
Routes in Trackside Boulders

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 110 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Unknown year
V5 Boogers Direct

Start as for Boogers but instead of moving right muscle up through runnel gastoning slopes either side.

Boulder Camels Hump
V4 I Do Not Have a Problem

Denial is everything. A warm up for the real thing. Start as for DA but pop to the intermediate jug (big high square cut) on Sucker Punch and up.

Boulder Camels Hump
Secret Horizons

This ones a cracker. As per Ode low sit to gain RH layaway then tricky move or two right along lip of hung slab then up... easier, but not easy.

BoulderProject 3m Camels Hump
V3 Scar Face

Sit start as for Sucker Punch (or alternately on edges left end of face) then traverse right to gain LH crimp and higher RH side pull below mini jug. Up to jug then slopey top out.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V3 Black Storm

SDS as for Black Star Oblivion joining and finishing up Firestorm. Best parts of both problems.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
VB North-Western Arete

Stand start with good holds, climb the wide arete.

Boulder 6m Camels Hump
V3 Glenfiddich

SDS Short steep face starting with a pinch with pocket thumb catch for the right and low sidepull for the left. Long pull to the sidepull up left midway along the diagonal seam then onto jugs. Holds on and near the arete are off route.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V0 First Step

SDS Pocket for the left and crimps for the right. Pop up then lip traverse up right

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V6 Entrance Exam

The Entry to gain the arete then left via the early crux of speedball to gain Toot and up as for that.

Boulder Camels Hump

The original way it was done

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 Short Dudes Can Jump Too

But how far? A warm up to be sure. Start as for DA and up by whatever means fair or foul.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V4 Jungle Pressure

Surprisingly tricky mantle low ball. Sit start on slopey jug rail and mantle/press/ooze castle hill style via razors and left facing flakes.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V4 Boogers

Sit start matched on jug. Move right, then up laying off sloping rails and crimps. Start jug is now quite loose (1/02/19)

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V7 Air Time

Eliminate. SDS on left end of the face. Traverse right on crimps while staying below the top (eliminating the top lip). Instead of RH side pull use low RH crimp and LH gaston to dyno directly to slope edge finish (eliminating intermediate holds in between the dyno and top). Surprisingly tricky.

Can also be done with the top lip at a similar (if not easier grade) but is not the way it was first ascended.

BoulderProject 3m Camels Hump
V2 Coke nose

Stand start matched on right most high recessed juggy incut.

Hug your way around the nose using the grooves over the top, topping out when your feet reach the recessed inverted dish.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V3 Black Star Oblivion

SDS on opposing sidepulls

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
VB Western face

Stand start with good edges, climb the face.

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V1 Talisker

SDS Right side of the arete

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V3 The Thin Red Line

As it says on the label. Thin holds lead to good edges as the wall steepens. SDS from low right facing edges

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 Slip n' Slide

Sit start, make a big move to the left horn. Watch out, as the horn was loose. May break off. Make your way upwards towards the right and top out. Quite a slippery climb. Someone please suggest grade as I am unsure of grading outdoors.

FA: Jarrod

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V4 Jug To Naught

Direct eliminate straight up from the slot. SDS on the good edges just below the slot. Pull on and pop to the juggy slot. From this go straight up to the sloping LH gaston, rock on and up to the RH sidepull crimp up and slightly right of the gaston then pull off this to the break. Up easily.

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V0- Naraka

SDS on the left side of the short concave face into the scoop.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V0 Snot

Sit start up over bulge using many jugs

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V6 The Tragic Demise of Jumpman

A variant to Airtime. A bigger jump to a better hold. Sit start right of Scar face using the same holds as Airtime (LH gaston, RH low crimp). Instead of dynoing to sloping lip, go big to the jug to the right (not the one below the top). Mantle finish.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V4 Reasons to get a nose job

Eliminate. Sit down start at Sucker Punch and traverse right to the start hands of Dynoholics Anonymous without using the line of incut jugs near the top. Move up into the start jug of Coke Nose and finish as per that climb.

FA: Tim S

Boulder Camels Hump
V3 McFly

SDS Straight up from the jug via sidepulls, gaston and left edge of the runnel. Rebrushed after 20 years when first developed.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
VB So-called crack

Stand start below the so-called crack-like thingy.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V5 King John Direct

SDS Direct start to Big John avoiding the large starting holds of Tempest. Instead use a gaston edge for the left hand and thin sidepull with thumb catch for the right. The move is about 12 inches but still tougher and more technical than the other 4s down here. V5.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V0+ Turning Point

SDS. Up veering slightly left.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V7 The Contrived Adventures of Sally the Tree Hugger

Eliminates the arete of STS for hands, feet and hooks and also the big juggy blob at the top of the lower face (mostly so it doesn’t fall off and kill you). Sit start as for sally (or lower if you can do it without Arete). Hard first move to obvious sloper just inside the arete about a metre above the RH start hold then left to juggy horn. Move up past tree without using it (the tree, not the horn 🤦) to gain good holds on mossy upper arete and face to top out. Best not to fall off above tree. Actually climbs pretty well for contrived nonsense.

Boulder Camels Hump
V2 Slip Right

Sit start same as SNS. Move right and up and top out at the same point.

FA: Will

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V2 Pericles

Not the Bards best work... SDS just to the right of BDSM starting on a sidepull with the right and BDSM starting crimp for the left. Up to the sidepull scoop for the left and straight up to the shelf above with the right.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V0 Cyber Soul

SDS middle of the concave face to jugs

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V1 Loogie

Sit start, traverse left under overhang on good holds, then up.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V3 Wills Warm up Dyno

Stand start with opposing gaston jugs in North Runnel. Establish feet and dyno to big jug up on NE arete. Finish easily up, down, wherever. If start with LH on the RH jug makes a nice V1 warm up.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V1 Macallan

Sit down start with left hand on arete and right hand on the pinch in the middle of the overhanging face. Go straight up, and then make a big move right at the crack to the jugs of Glenfiddich and up as per that climb. Use of hands on the arete above the crack is out/drops a grade. A direct version from the start straight to the jugs adds a grade.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
VB Northern Runnel

Stand start and climb the short face into the runnel.

Boulder 7m Camels Hump
V1 Windara

Rising traverse. SDS from crimps finishing across right.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V0 Juggernaught Traverse

Traverse the entire boulder. Start left of SnS where the tree is. Traverse right and top out when you reach the edge of the boulder.

Boulder 14m Camels Hump
V0- Tantalus

SDS good edge to start. Sidepulls above to jugs.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V0+ Precious

SDS right side of the concave face with crimps above to hidden incut in the slab above.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V4 Nose Goblin

Sit start as per Boogers. Up and left via crimps or direct via sloper/right hand side pull (easier). Good problem. Start hold is now quite loose (1/02/19)

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V7 North West Front

Diabolical and largely worthless lowball eliminate climbing NW arete from very lowest possible start (LH finger slope, RH lowest layaway) Slopers, slimps and layaways trending slightly right to gain the obvious square cut finger jug edges at ~10feet. All pockets eliminated. May get easier as the holds clean up.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V5 Scotch Tufa

Pointless eliminate. Sit start on tree with pinches and edges on rib of arete only (as per toddler marked topo!)

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 Pocket to pocket

Start as for NF but stay below overlap and continue right to join NR at LH start jug and finish as for this.

Boulder 7m Camels Hump
VB Tour du Tower

Stand start at near the decent tree, and traverse the entire boulder. About the same grade regardless of height above the ground.

Boulder 15m Camels Hump
V1 Relapse

SDS left hand pinch, right hand very low undercling. Up the right side of the arete.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V1 Thirty Day Chip

SDS at Turning Point, traversing right to left across the full face and exiting above the start of First Step

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V1 Poppin' n lockin'

Sit down start at the two good jugs just below (and right) of the huge slot jug. Up using any holds except for the big foot shelf to the left.

Can be started from the thin edges on the 45° rock for a harder grade.

FA: Will

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V3 Sisyphus

Nice problem. SDS Middle of the bulging downhill face via the large sidepull to gastons. Into the sloping scoop then top.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 Vision

SDS as for Precious veering rightish via sidepulls and eliminating the hidden incut on that problem.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V11 Twelfth Night SDS

SDS low in the cave. Crimp and compress your way up and left on the impressive nose, to better holds over the bulge.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 Twelfth Night

Start with hands matched on obvious pinchy jug above the low layaway (on the nose, not the undercling/layaway 1.5m further left). Campusing out the jugs to exit is about V3/4. Quite fun alternative for when you've conceded defeat on the heinously steep start.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V4 Pivot Sit

Sit start to PTYP using very low LH side pull about 18inches off the deck. Adds a grade.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V4 8 Ball

Far left end of Roach boulder, SDS with good low hold for left, pinch undercling with pocket for right - slap up

FA: tripleC

Boulder Camels Hump
V3 All's Well That Ends Well

Probably about V3. Sit start on STS would get it to 4.

Stand start on the double pockets at the end of the boulder near Sally the Slapper. Traverse right and finish up the Twelfth Night. Crux is the move from about King John into the jugs of the Twelfth Night.

Boulder Camels Hump
V3 Juggernaut Overhang

Sit start in the same position but move towards the right. Start lower on the thin edge for a harder grade.

FA: Will

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V2 Minos

SDS just to the right of Sisyphus traversing left across the bulging face to finish up Tantalus

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V4 Firestorm

SDS Up veering slightly left

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V1 Tempest

SDS. side pulls to jugs

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 Cleopatra

SDS sidepulls to start with shelf feet. Gaston, sidepull top.

Hollow positive hold at the start has been pulled off so problem has been upgraded after feedback.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 One Flew Over the Wombats Nest

Sit start on obvious low jug layaway immediately in front of wombat hole and roll up to layaways and mossy face above. Perhaps avoid at dusk.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V4 Toot

SDS just right of 8 Ball, directly below shallow V groove, left hand on low sidepull, right on high crimp - up

FA: tripleC

Boulder Camels Hump
V0 Antony

SDS the face on the southern side of the boulder (3m left of Sally the slapper). Low jug, side pull up L to a thin slot and top.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V7 Much Ado Sit

Hard sit start using undercling crimps and RH layaway. An eliminate without good layaway should be possible but pretty grunty. Differing opinions of which is easier, this or the measure sit.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V0- Charlie

SDS Left side of the arete

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V4 Juggernaut Eliminate

Sit start and head straight up without using the big holds on either side of the route (hands or feet). Hard to keep pure! Reminiscent of the slab V4 at Andersons except dirty with mosquitos!

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V0 Hypnos

SDS right side of the downhill face to jugs

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V0 Sidetracked

Pleasant juggy right to left traverse starting where the boulder touches the track. Been done as a SDS, but better as a standing start. Top out at the left end of the face.

Boulder 7m Camels Hump

Around the right side of the boulder facing uphill.

Easy stand start. SDS goes at about V3.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V1 Cymbeline

SDS Traverse left from Tempest to the arete and up.

If instead of finishing up, you finish down into the starting holds of sally the slapper, and controlledly end in a sit down finish it makes for a fun V3 or so.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V6 An Ode to Wombats

Obvious bulged prow/arete right end of boulder. Sit start on obvious low flake (gentle... it needs to be pinned). Tricksy feet to gain slopes then cool paste on edges and compression straight up the prow. A cooler harder variant will lip traverse right to gain the brilliant but easy hanging slab.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V5 Speedfreak

The half traverse...SDS in middle of wall. RH on vertical sidepull, LH on good crimp jug. Up to slot, match and across left into and up 8 Ball...very cool

Boulder Camels Hump
V2 Much Ado About Nothing

Standing start with hands on the lip. Originally graded V1 but a few crankers have failed to get up it in recent weeks! Could be that it’s hard to find a stylish way, could be that they are closet weaklings that finesse up much harder graded spirt routes or it could be it was a sandbag. Tough for V1 now tough for V2!

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V7 The Measure Sit

Great! Technical more than hard. But not easy! RH slopers, LH Gaston edge. Tension climbing to gain slope lip of the stand.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V0- Molly

SDS hollow undercling and face just right of the arete.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V4 Low right

Left hand in edge, right on low slope jug way down right in seam. Climb up to gain right Arete. Pretty average.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V4 Mind Germ

The bush closes in after dark. Powerful start off opposing razor blade Gaston’s left of S. Hard to gain lip independent of the big holds either side. Up tenuous scoop as for S. V4 or 5.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V0+ On Track

SDS Diagonally up left

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V1 Sucker Punch

SDS on crimps up to a one-move-wonder to the high edge.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V4 Measure For Measure

Stand start with hands on the lip. Keep slapping up on cool slopers. SDS adds difficulty and style.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V0 Polyfilla

SDS left of the tree. Okay first few moves. Undecided if deserving a proper cleaning or best left to return to its natural state and forgotten...

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V6/7 Speedball (The Full Deal)

Open for business... The full traverse from right to left. SDS on Molly's big undercling, dropping down through start holds of Speedfreak, eliminating crimps on Toot, and finishing up 8 Ball.

Boulder Camels Hump
V6 Gone Fishing

Sit start out of the wombat hole on sharp edges (left one well left under fallen tree... if you start on the 2 close edges take a grade off). Hard moves up and slightly right via sharp crimps to exit left of nose goblin (you never make it as far right as the slope). The left hand lip of the boulder is also out.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump

Around right from the front face is a very short, over hung face capped by an uncleared hanging slab. Deceptive sit start on pinchy lay aways to gain slopes on lip (big jug up right is out) then get your mantle on. A Castle Hill (god’s own) mantle it is not!

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V0 Jug-a-naut

Sit start at start of JT (by tree) and up easily on jugs.

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V8 Counter Revolutionary

Much ado Sit, reverse the Yumegiwa traverse and finish up Measure for Measure. Full value. PS... slopes and jugs around corner to right are out... should you feel inclined.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V0 Backtracked

Left to right traverse of the face. Again like Sidetracked has been done from a SDS but better started standing. Finish on the slabby trackside face.

Boulder 7m Camels Hump
VB Eastern Face

Beautiful, easy face.

Boulder 7m Camels Hump
V2 King John

SDS. Move right and up from the starting holds of Tempest

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V1 The Dish

SDS off the crimp rail in the dish. Balancy moves lead straight up above the top of the depression.

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V3 The Entry

Sit start on the crimps of roach and low left gaston (more like V5 if both hands on Roach’s crimps) and head left via gaston and pinch (without using the rail on roach) to gain Jugs on arete and up.

Boulder Camels Hump
V6 Nose Goblin Direct

Low sit start 1.5m left of NG jugs at poor left hand slimp and obvious flat cut edge for right (if starting with the incut crimp on right hand give yourself solid V4). Hard moves via sharp crimps to gain the LHV of NG. Jugs on standard start out for feet also.

Boulder Camels Hump
V6 Dynoholics Anonymous

Low sit start at right end of face on LH crimp layaway and RH crimp. Once your ass is off jack long to a slopey divot on the right up over the top. Might be easier if you have span. Might not.

Boulder 2m Camels Hump
V6 Tactical Assymetry

PTYP sit first moves to edges then traverse hard right at same level (not up to large lay away or jugs in the scoop of PTYP) via some tech thin moves to gain blunt arete. Up via slopey edges to gain right end of scoop and up. Someone’s done some brushing here recently... who knows if climbed. Can be climbed from a low stand on the blunt arete at about V4 and will have a very hard direct sit start.

Boulder 4m Camels Hump
V0 Spakfilla

No less worthwhile than most of the others. Sit start at obvious line of jugs between the V2s and PAL.

Boulder 5m Camels Hump
V2 Northern Runnel SDS (Humping the Camel)

SDS on two crimpy gastons, slap up to sloper, pinch and pocket, then continue up the arete.

Boulder 3m Camels Hump
V2 Fast Track

SDS left end. Low traverse of the face keeping below the line marked for Sidetracked. Grade is variable depending on which holds are eliminated.

Boulder 7m Camels Hump
V1 Northern Face

SDS with pockets, head up with some big moves between great holds.

Boulder 7m Camels Hump
V0 Dalwhinnie

SDS Overhung juggy left arete

Boulder 3m Camels Hump

Showing 1 - 100 out of 110 routes.

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