300ft arrampicata in lead da Trinity Robinson
2 5.7 arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
3 5.5 arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
Trad mista 91m, 6 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Dom 5 Gen 2020
Lovely long slab. We started on the wrong route which made for a spicy traverse back on to the line, and somehow Trin skipped a bolt. Wild.

5.12c 5.12c/d Seizure - con Greg, Fann, Ronnie Trad mista 28m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Lun 6 Gen 2020
A colossal sand bag but brilliant rock and an improbable line. I put in a fairly worthy onsight effort but was stumped by some very reachy and very very hard moves a bit above half way. Only the one go.

5.10d The Decompensator of Lhasa - con Trinity Robinson Trad mista 25m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Dom 12 Gen 2020
A really excellent and interesting slab. I was certain I was going to fall off but then I didn’t.

5.12a Sow Sickle - con Fann, Ronnie Trad mista 30m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Sab 25 Gen 2020
Probably the hardest 12a I have ever tried, it definitely the hardest move I have ever done on a 12a. I rapped over it to equip it and then tried to flash it but came up short on the crux. Figured out the move on top rope afterwards.I think it might be easier if you’re tall but at least 5.14 Fann validated my struggle.

Afterwards I got to go back to camp and hear that Prith had sent Stingray which is one of the coolest things ever. So psyched!!

5.12a Sow Sickle - con Mary Grace Stocker, Greg Trad mista 30m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Lun 27 Gen 2020
Went straight up it for the warm up which was encouraging. Cold cold cold conditions help.

5.12a Sow Sickle - con Mary Grace Stocker, Greg Trad mista 30m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Lun 27 Gen 2020
Woohoo! Very psyched to get this done. A very very fun piece of rock climbing with an incredibly committing crux a decent way above your last bolt. This is followed by some very tenuous moves up a dihedral past a tiny cam (that i placed on lead) to some easier stuff all the way to the anchors. Really worthwhile!

5.10b Figures On a Landscape - con Mary Grace Stocker, Eric, Greg, Tim, Ezra
1 5.10b arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
2 5.9 arrampicata in lead da Mary Grace Stocker
Trad mista 110m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Mar 28 Gen 2020
One of the better pieces of rock i’ve climbed. Incredible, heady face climbing that is as outrageously good as it is sandbagged. I’ll remember this day out for quite a while.

5.11c Hot Rocks - con Luon, Jack, Zack, Dylan Trad mista 25m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Lun 30 Dic 2019
The coldest of the cold, even our portable heater couldn’t save us. Radical climbing!

5.9 5.9 R T.S. Special - con Zack Trad mista 30m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Mar 31 Dic 2019
Very very R. A fall from the incredibly sandbagged crux move pulling through the roof would be terrible, I was happy to be on second for it. Zack ended up building a belay due to rope drag and I did an unprotected second pitch of friction to the anchors. Tobin Sorensen was a mad man.

5.10b Pope’s Crack Direct - con Jack, Luon Trad mista 40m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mar 31 Dic 2019
Fun easy crack climbing to a rad but incredibly reachy move through the roof. Worthwhile.

5.10b Rollerball - con Jack, Luon Trad mista 18m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Gio 2 Gen 2020
The roof is the money for sure! A good climb.

5.10d Book of Changes Direct Start - con Jack, Luon, Trinity Robinson Trad mista 30m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Sab 4 Gen 2020
A brilliant piece of climbing with some mixed rock quality, and an outrageous sandbag. It’s supposed to be 10b after the initial slab moves but I definitely pulled an 11- sequence up high, miles above my last somewhat questionable piece. I was massively gripped! Very very memorable.

5.7 Mental Physics - con Greg, Jack, Davis Trad mista 55m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Mar 7 Gen 2020
One of the best things i’ve ever climbed at the grade. The only way to do it is as a giant single pitch! Awesome crack and face climbing up to an excellent slab and good rock the whole way (by J-Tree standards). Rad.

5.11c Hot Rocks - con Trinity Robinson Trad mista 25m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Sab 11 Gen 2020
A pleasant evening on this. Figured out the crux properly this time.

5.11c Hot Rocks Trad mista 25m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mar 14 Gen 2020
Doing a bit of a fitness morning and getting it fully dialled in. I think I did it twice clean placing the gear on rope solo, clearly the best style ascent.

5.11c Hot Rocks - con Fann, Ronnie Trad mista 25m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Ven 24 Gen 2020
Finally got someone to belay me and led the bloody thing. Totally sublime. I love this climb!

5.12c Baby Apes - con Prith, Brittany, Greg Trad mista 15m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Dom 26 Gen 2020
This is really fucking cool and really fucking hard. Some heinous crack bouldering after the eponymous baby apes move makes for quite the sandbag i think. Prith added a direct start which was cool.

5.10d Rubicon - con Trinity Robinson Trad 35m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mar 24 Dic 2019
Brilliant climbing up the finger crack flake. Softish by J-Tree standards, but truly sublime.

5.11+ Rubicon Direct #2 - con Trinity Robinson Trad 28m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mar 24 Dic 2019
Seconding to get my gear back off Rubicon. Fun slabbing.

5.10a Bird Of Fire - con Trinity Trad 17m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mar 24 Dic 2019
Very nice, technical crack climbing. Worthy.

5.10a Tax Man - con Trinity Trad 24m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mer 25 Dic 2019
First route of Christmas Day. A cracker!

5.10b Illusion Dweller - con Trinity Trad 30m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Mer 25 Dic 2019
One of the best trad routes at the grade I’ve ever done. Long and varied and sustained, what more could you ask for?

5.10b Fisticuffs - con Trinity Trad 12m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mer 25 Dic 2019
Desperate if you have small hands, only just squeaked the onsight. Overhanging fours suck.

5.7 5.7 PG13 Double Cross Trad 30m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mer 25 Dic 2019
Excellent for the grade, albeit straightforward.

5.10b Pinched Rib - con Trinity, Danny Trad 14m Joshua Tree National Park Buona Sab 28 Dic 2019
Cruisy warm up.

5.10b Pinched Rib Trad 14m Joshua Tree National Park Buona Sab 28 Dic 2019
In approach shoes.

5.11b Coarse and Buggy - con Zac, Zack, Dylan, Jack, Luon Trad 25m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mar 31 Dic 2019
Marvellous stemming corner but oh my was it chilly. I ended up taking my shoe off half way up to massage my foot back to life. Very surprised I managed to not fall off.

5.10a Sphincter Quits - con Jack, Luon Trad 21m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Gio 2 Gen 2020
Good, interesting crack and face climbing. Very windy. Soft for the grade.

5.3 The Eye - con Jack, Luon Trad 24m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Gio 2 Gen 2020
Brilliant for the grade, and such a lovely summit.

5.10c Clean and Jerk - con Jack, Trinity, Luon Trad 25m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Ven 3 Gen 2020
Awesome steep and varied crack climbing, probably quite hard for the grade.

5.9 North Overhang - con Jack, Luon, Trinity Trad 35m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Ven 3 Gen 2020
A wonderful way to spend an evening. We watched the sunset on top with a few beers. Sublime.

5.10b Caught Inside on a Big Set - con Jack, Luon, Trinity Robinson
1 arrampicata in lead da Trinity Robinson
2 arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
Trad 40m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Sab 4 Gen 2020
Awesome flared crack system. Lots of interesting jamming up a good line.

5.7 Toe Jam - con Jess Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Sab 4 Gen 2020
Seeing what all the hype is about. Toe Jam TV is better than Toe Jam the climb. At night.

5.11a Heart of Darkness - con Trinity Robinson Trad 10m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Dom 5 Gen 2020
Quite soft for the grade but very very fun nonetheless. If only it were longer.

5.8 The Flake - con Trinity Robinson Trad 43m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Dom 5 Gen 2020
A brilliant pitch for the grade. Very long and varied the whole way with interesting moves from the chimney all the way to the slab. A good one.

5.9 Dazed and Confused - con Greg, Jack, Davis Trad 55m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mar 7 Gen 2020
Worth doing if you’re out at Mental Physics. A fun, heady slab. Also done as one giant pitch.

5.9 High Strung - con Greg, Davis, Jack Trad 28m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mar 7 Gen 2020
Brilliant climb marred only by the block you can stem out to for a lot of it. I found the wide more exciting than I expected. Well worth it.

5.3 The Eye - con everyone Trad 24m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Mar 7 Gen 2020
For Nolan’s 21 pitches.

5.12c Equinox - con Cedar Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Gio 9 Gen 2020
This thing is completely all time! One of the absolute best pitches i’ve ever tried. On my second TR lap i managed to go from below the crux to the top, pumped out of my brains. Stellar climbing up a stellar line in a stellar location. (x2)

5.11c Wangerbanger - con Trinity Robinson, Everyone Trad 18m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Sab 11 Gen 2020
Accidentally fell off on the onsight when I forgot to try hard. Went fairly easily second go. Awesome rock!

5.10c O'Kelley's Crack - con Trinity Robinson, Everyone Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Sab 11 Gen 2020
The move to get off the deck on this was truly one of the hardest I pulled in Joshua Tree. Completely insane, especially if you are short. After this sure it’s 10+ ish to the top but it is undeniably a colossal sand bag at 10c for that first move.

5.11c Spider Line - con Cedar Trad 12m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mar 14 Gen 2020
Second go on top rope. Cedar was on it so i thought I might as well join in as I wasn’t doing anything. Very fun, bouldery, intense crack climbing. A sandbag.

5.12c Equinox - con Clay, Tom, Mary, Mason Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Mer 15 Gen 2020
Progression and regression. This thing is properly hard! And quite sharp!!! (x2)

5.12c Equinox - con Tom, Mary, Fann, Ronnie, Kat Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Ven 17 Gen 2020
Another two burns and the usual somethings feel much better, somethings feel much worse. Very frustrating. It was nice to watch Tom and Fann both float it though.

5.13d Stingray - con Fann, Danny Trad 27m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Dom 19 Gen 2020
Well it turns out this is very hard! Completely amazing steep finger crack climbing. I did all the moves bar two of the three main crux pulls (albeit probably with some rope assist. It’s probably solid 12+ with some very tricky moves to start you off. So stoked to have tried it and seen what all the fuss is about.

5.14a Dihedron - con Fann, Danny Trad 18m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Dom 19 Gen 2020
Well it turns out this is the most difficult. I don’t really understand. That being said I did a lot more moves than i expected to, but the ones I couldn’t do I couldn’t even conceive. Wild.

5.7 Almost Vertical - con Ezra, Eric Trad 17m Joshua Tree National Park Buona Mar 21 Gen 2020
I think this is the route we did but i’m definitely not sure. Quite fun

5.8 Sail Away - con Eric, Ezra Trad 26m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mar 21 Gen 2020
Brilliant easy finger and hand crack. Totally sublime.

5.13a Asteroid Crack - con Eric Trad 10m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mer 22 Gen 2020
Very psyched to have tried this. I did quite well up to the crux but i couldn’t figure it out as a complete sequence. Rad intricate climbing the whole way though with a sequence that starts at the ground and doesn’t end until you’re standing on top.

5.10b Pinched Rib - con Ezra Trad 14m Joshua Tree National Park Buona Mar 21 Gen 2020
Second Ezra’s stylish send. I shouldn’t have worn approach shoes though.

5.7 Double Cross - con Eric Trad 30m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Gio 23 Gen 2020
“We’re trying to do this in a day, do you mind if we pass you?” Double Cross in a day with Eric, many shit list points were gained!

5.7 Toe Jam - con Eric, everyone else Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Gio 23 Gen 2020
In big wall style... We clipped other people’s gear and hauled.

5.7 Toe Jam - con Eric, the canadians Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Gio 23 Gen 2020
Ropes tied around our waists, simul climbing, many points.

5.9 Damper - con Eric Trad 14m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Gio 23 Gen 2020
I went up and took a whip on my tooth brush, Eric whipped on a beer can. Then I seconded it. Fucking burly!

5.12c Equinox - con Fann, Ronnie Trad 20m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Ven 24 Gen 2020
Arghhh! Couldn’t pull it together. Not enough skin, not enough fitness, too much drive to climb other things. I shall return for you!

5.4 The Bong - con Mary Grace Stocker, Eric, Greg, Ezra, Zack Trad 18m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Lun 27 Gen 2020
Pretty rad for what it is. Glorious team solo.

5.10b Illusion Dweller - con Mary Grace Stocker Trad 30m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Mer 29 Gen 2020
Seconding Mary Grace on her super proud onsight. Such a glorious glorious rock climb.

5.12a Leave It To Beaver - con Mary Grace Stocker Trad 24m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Gio 30 Gen 2020
Why oh why did i leave it till my last day. So much fun. My onsight ended fairly quickly and then i did it with two hangs on TR. A truly brilliant rock climb and one I will no doubt come back for. Bring on Cold Trip 2020!! (x3)

5.4 The Bong - con Eric Trad 18m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Ven 31 Gen 2020
Final night shenanigans. This was an experience.

5.3 The Eye - con Eric Trad 24m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Ven 31 Gen 2020
50% grease 50% acid. And then I flew to London. So endeth my time in Joshua Tree.

5.7 R Snake Dike - con Liz Chong, Crystal, Gwen Trad 550m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Sab 29 Ott 2022
5.13a Freerider - con Jesse
1 5.10c Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
2 5.11b Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
3 5.10c Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
4 5.11 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
5 5.11a Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
6 5.9 Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
7 5.10b Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
8 5.7 Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
9 5.10d Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
10 5.11c Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
11 5.1 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
12 5.11d Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
13 5.7 Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
14 5.10c Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
15 5.10d Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
16 5.11d Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
17 5.10a Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse, Will Vidler
18 5.10a Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
19 5.11c Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
20 5.10 Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
21 5.11c Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
22 5.13a Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
23 5.11a Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
24 5.10d Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
25 5.11c Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
26 5.12b Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
27 5.12a Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
28 5.11c Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
29 5.11d Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
30 5.10d Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
31 5.10d Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Jesse
32 5.6 Trad arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
Trad 880m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Mar 24 Ott 2023
Ground up over seven days and then we camped on top and hiked down on the eighth day. We pre-hauled to Hollow Flake Ledge, took two rest days, and then went up the route. Some nice Germans fixed the lines off Heart to above the Hollow Flake for us so we didn’t climb those pitches on our pre-hauling day and preserved our ground up as much as we could. We also didn’t do the Free Blast before our ground up attempt which was cool and definitely added to the experience. I top roped the Monster because I got tired of whipping from the move into it all the way back into the Ear in the dark at 5am and then gave the reigns to Jesse who fired it and then I followed. I top roped the Enduros because we didn’t do them first go and I also took the stance at the no hands ledge on the move off heart. These are my asterisks, do with them what you will.

I will probably write something more when my brain and body decide to work again.

Best thing i’ve ever done!

5.13b El Corazón - con Sam Trad 1000m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Lun 13 Nov 2023
Just another route to add to the list of things that might make you a believer. I had the pleasure of jugging/climbing/shenaniganing behind Sam on his glorious 22 hour all free ascent of El Corazon (the El Coraziad).

Brittany, Victoria, and I jugged to Mammoth the night before to try and maximise our sleep then the next morning Adrian and Sam simuled to Mammoth and collected their pre-rigged belayers (Brittany and I (Victoria just came to hang out and talk shit bc she’s a legend)) and Sam and I started romping while Adrian and Brittany chilled on the ledge to give us some time to create a gap so Adrian could start his attempt without us being in the way. Pretty classic scenes on the big stone if you ask me.

Highlights included: - Listening to multiple Lorde albums in full - Jugging the Nietzsche chimney and being rewarded with a lie down on Babsi’s portaledge - Taking a whole bunch of fucked up pendulums cleaning Sam’s gear to save time (“should i lower out or just take the fall?” “nah you’ll be fine there’s nothing to hit just take the whip”) - Sam firing every pitch like an absolute machine with only one fall on the Beak Flake - Jugging with two back packs - Down aiding the end of the roof pitch because Sam forgot to back clean his gear and i couldn’t lower out and also did not want to take the 15mpendulum whipper into the Tower - Having a chorus of 10 or so people from different routes cheer Sam on as he sent the roof traverse as the sun finished setting - Arriving at the tower and being handed a cup of tea that had been made by Miska and her partner who sent Golden Gate - Honestly just the whole thing. Supporting your friends to achieve their dreams is the fucking coolest thing ever.

I won’t forget this day for a long while. Thanks Sam.

5.12b Alien - con Jesse Trad 240m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Ven 13 Ott 2023
Unbelievable route. I fell off the Alien Roof pitch which is one of the coolest cracks I’ve climbed after a decent onsight effort that got me on to the face after the roof. I also had to take and lower on the offwidth pitch because I left my #5 behind like an idiot and then got too scared to run out the whole top half of the pitch. Otherwise did everything else. What an awesome collection of steep splitters.

5.12c Romulan Warbird - con Jesse Trad Yosemite National Park Classica Mer 11 Ott 2023
First proper day in the Valley and we get sandbagged on to this by Adrian. First pitch was a rough warm up and I got pretty scared. I took an exciting fall on to an abysmal flared cam that some how held and that set the tone for the pitch. Pretty amazing though. The rest of the climbing was also hard and rad and scary. We bailed from the base of the crux as Adrian and Vic were back on the ground and we were ready to come down. Worthy.

5.8 The Nutcracker Suite - con Jesse Trad 180m Yosemite National Park Classica Mar 10 Ott 2023
Fun romp with Jesse to shake off the driving tiredness. Very very smoky in the Valley which meant there was no one on this. A very different experience compared to bailing off it last year due to thousand other people faffing all over it.

5.10c Generator Crack - con Brittany and the Broke Boys Trad 18m Yosemite National Park Classica Gio 12 Ott 2023
Well it’s certainly something.

5.10d Serenity Crack - con Gwen, Liz Chong Trad 110m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Ven 21 Ott 2022
Serenity Sons Link Up. First thing we did when we arrived in the Valley. Got mild heat stroke. Classic.

5.10a Sons of Yesterday - con Gwen, Liz Chong Trad 240m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Ven 21 Ott 2022
Serenity Sons Link Up.

5.9 Kor-Beck - con Gwen Trad 190m Yosemite National Park Molto buona Sab 22 Ott 2022
It rained and we got very wet.

5.10a Beverly's Tower - con Gwen, Crystal, Chris Trad 30m Yosemite National Park Molto buona Lun 24 Ott 2022
I think I did this one.

5.10c Meat Grinder - con Gwen, Crystal, Chris Trad 76m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Lun 24 Ott 2022
Maybe still the hardest I have ever tried. Nearly threw up. Did as one uber pitch.

5.10b Steck-Salathe - con Gwen Trad 460m Yosemite National Park Mega Classica Mar 25 Ott 2022
We backed off due to extreme cold and critical sadness. Stout! We climbed to just before the raps. Even bailing was an adventure.

5.11c Roller Coaster - con Jack, Luon Sportiva 21m, 9 Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Gio 2 Gen 2020
Classy sport climbing with a very tricky sequence at the start. These J-Tree climber sure know how to slab but aren’t so good on the steep jugs.

5.10d EBGB's - con Jack, Luon, Trinity Sportiva 16m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park Classica Ven 3 Gen 2020
This was a very alien experience for me. Friction slabbing is quite hard and scary it turns out. Unreal climb, unreal position, unreal mantle(?)

5.13b The Cutting Edge - con Fann, Ronnie, Greg Sportiva 15m, 4 Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Lun 6 Gen 2020
Well this is very hard. Managed all the moves up to the crux at the last bolt which is around V9 and very very reachy. Probably 12+ except for that sequence. Pretty rad.

5.12a Apartheid - con Prith, Greg, Brittany Sportiva 15m, 4 Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Dom 26 Gen 2020
Another catastrophic 12a sandbag, and with a very dangerous runout through the crux. Super funky moves though which require some good technique as much as some pull down. Worthy of being resurrected with a rebolt.

5.12b Satanic Mechanic - con Trinity, Danny, Zack, Fann, Ronnie, JT Sportiva 15m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Sab 28 Dic 2019
Three shots. Brilliant, powerful crimping.

5.9 Loose Lady - con Trinity Sportiva 30m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Dom 29 Dic 2019
More classic, run-out J-Tree slabbing. Gets 10a in the guide.

5.12b Satanic Mechanic - con Trinity, Fann, Ronnie Sportiva 15m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Dom 29 Dic 2019
Peer pressured into tying in and the slightly warmer weather saw me clipping the anchors quite comfortably. A great route!

5.8 Cryptic - con Fann, Greg, Ronnie Sportiva 12m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Lun 6 Gen 2020
Great climbing, probably a sandbag though.

5.6 SW Corner - con Fann, Ronnie, Greg Sportiva 12m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Lun 6 Gen 2020
Excellent, also probably a sandbag.

5.12d Father Figure - con Fann, Danny Sportiva 15m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Dom 12 Gen 2020
This was so so excellent. It’s just like a campus board. Probably a bit of a sand bag, especially if you’re short. My onsight ended at the crux but i did all the moves and had some really excellent linkage. I’ll be back one day for sure. Also the scene of us nearly getting beaten up due to other’s absurd machismo. Hilarious. (x3)

5.12b Bikini Whale - con Britney, Prith, Josh Sportiva 25m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Gio 16 Gen 2020
Seconding Britney. Marvellous route but it was oh so cold and I couldn’t muster the try hard for the very tricky crux down low. I did everything else with good linkage.

5.12a Mechanical Advantage - con Adrian, Jesse, Victoria Sportiva 21m Yosemite National Park Buona Lun 30 Ott 2023
5.10c Mecca Lite - con Adrian, Jesse, Victoria Sportiva Yosemite National Park Buona Lun 30 Ott 2023
V4 PG13 Jedi Mind Tricks - con Liz Chong, Gwen, The Dream Crew Boulder 8m Buttermilks Mega Classica Mar 15 Nov 2022
Soft second go after dropping the flash. Soooo aesthetic.

V2 False Hueco Traverse - con Trinity, Harry, Ariel Boulder 6m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mar 24 Dic 2019
Hard but good movement. Did it with a dab so I did it again.

V1 False Hueco Boulder 4m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mar 24 Dic 2019
Hardest V1 in the world.

V4 Little Chucky Boulder 4m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Mar 24 Dic 2019
Second go I think.

V0 Voices Arete Boulder 4m Joshua Tree National Park Buona Mar 24 Dic 2019
Nice easy jug.

V5 JBMFP - con Ronnie, JT, Trinity, Zack Boulder 5m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Sab 28 Dic 2019
A fair few goes in the snow, at night, and very drunk.

V6 Scatterbrain - con Fann, Ronnie, Trinity Boulder 4m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Dom 29 Dic 2019
Very very hard.

5.10 Left - con Trinity Boulder 6m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Dom 29 Dic 2019
A great slab.

5.11+ Turtle Classic - con Trinity Boulder 6m Joshua Tree National Park Molto buona Dom 29 Dic 2019
A very hard slab.

V5 JBMFP - con Trinity, Fann, Ronnie Boulder 5m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Dom 29 Dic 2019
To me, this is the perfect boulder problem. The top out was covered in snow, so after putting my heel up and rocking over, I didn’t quite complete the top out and jumped down. I’ll go back and do it properly at some point but i feel fairly comfortable claiming the send.

V4 Pig Pen (Bachar Cracker of the Desert) - con Jack, Luon Boulder 4m Joshua Tree National Park Mega Classica Gio 2 Gen 2020
Totally punted it. Spent way too long hanging upside down in the roof trying to figure it out and pumped myself to oblivion. Fell off the last move.

V8 Diary of a Dope Fiend - con Greg, Eric, Prith Boulder 8m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Mer 8 Gen 2020
Had a fair few goes at this. I could do everything in the roof and had excellent linkage there but the final move is truly a show stopper for me. Kind of like V6 into another V6.

V6 All Washed Up - con Nolan, Zack Boulder 6m Joshua Tree National Park Classica Ven 10 Gen 2020
Very sadly punted off the last move. An excellent boulder.


1 - 100 di 130 ascensioni.

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