
Nodes in Rubix Cube - Bouldering

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Rubix Cube - Bouldering

Rubix Cube Bouldering is a small bouldering area located atop the Rubix Cube climbing area.

VB 1st VE

Sit Start just left of corner, pull up and top out straight via mantle

VB 2nd VB

Sit Start in corner and climb up using corner and slopers on right

V1 1st V1

Sit start using sidepull on the left and shallow crack on the right, do a move or two gaining a higher hold on the left and top out via slopey mantle. Try to stay on the right as much as possible.

V0 V0

Sit start on juggy shelf, mantle and mantle to top

VB 3rd VB

Sit start at the side pull/crack, mantle onto ledge on the left and top out as for #4

V2 Goodbye Fingerprint

Sit start and climb the slightly left trending diagonal cracks with slightly dicey top mantle

V3 Vein Fracture

Sit start as for Goodbye Fingerprint, climb the right trending diagonal cracks with underclings, crimps and pockets to topout over highest point above crack on the right.

V3 Blade

Stand start with blade-like feature and crack, move up the crack to same topout as Vein Fracture. Don't use feet on the right.

V1 2nd V1

Sit start on flakey feature and move up to top-out straight above

V2 Spotter for Sale

Sit start in the crack and move up to dicey mantle, better bring a spotter.

V1 1-800-Rent-A-Spotter

Sit start in the crack and climb straight up to top either via stepping onto the right or staying on the left. Injury potential about 9 out of 10 in case of an uncontrolled fall, tied in spotters or simply good skills would be advisable

Showing all 12 nodes.

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