
Vie in Georgia del grado selezionato

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Tutti 79 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
5.12 Flaming Fingers Sconosciuto 8m Allenbrook
Top rope
V5 PG13 Get Your Rocks Off Corda dall'alto 6m Juliette Boulders
5.8 V4/5 PG13 Catfish Crack Corda dall'alto 9m Buford Dam Boulders
5.12 Battle of the Bulge Sportiva 21m Currahee
5.12b Ebola Sportiva 11m Currahee
5.12b New Standards Sportiva 11m Mount Yonah
V5 Anti-venom Boulder Atlanta
V4/5 Tough Love Boulder 5m Rocktown
V5 Tieback Boulder Rocktown
V5 Venom Boulder Atlanta
V5/6 Tough Love Right Boulder 3m Rocktown
V5 Yellow Wall Traverse Boulder Atlanta
V5 PG13 Little Bad Boulder Boulder 3m Rocktown
V5 PG13 Goin to California Boulder 5m Atlanta
V5 Brown Eye Left Boulder Rocktown
V5 Leather Arête Boulder Atlanta
V5 Elim-Arête Boulder 5m Rocktown
V5 X Marietta Monster Boulder 5m Atlanta
V5 New Sheriff in Town Boulder Rocktown
V5 Hooking Hotcakes Boulder 6m Atlanta
V5 Standard's Variation Boulder 3m Rocktown
V5 Contrail Boulder 5m Rocktown
V5 PG13 Slide Show Boulder 6m Juliette Boulders
V5 Cam Ron Boulder Rocktown
V5/6 End of The Line Boulder 2m Juliette Boulders
V5 Police Brutality Boulder Rocktown
V5 The Slap-n-Slide Boulder 3m Juliette Boulders
V5 Golden Throttle Boulder 11m Rocktown
V5 Belly Flop Boulder 3m Juliette Boulders
V5 Aunt Fanny's Amazing Asscrack Boulder Rocktown
V5 Wave Runner Boulder 3m Juliette Boulders
V5 Dookie Traverse Boulder 8m Rocktown
V5 The Spoon Boulder 3m Shaking Rock
V5 Majora Boulder 6m Rocktown
V5 Trash Boulder Shaking Rock
V5 Spice Boulder Rocktown
V5 Vitruvian Man Boulder Shaking Rock
V5 Salt Boulder Rocktown
V5 Snake Eyes Sit Boulder Shaking Rock
V5 Slapper Boulder Rocktown
V4/5 Best in the Granite Belt Boulder Atlanta
V5/6 Rescue 911 Boulder 5m Rocktown
V5 R Reckless Boulder 9m Atlanta
V5 The Hobbit Boulder Rocktown
V5 Hearth Breaker Boulder Atlanta
V5 Creeping Death Boulder 5m Atlanta
V5 Full Circle Boulder Rocktown
V5 Paint can Boulder Atlanta
V5 The Confederate Boulder 5m Dug Mountain Dalton, GA
V5 Croc Bloc Boulder 6m Rocktown
V5 Motor Slab Boulder Atlanta
V5/6 R Kittens in space Boulder 3m Dug Mountain Dalton, GA
V5 PG13 Jaber Jaw Boulder 8m Rocktown
V5 Breaking and Entering Boulder Rocktown
V5/6 PG13 Land Down Unda Boulder 6m Dug Mountain Dalton, GA
V5 Keeper of the Boat - SD


Boulder Atlanta
V5 Double Trouble Boulder 3m Rocktown
V5 R Athletes foot Boulder 8m Atlanta
V5 Asphalt (Pythagorean Theorm) Boulder Rocktown
V5 Aunt Fanny's Amazing Ass Crack

"Hideous" inverted offwidth around the corner from Burst of Joy. Sit start with a handjam and contort your way to the top. A masochistic but rewarding experience. DO NOT attempt this climb in shorts!

Boulder Rocktown
V5 The Surgeon Boulder 6m Atlanta
V5 Dookie Traverse

Start on the right side of the roof, traverse.

Boulder Rocktown
V5 Heartbreaker Arête Boulder Atlanta
V5 The general

Start of the pinch and the right sloper.

Boulder Rocktown
V5 Fernando's Beach Slab Boulder Atlanta
V4/5 Crawl Daddy Boulder 5m, 2 Mount Yonah
V5 Theif in the park Boulder Rocktown
V5 Lost Boys Throw Boulder Atlanta
V4/5 Robyn's Traverse Boulder Atlanta
V5 Majora Boulder Rocktown
V5 Cormany's Arête Slab Boulder 3m Atlanta
V5 Ace Boulder 3m Rocktown
V5 Holy roller Boulder Rocktown
V5 Stannard's Dihedral Slab Boulder 3m Atlanta
V5 Golden Shower Boulder 5m Rocktown
V5 Rail slide Boulder Rocktown
V5 Xenon Slab Boulder Atlanta
V5 Pinch Loaf Boulder Rocktown
V5 Stripper pole Boulder Rocktown

Tutti 79 vie visualizzati.

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