
Routes in Australian Capital Territory for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 650 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
23 Slant Flying

The wall on a boulder 10 metres uphill from 'The Demon Explores the Sea'. Up past two bolts, exiting using the crack on the left and up the slab to belay.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Craig Kentwell, 1987

Mixed trad 20m, 2 Orroral area
23 Anything So Nothing

Contrived in places and somewhat overtaken by 'Nothing Left', nevertheless a great climb wandering around the water streaks to the left of the 'Prow'. Start 6 metres left of Rubbishman below an easy, scoopy slab.

  1. 30m (20) - Up the slab for eight metres to a thin rightwards diagonal, step left and then straight up to the 'Rubbishman' diagonal. Step back right, then up the steep slab past a bolt (clip with wire) to the large ledge. DBB on the right as for 'Place Without a Postcard'.

  2. 30m (23) - Back left and up seven metres to a short diagonal for runners (as for 'Rubbishman'). Step left and up the slab to a bolt, then desperately up and right through a bulge to a ledge. Climb over a second bulge, then move right to DBB on the 'Prow'.

  3. 30m (22) - Scary. Move back left along the ledge, then up to a bolt at five metres. Straight up the water streak to a jug (level with the tree on the right), then more easily to DBB on a large flat ledge.

  4. 20m (18) - Move left along the ledge, then up the slab to the overlap. Pull through this into a short groove, then easily up the mossy rock to a spacious ledge and DBB. Finish as you will.

FA: Geoff Hughes (#1 & 2), 1982

Mixed trad 110m, 4, 1 Orroral area
23 Pigs on the Wing

Step off a boulder just left of 'Hog Wall' proper and clip the first bolt, then up the face and crack past another bolt. Trad belay.

FA: David Jenkins, Neil Montgomery & Mike Law-Smith, 1988

Mixed trad 10m, 2 Orroral area
23 Nothing Left

A bolted direct version of 'Anything So Nothing', following the water streak all the way. A few wingers already! Take wires and small camming devices (up to 2.5).

  1. 47m (23) - Start as for 'Anything So Nothing'. Up the slab for a few metres to a diagonal crack, over this and follow the 'Rubbishman' diagonal for a few moves. Climb straight up the streak on the wall up to a bolt, right and up past a second, then diagonally up left to a #1 Friend in break (long sling), back right and continue up streak past three bolts to the bulge, straight over this (bolt) to a stance and double bolt belay.

  2. 50m (22) Straight up the water streak past five bolts to a flat ledge and rap anchor at 30 metres. Belay here if you want to finish up 'Take It All'. Otherwise trend slightly left up slab (as for the fourth pitch of 'Anything So Nothing' to overlap (#2 friend). Over the overlap at a broken flake and up dirty rock to a large ledge and double bolt belay - a rope stretching 50 metres, if in doubt belay at the ledge.

  3. 38m (21) - Off block left of belay and up short cracks into left diagonal. Up wall past bolt and fixed wire to jug and #1 Friend in diagonal overlap. Over this (#2 Friend) and up easing wall and slab to bolt where slab steepens. Left past this to top of pillar and over blocks and ledges to triple bolt belay at back of large ledge.

FA: Matt Madin, Dave McGregor (alt; 1 & 2), 1996

Mixed trad 140m, 3, 6 Orroral area
23 Ronin

The gently overhanging off-width on the down hill side of the split boulder.

FA: B Aikman, 2018

Trad 15m Pierce's Creek
23 Chanel 19

Another extreme and superb climb. Start at the incipient crack on the steep wall approximately 10 metres left of 'Rubbishman'. Up the crack to a tiny ledge, then slightly right through a slippery bowl (look closely for RP slots). Continue up the wall as for 'Rubbishman', mantle, reachy bolt, then move left around the arete. Trend leftwards up the RP protected slab to double bolt belay as for 'Closer In' P1. Three sets of RPs isn’t overkill.

FA: Roark Muhlen & Rob Topfer, 1982

Mixed trad 50m, 1 Orroral area
23 K-Mart Special

Cheap, nasty and totally worthless. The seam and crack on the steep side of the passage into the atrium, opposite 'California Dreaming'. Protect with cams in the horizontal break.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1987

Trad 6m Orroral area
23 Take It All

Pity it isn't longer. Stolen from Mike Peck. Belay at the comfy ledge and double bolts at the end of 'Extreme Youth' P3a. The climbing starts five metres right of the last pitch of 'Extreme Youth'. Up the crack for two metres, then left and up past about five bolts. Step right around the arete and desperately up the slab past two more bolts.

FA: Ken Luck (second anonymous & alias Matt Montgomery), 1982

Mixed trad 60m, 10 Orroral area
23 Dogwood

The off-width right of Ape. See p 196 of ACT Granite.

FA: B. Aikman, 5 Nov 2022

Trad 20m Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Freebird

Impressive. The fine diagonal crackline on the steep concave face, originally climbed mostly with aid. The free version uses the corner on the right.

Start: on the northernmost substantial boulder of the group, facing 'Legoland'.

FA: John Wood & John Carlson, 1983

FFA: Mike Law-Smith, John Smart & Dave Sargent, 1984

Trad 15m Orroral area
23 Space Wasted

A very good route, although some of the climb (the second and part of the third pitches) is borrowed from existing routes and there was some dispute as to the style of the first ascent. The orange corner above the slabs (the fourth pitch) is in a superb position. Start seven metres left of 'Closer In' and just left of 'Megajules'.

  1. 20m (23) - Boulder up to a bolt, trend right to some jugs, and follow them left to a second bolt. Move directly over a small bulge to a ledge.

  2. 35 metres (16) Straight up easier slabs and overlaps to belay at a large scoopy ledge (shared with 'Jubilate' and 'Crimble Cromble').

  3. 50m (20) Superb slab climbing. Venture onto the huge upper slab as for third pitch of 'Crimble Cromble', but where that climb exits right, continue up pitch two of 'Closer In'. Belay on the right beneath the overhanging orange corner (originally done without the bolts on 'Closer In'!)

  4. 15m (22) - up the orange corner with a difficult exit on the left.

  5. 35m (19) - Up the corner, then right to easy ground (shared with 'Closer In').

FFA: Joe Lynch & Peter Darby (alt.), 1984

FA: Richard Watts & Dave Sargent, 1984

Mixed trad 160m, 5, 2 Orroral area
23 Scaramouche

A superb but voracious hand crack overhanging by about four metres. Start behind the large tree.

FA: John Smart & Shane Carton, 1979

Trad 14m Orroral area
23 Mega Move Marvel

A worthless contrived mantle first done with a backrope. Start right of 'Fat Like Me'. Up the slab to a horizontal break, then directly up the wall above with a short slab to finish.

FA: Richard Watts, 1983

Trad 20m Orroral area
23 Gateaux of the World

A one move wonder which is quite fun. Start just right of the obvious groove. Cruise up the pocketed wall using wires, to a bulge and a bolt. Boulder past this then up to a flake (2.5 friend) and continue to the top. Thread belay.

FA: Mike Peck & Helen Thompson, 1991

Mixed trad 18m, 1 Mt Coree area
23 Powder Finger Finish

Another superb, long and hard slab route. The original first pitch climbed a flake and overlap just left of 'Outer Limit' (now claimed by Bananas in Pyjamas P2), but the route as described is much better. Start above the second bolt of 'Bananas in Pyjamas' (scramble up the bushy gully). This is 10m right and up from 'Vent Crack'.

  1. 40m (23) - Up to a ledge, then up the crazed crack/groove to a peg. Continue up through the overlap and the groove above to a second overlap. Traverse rightwards beneath this to a mossy groove, and follow this up (past a bolt on 'Bananas in Pyjamas') to a ledge. Extensive exfoliation in the 2020 fires has made the first 15m (which was already serious) harder, less good, and extremely dangerous.

  2. 25m (22) - Frees the old aid section of 'Linear Crack'. Strenuously up the twin flared finger cracks to a tree, then easily to the top of a huge block.

  3. 35m (23) - Move leftwards around the arete and continue traversing left beneath the bulge to a peg in the corner. Climb up and over the bulge to a bolt, then straight up the hard slab above.

FA: Roark Muhlen, Peter Mills & John Hartlet, 1980

Mixed trad 100m, 3, 1 Orroral area
23 Redshift - Blueshift

Doppler shifts when you come screaming off. Start at the thin crack in the wall five metres right of 'The Morrigan'. Climb the crack and chimney until able to pull up left onto a good ledge. Follow the steep slab past three bolts (crux after the second) to a good ledge under the overhang. Scrabble through the cave to finish.

FA: Neil Montgomery & Adam Blizzard, 1989

Mixed trad 35m, 3 Orroral area
23 Pump up the Power

A powerful start. Start three metres left of Three Mules. Crank desperately up the overhang past two bolts (crux) then up past two more bolts. A #3 friend then up the final bulge to a double bolt belay and chains on the left.

FA: Andrew Bull, 1991

Mixed trad 20m, 4 Mt Coree area
23 Smash Palace

One of the best routes at Booroomba, with sustained and scary climbing in a great position. Start as for 'Powder Finger Finish'.

  1. 40m (23) For the original route: move up and left to climb the right-hand side of the huge flake (shared with 'Only the Good Die Young'). At the horizontal break undercling out right for four metres. (A direct start was bolted at a later date, but then extensively damaged by the 2020 fire: blast straight up past two bolts to join the original route at the right-hand end of the horizontal break.) Climb the sustained intermittent crack line past two bolts until it blanks out (a #4 Rock protects the crux here). Move right to a line of holds and follow these to the large ledge (DBB).

  2. 15m (23) - This pitch tackles the orange wall directly above. Climb a leftward sloping crack into the sentry box in the middle of the face. Up past two bolts, then crank left to a curving flake. Go up this, then out left to a hanging belay in the corner.

  3. 35m (22) - Climb up and out right to some wires. Move back, left of the white water streak, to an insecure move to reach a bolt. Hard moves follow for about five metres before the slab gradually eases back. DBB.

FA: Joe Lynch & Mike Peck (Tony Barten #1), 1985

Mixed trad 90m, 3, 2 Orroral area
23 The Naked Chef

A derivative route cooked up by Jamie and Oliver that combines a direct start to A Little Dab'll Do Ya with a continuation up the headwall to the right of Integral (six bolts plus gear).

Start 2m right of Integral. Up past a bolt to join ALDDY at the gear placements right of Integral. Follow ALDDY past another bolt and up the slab above. Follow the line of least resistance and most gear to the right and then back left to the first bolt on the headwall. Up past three more bolts.

First ascent done with supplementary gear in Integral to make it to the headwall - another bolt now removes the need for this.

The headwall can also be climbed independently by starting from the base of Dangermouse and traversing left to the line of bolts.

FA: Oliver Story & Jamie Valdivia, 2011

Mixed trad 45m, 7 Orroral area
23 Blood on the Cracks

A pumpy diagonal crack varying from hand to off-width and requiring 10, 13 and 14cm tubes. Start left of 'The Bannister'.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Rick McGregor, 1977

Trad 20m Orroral area
23 Rukus Juice and Chittlins
Trad 30m Mt Coree area
23 Crystal Tips

A good, varied climb with a thin crux. Start as for 'Silver City Highway'.

  1. 45 metres - Traverse right slightly then straight up past a bolt (crux) to a ledge. Walk left then up the wall past two more bolts to a corner and easy slab. Finish up the wide corner crack and belay below 'Baryon'.

  2. 45m (13) - Climb left along the 10cm dyke (RPs / small wires) until you hit the wide 'Lepton' dyke then up easily to top.

FA: Matt Madin & Dave McGregor, 1986

Mixed trad 90m, 2, 4 Orroral area
23 Red Sonia

Probably the best route of the crag. Start 10 metres downhill and right of 'Planet'. Climb up the groove to a bolt then right and up the arete. Move right to another bolt and then hand traverse right and reach up for a jug. Pull onto the slab and up to the tree belay as for 'Planet'.

FA: Mike Peck, Adam Blizzard (yo-yo) & Ken Luck, 1988

Mixed trad 25m, 2 Orroral area
23 Desperate Measures

The classic of the cliff. Start six metres to the left of the fireplace. Sustained climbing up the fingertip crack which splits the otherwise featureless wall at the left-hand end of the outcrop.

FA: Ben Jones & David Lyons, 1989

Trad 50m Southern ACT
23 Us and Them

The obvious start to Illusionary lines. Wide fists and laybacks up the corner to to a mantle. Finish up Illusionary Lines.

You could finish up Chopper at around gr20

FA: Dane Evans, 1 Dec 2018

Mixed trad 15m, 3 Orroral area
23 Samarkand

Follow thin cracks (bomber small wires and .3 cam) to the stance on the arete, then harder past 2 bolts to a big finish.

FA: Matt Rogerson & James Rogerson, 25 Jan 2023

Mixed trad 15m, 2 Orroral area
23 Paratrooper

Two blocks right of High Roller is a good bolted route up the disappearing flake (gear to start).

FA: Andrew Bull, 2023

Mixed trad 25m, 5 Orroral area
23 King Cobra Link-up

Start as for Crawlin' King Snake. Traverse right along horizontal break on natural pro and finish up the Disco Cobra slab to top-out. Retro-trad run-out for purists.

Trad 12m Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Small Girls

Start on the higher part of the ledge about three metres to the right of Burning Yams below an incipient crack. Climb the crack (protection is desperate to place).

FA: David Lyons & Ben Jones, 1989

Trad 15m Southern ACT
23 Biggles Cuts it Fine

Just right of the east-west passageway is a small, thin corner with one bolt (carrot) up high.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Mixed trad 10m, 1 Orroral area
23 Bright Lights, Big City

Sustained climbing with a great position. Start four metres left of 'Bosch Boys'. Climb up past five bolts until the angle steepens. Move up and traverse left to the arete past two more bolts then step up on a flake to clip the eighth bolt. Downclimb two metres and move left and up the flake on 'Tautology'. Belay on 1.5 and 2 size Friends.

FA: Mike Peck & Mike Law-Smith, 1990

Mixed trad 35m, 8 Orroral area
23 Aquila

Wall climbing up the prominent and steep water streak five metres left of 'Watermelon in Easter Hay'. Up past two bolts and numerous wire placements, trending slightly left after the second bolt. Belay as for 'Tor'.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Neil Montgomery, 1989

Mixed trad 40m, 2 Southern ACT
23 Bad Luck Sir

Start two metres right of 'Kate's Bush'. Up and right past the first bolt. Cross the face to the crack on the right, then up the slab past the second bolt.

FA: Tony Barten & Craig Kentwell, 1988

Mixed trad 12m, 2 Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Trojan

The central off-width.

  1. 35m (23).

  2. 15m (15) (loose block at top of pitch 2).

FFA: B. Aikman & G. Butler (Alt), 2014

Trad 50m, 2 Orroral area
23 Sticky Fingers

The obvious corner crack down and right from 'Milwaulkee Pig Iron' (at the same level and 10 metres left of 'My Generation') - it had repelled a number of attempts over the years. Finish up a slab to a bolt belay.

FA: Tony Barten, 1988

Trad 30m Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Down By Law

The short thin crack on a boulder 30 metres below 'My Generation'. Up the awkward thin crack to some hard slabby moves onto a ledge. Move right and up the easy hand crack.

FA: Mike Peck & Adam Blizzard, 1988

Trad 15m Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Cornucopia

Takes the bulging wall with twin thin cracks to the right of 'Hey Jude', past one bolt to join 'Scarborough Fair'.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Craig Kentwell, 1987

Mixed trad 25m, 1 Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 R Future Shock

Excellent committing climbing. The shallow crack facing the track. Pre-placing a piece or two on rap would make the start saner. Phil called it 'The Jism' on aid; John shocked us all when it was freed.

FA: Phil Cullen

FFA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 18m Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Crawlin' King Snake

Superb sustained climbing, every move worthwhile. The obvious orange corner crack to a roof and bolt. Move right then finish back up the slab past one more bolt.

FA: Mike Peck & John Churchill, 1997

Mixed trad 15m, 2 Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 R Moral Turpitude

A bold undertaking that was one of the first of the bolted routes at Booroomba. The placing of bolts caused some significant controversy at the time. Start as for Ruffles at the thin crack.

  1. 30m - Up the crack to the overlap, then left to a break just before the arete. Up over the bulge, then up the wall past two bolts to another bulge. Move right to belay below the short corner crack.

  2. 15m - Up the corner crack to finish.

FA: John Smart, 1979

Mixed trad 45m, 2, 2 Orroral area
23 Nirvana

"Just another classic" - but no stars! Start three metres left of Love Action. Up the wall to a bolt, then layback up the arete.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Richard Watts, 1983

Mixed trad 10m, 1 Orroral area
23 White Lie

Start 10 metres left of 'Random Route' on a ledge six metres up. Climb the wall to some wire placements, then awkward moves to the bolt. Pass this with difficult, then up the short diagonal crack.

FA: Richard Watts & Mike Law-Smith, 1983

Mixed trad 10m, 1 Orroral area
23 Thermovision

Start on a bushy ledge five metres right of 'Mirage'. Up a brushed streak with two bolts; take some small wires and RPs.

FA: Adam Blizzard, Mike Peck & Ken Luck, 1987

Mixed trad 30m, 2 Orroral area
23 Photo Finish

The thin crack system on the closest side of the eastern boulder.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1996

Trad 10m Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Earthbound Misfit

Another good steep wall. Start five metres left of Static Cling, part-way up Jack's Crack. Place a side runner. Climb up past a bolt to a ledge and up to another bolt, crank past this to a second ledge. Finish up a short corner with a third bolt.

FA: Gordon Poultney & Mike Peck, 1988

FFA: Gordon "Goldfinger" Poultney, 1988

Mixed trad 25m, 3 Orroral area
23 Two Minute Hate

Another outstanding sustained wall. A hard start three metres right of 'Morning Thunder'. Climb up to a bolt then move right and up to a short crack. Continue up the wall moving left at the top to belay on the same ledge as 'Morning Thunder'.

FA: Joe Lynch & Mike Peck, 1986

Mixed trad 25m, 2 Orroral area
23 Domestic Harmony a.k.a. Walk Like an Egyptian

Originally done with a large cairn (pyramid) and stick to avoid the start, as well as a rest on the third bolt. Start five metres right of Apparitions of a Film Star, below the steep orange wall. The first two bolts are badly positioned. Climb past the first bolt with minor difficulty, then cruise to the top.

FFA: Tony Barten & Mike Peck, 1987

FA: Gordon Poultney & David Graham, 1987

Mixed trad 15m, 3 Orroral area
23 Beast of Burden

The white water streak between Vomit and Dreamweaver, with excellent bouldery face climbing. Either start up Vomit and move right along the ledge to the first bolt, or boulder the hard, short wall. Follow the bolts, place some gear (including #3 camalot) then straight through the overhang above. Scramble up to DBB as for Vomit. Originally a bold and direct wall with good ankle-breaking potential, Mike added bolts in 1990 making it very popular.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Guy de Lacey, 1982

Mixed trad 30m, 5 Orroral area
23 X Rounge Lizard


Just another unprotected slab route to fill in the space. Start off some big flakes about 7m left of 'Rock Lobster' and 8m right of 'Tip Stripper'. It was inspected on top-rope before the first (solo) ascent.

Climb the slab above the large flake to the obvious scoops in the steep wall. Up the wall to easier ground then up, right of the lichen, to join Solantic near the belay.

FA: John Smart (solo), 1982

Trad 40m Orroral area
23 Above the Water Line

Hard slabbing. Climb the crack (Plimsoll Line) for five metres then step left onto the wall. Crimp delicately past three bolts and finish up a short crack. Name changed by Mike in 2023.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1988

Mixed trad 25m, 3 Orroral area
23 High Roller

The outstanding curving line 30 meters to the left. An easy start... But then the crack fades out.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 18m Orroral area
23 The Lure of the Sewer

Horrendously technical pocket climbing with more bolts than decent holds. Start on the brink, where the surf meets the slabs. Clip the bolt to avoid a watery death. Pull leftwards out over the waves to a sloping foothold, then cruise up past two more bolts. A small detour left, then relentless pocket pulling to the double bolt belay and rap chain.

FA: Mike Peck & John Stone, 1991

Mixed trad 15m, 3 Canberra
23 Germ Free Adolescents

A good position. Start from the finish of 'Morsehold'. Up the flaky orange corner, then the diagonal crack.

FA: John Stone & John Carlson, 1980

FFA: Richard Watts, 1984

Trad 15m Orroral area
23 Tiny Tips

The middle line, overtaken by blackberries and leaves at last sight. A slabby start, then progressively thinner.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 20m Orroral area
23 Sweet Dreams

Overhung cranking followed by a well protected face problem. Start 15 metres right of 'Jacob', on top of a pile of boulders. The first old frayed fixed RP has now disappeared, so crank through to a higher one! Continue to the hangerless bolt, solve the face problem and up to the top.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Richard Watts, 1983

Mixed trad 10m, 1 Orroral area
23 Hearts and Bones

Place a good wire with a stick, then launch up the overhanging podded crack. When the lower crack ends, move left into the more regular handcrack. Wires and cams for the first half, a few #2 and/or #3 camalots for the upper crack.

FA: Damian Jovanovic & Justin Ryan, 12 Jun 2014

Trad 18m Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Phaedrus

The overhanging diagonal crackline out of the left side of the cave, then hand traverse right to some corners which lead to the top.

FA: Roark Muhlen & Peter Mills, 1980

Trad 25m Orroral area
23 Get Smart

Up the delightful corner crack about 20 metres right of 'Ebony Quill', then balancy moves to a single bolt belay.

FA: John Smart & Dave Sargent, 1985

Trad 10m Orroral area
23 Devo

A circular exercise out of 'Hermes' roof to join 'Thor'. Move left from under the roof, around the lip and up a groove then back right to the belay.

FA: Tobin Sorensen, 1979

Trad 12m Orroral area
Top rope
23 Charlotte Sometimes Variant Finish

Step right from the corner once you are above the overhang and climb the groove up and right.

Top rope 11m Canberra
23 Missionary Positions

Strenuous climbing up the small corner. Head left to the flake and layaways. Finish left as for Extremely Anal.

Top rope 13m Canberra
23 Missionary Positions Direct Finish

Continue up from the corner and slightly right to a jug just below The Bummer, then traverse left on big holds.

Top rope 13m Canberra
23 I Am the Black Gold of the Sun

Reach high to the first bolt, follow the right hand side of the boulder straight up reaching a slab above, continue slightly left to double rings as for WFDVT.

FA: Nathan Wales, 2005

Sport Orroral area
23 Wide World of Sports

First route climbed on the crag. Hard, bouldery climbing on great rock. Shares a lower off with 'Sausage Factory'.

FA: Mike Peck & Simon Carter, 1991

Sport 15m, 5 Canberra
23 Mills and Boon

A long route with steep sections separated by rests. Start on the small ledge below the small and shallow chimney.

FA: Peter Mills & John Fantini, 1992

Sport 30m, 9 Canberra
23 Empty Step

The wall three metres left of 'Pas de Deux' with two bolts. A thin crux past the first bolt.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Neil Montgomery, 1987

Sport 10m, 3 Orroral area
23 Lucky Strikes
Sport 20m Southern ACT
23 Coral Cuts
Sport 12m Southern ACT
23 Bebop Bimbo
Sport 10m Southern ACT
23 Hollow and Naked
Sport 15m Southern ACT
23 Smoke Signals

Some great climbing starting up the crack and then through the tricky bulge.

FA: Chris Warner, Dec 2019

Sport 15m Mt Coree area
23 The Ministry of Lard

3m right of Patience, in the courtyard behind 'Snatch it Back and Hold It'. A really nice thin flake with three bolts.

FA: Ken Luck & Mike Law-Smith, 1995

Sport 10m, 3 Orroral area
23 Herd Immunity

Great technical and sustained climbing on really good rock. Start at the corner and climb up right to the vague arête and boulder your way up weaving left and right of this feature until you get to the last bolt then head right to the anchors of Milla Jovovich. Might be harder than it says on the tin, but maybe not. You be the judge. Fantastic climbing either way!

FA: Duncan Brown, 16 Apr 2020

Sport 14m, 6 Canberra
23 Olympus 9mm

Start 10m uphill and left from Crackle on a blunt boulder with a mossy streak down the front. Up the flake and blunt arete to half height, then diagonally right and up the scoop. DBB on top.

FA: Oliver Story & Daniel Gordon, 2013

Sport 25m, 8 Orroral area
23 Journey Agent

Sustained climbing up the face with a perfect finger lock and a hand crack finish.

FA: Chris Warner, 2013

Sport 25m, 10 Mt Coree area
23 Spliff Odyssey

One of the best routes at the crag! A long route with a punch at the end.

FA: Chris Warner, 2013

Sport 32m Mt Coree area
23 Murder Weapon

Up to the slopy ledge then swing out and climb the sustained face on stella rock to the top.

FA: Chris Warner, 2013

Sport 25m Mt Coree area
23 The Crocodile's Back

Excellent! Up the slab/chimney to the top of the leaning boulder. Up the slab to the bottom of the tail - the extraordinary laser-like dyke! Five bolts in all.

FA: Andrew Collins & Lex Holcombe, 1997

Sport 18m, 5 Orroral area
23 Geared for Romance

The arete 10 metres right of 'Dead Horse Gap' with an undercut and gymnastic start. Well protected climbing past six bolts leads to a ledge and bolt belay. Rap off, or climb up and across the chimney to a platform from which you can downclimb 'Boulder Choke'.

FA: Mike Peck & Andrew Bull, 1989

Sport 20m, 6 Orroral area
23 Illusionary lines

Takes the blunt arête right of Chopper with 2 bolts. Start as for Chopper then move right onto the arete.

FA: Andrew Bull, 2008

Sport 15m, 2 Orroral area
23 First Year Apprentice

A superb climb. Start four metres right of 'New Brutalist'. Crank up the wall on flakes past four bolts, then move right onto the blunt arete and up past three more bolts. There is a chain belay at the top of this climb (inches from perfect cam cracks) to save the two minute walk around the back!

FA: Andrew Bull & Craig Kentwell, 1989

Sport 30m, 7 Orroral area
23 Pale Ale

"This may have lager appeal." - Ken Luck. On the bottom (valley side) of the boulder is a wall with two bolts. The crux is after the second.

FA: David Jenkins & Rohan Hyslop, 1988

Sport 15m, 2 Orroral area
23 Wart Face

Start on the east (valley) side of the main tor. Up the wall past four bolts to the wart (knob). Continue up the slab to the rap chain and bolts.

FA: Mike Peck, 1989

Sport 15m, 4 Orroral area
23 Bombs Away Pretzel Boy

Technical, steep and classy. Crux getting onto the wall.

FA: Sarah Fieg

Sport 6m, 4 Mt Coree area
23 Mr Creosote
Sport 12m Canberra
23 Laidback International

Starts at the RHS of the improbable blank looking face. Up the obvious layback feature.

FA: Chris Warner

Sport 25m, 9 Mt Coree area
23 Advanced Boschcraft
Sport 13m Canberra
23 Pale Blue Fade

A bouldery start leads to easier climbing. You may want the stick clip.

FA: Chris Warner

Sport 15m, 5 Mt Coree area
23 Bosch Tucker Man
Sport 13m Canberra
23 Holds Go Begging

The improbable looking wall five metres right (about 10 metres left of 'Tri State'), featuring hard wall climbing on sharp and friable holds. Climb the brushed wall with three bolts. The crux is after the second bolt.

Gear required to belay at top - or wrap your rope around a boulder.

FA: Richard Watts & Dave McGregor, 1985

Sport 15m, 3 Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Keep on Truckin'

FA: Nathan Wales

Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coree area
23 Go Thru the Roof
Sport 25m Canberra
23 Dim Parkio

Start just left of 'Tri State'. Up the wall and slab with four bolts.

Gear required to belay at top - or wrap your rope around a boulder.

FA: Tony Barten, 1987

Sport 15m, 4 Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Flying Fuck in a Rolling Donut

Inconspicuous holds at all angles make you earn this solid little climb.

FA: Justin Ryan

Sport 15m, 8 Mt Coree area
23 Boggy Nights

Nice variety of moves on decent sized holds

FA: Justin Ryan

Sport 15m, 7 Mt Coree area
23 Jihad

The slabby arete two boulders right of French Connections. "Fantastically thin layaways and edges" off the block past three bolts.

FA: Matthew Rogerson & Richard Watts, 1990

Sport 14m, 3 Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Heavy Cloud

Good hard movements

FA: Chris Warner

Sport 3 Mt Coree area
23 Shake it Baby, Show no Shame

FA: Justin Ryan

Sport 4 Mt Coree area
23 Scratched Record

The wavy slab just left of 'Blood on His Lips'. A high first bolt and a good candidate for a stick clip. Belay on gear and walk off.

FA: Richard Watts, 1983

Sport 10m, 2 Gibraltar and Corin Road
23 Dangermouse

Sharp arete left of the top pitch of Marmalade with four or five bolts. Rap station at the top.

FA: Mike Peck & Craig Kentwell, 1987

FFA: Unknown banana benders, 1989

Sport 15m Orroral area

Showing 1 - 100 out of 650 routes.

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