
Vie come corda dall'alto in Carson Pass

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Tutti 46 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
The Spot The Pinnacle
5.2 Patina Face

The beautiful featured patina slab facing the parking spot. A lovely top rope, perfect for kids or beginners.

Top-ropeable off two new bolts (installed sometime between 2016 and 2020), or (better located) large gear (#4, #5 camalots). Either way, bring lots of slings to extend the TR point well over the edge - there's already lots of unavoidable drag from the chicken heads on the face.

Corda dall'alto 17m
5.10a Left

Up the left leaning slab / corner and vague scoop left of 'Patina Face'. Great climbing on unusual (for granite) incut face holds.

Corda dall'alto 17m
5.10c Left Again

Left again at some obvious starting holds at head height. Move left under the corner / scoop, then up the sustained thin black panel at half height (avoiding the temptation to move left or right to jugs), and then a variety of easier finishes.

Corda dall'alto 17m
5.10d Left Again Direct Start

One move wonder direct start, at incut hold above head height.

Corda dall'alto 17m
Prow Direct

There are a couple of manky old rivets and rivet-holes visible on this face, and a line to the right of them looks like it might be climbable (though the second bulge 15' up looks pretty blank...).

People boulder in this section.

Corda dall'alto 20m
5.11c Corner / Prow

Up the featured arete, moving left into the grey corner. Up this to a prominent cracked undercling / sidepull block, and either traverse hard right here, or continue up the corner for a few more feet, then traverse hard right on sharp crimps (both ways are about the same difficulty, and are the crux of the route). Easily up to ledge and final short steep crack.

This route is directly below the new double bolt anchor, but bring lots of slings (or better yet 30' of static rope) to get the TR point over the (sharp) top edge of the face.

Corda dall'alto 20m
White Corners

Up the cracks/flakes above the good looking white/orange rock.

People boulder in this section too.

Corda dall'alto 20m
Silver Lake Old Camp Bluff
5.10a Smooth As A Hotdog
Corda dall'alto
5.10c Tulip
Corda dall'alto
5.12a/b Northeast Tower Left
Corda dall'alto
5.12a/b Northeast Tower Right
Corda dall'alto
5.13+ A Foot In The Eye
Corda dall'alto
5.12c/d Humpty Dumpty's Delirium
Corda dall'alto
5.13a Third Degree Burn
Corda dall'alto
5.12b/c Project
Corda dall'alto
5.7 Camp Featurette
Corda dall'alto
5.9 Oranger Than A Marmot
Corda dall'alto
Carson Pass Crags Lower Southeast Wall
5.8 Worth It?

Thin crack and blocks at far left end of wall.

Corda dall'alto 5m
5.7 Jimmy Durante

Crack 3ft right of 'Worth It?'.

Corda dall'alto 5m
5.10a Stitch It Together

Left side of nice blank slab.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5.10c Polar Moment of Inertia

Centre of nice slab, with thin cracks.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5.10c Stop Using Crack!

Right side of slab, not using the crack to the right ('5b').

Corda dall'alto 6m
5.8 5b

Crack just right of 'Stop Using Crack!' that doesn't reach the ground.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5.9 Grote Jan

Short crack above ledge that peters out, right of '5b', then featured slab above.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5.10a Contrivance

Squeeze job slab between 'Grote Jan' and 'Get Off On the Beaten Track', staying out of both.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5.8 Get Off On the Beaten Track

Big bottom-to-top crack system.

Corda dall'alto 8m
5.10b A Final Spanking

Thinner crack 1ft right of 'Get Off On the Beaten Track', with a blank face finish.

Corda dall'alto 8m
5.10d Squoze It In

Slab 1ft right of 'A Final Spanking', staying out of the cracks on either side.

Corda dall'alto 8m
5.10c Didn't Like the Other Start

Thin crack leading to easy left facing corner.

Corda dall'alto 6m
5.11a Limitless Bananas in Monkey Heaven

The obvious dihedral crack/flake, finishing up the arete.

Corda dall'alto 11m
5.10c One Hard Algorithm

Blank slab 1ft right of the crack, staying out of the seams further right again.

Corda dall'alto 9m
5.10b A Wide Spectrum of Options

Seams and slab.

Corda dall'alto 9m
5.9 A Question of Value and Meaning

The crack and seams leading to the ledge below the top.

Corda dall'alto 9m
5.8 Does the Journey Matter?

The bulgy right arete of the wall. Note that the single bolt + chain link directly above this route is a directional, and must be backed up with some of the other bolts further up. Furthermore, this directional bolt and the two bolts above it have a cold shut + maillon contraption attached to each hanger that is pretty dodgy. Best to ignore this weird ironmongery and clip into the fixed hanger directly.

Corda dall'alto 8m
Carson Pass Crags Tall Wall

The east facing wall above the descent gully has a striking white dike cutting through it. There's a project (or perhaps two) on this wall.

Note: the bolts on top of this wall can't be accessed safely, so there's a bolt further back under a bush that can be used to drop a line to safely access them.

Corda dall'alto 12m
5.11 The Demon Keeps Me Coming

Various starts to gain the obvious flakes just left of arete. Up. Steeper than it appears.

Corda dall'alto 12m
Devilish, Too

Start at the blunt rounded arete, then up just barely right of 'The Demon Keeps Me Coming'.

Corda dall'alto 12m
More Project(s)

Various lines up the steep tiger-striped bulge high on the face - none of which have been done yet.

Corda dall'alto 15m
5.10a Lanky Leg Crossing

From the top of the large flat boulder, step over "the dungeon" to the left arete, then head right around the bulge and up the wall.

Corda dall'alto 15m
5.11a Ravages of Bewilderment

From the top of the flat boulder, lean over to the crack then do a fun boulder problem to gain the ledge. Up the easier, but great, wall above.

The direct crack start down in "the dungeon" is supposedly mid-5.12, but it's only a couple of additional moves and you are guaranteed to slam into the side of the flat boulder if you fall off down in there.

Corda dall'alto 15m
5.11b A Transitional Conundrum

The left side of the obvious triangular flake, with thin sharp holds, then up the great wall above.

Corda dall'alto 15m
5.10c White Slab Fever

Up the middle and right side of the triangular slab, to join 'A Transitional Conundrum'.

Corda dall'alto 15m
Limited Independence

The major corner.

Corda dall'alto 15m
5.8 Bulge-ish

Start on the right side of the bulgy arete right of 'Limited Independence', finishing left of the arete on blocks.

Corda dall'alto 15m
Woodfords Canyon The Fortress Top Rope Wall
5.9 5.9 Tr
Corda dall'alto 18m
5.11+ 5.11 Tr
Corda dall'alto 21m

Tutti 46 vie visualizzati.

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