
Vie come boulder in Dog Pile

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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
5.8 Hand Crack

Fairly far to the left of the left boulder in the cluster, there is an obvious crack splitting the boulder.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.11d Shockley's Lunge

Friction up to brown plate-like patina, then a couple lunges to finish.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.12a Epperson's Lunge

Right of the plates.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.10d Traverse

On the left boulder, start on the south face, near the rounded arête. Step up left onto the sloping ledge feature and traverse up and leftwards, finished at the end of the Hand Crack.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.9 Left-Side Face

Climb up the left side of the face that is at right-angles to the main face of the boulder.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.9 Center-Face

Climb up the center of the face.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.8 Right-Side Face

Climb up the right side of the face.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.7 Short Face

Short face to the right of the main one.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.7 Zig-zag crack

On the east side of the boulder is a crack that angles up rightwards, then double-s back to the left. Crux is at the direction-change.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field
5.5 Seam

On the back side of the pile is a thin seam rising diagonally up and right. Friction up with seam for hands.

Boulder Santee Boulder Field

Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

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