
The Point Guide

  • Grade context: AU
  • Ascents: 33

A Crag Guide gives an extensive view of all sub areas and climbs at a point in the index. It shows a snapshot of the index heirachy, up to 300 climbs (or areas) on a single web page. It shows selected comments climbers have made on a recently submitted ascent.

At a minor crag level this should be suitable for printing and taking with you on a climbing trip as an adjunct to your guidebook.

This guide was generated anonymously. Login to show your logged ascents against each route.


Rock climbing is extremely dangerous and can result in serious injury or death. Users acting on any information directly or indirectly available from this site do so at their own risk.

This guide is compiled from a community of users and is presented without verification that the information is accurate or complete and is subject to system errors. By using this guide you acknowledge that the material described in this document is extremely dangerous, and that the content may be misleading or wrong. In particular there may be misdescriptions of routes, incorrectly drawn topo lines, incorrect difficulty ratings or incorrect or missing protection ratings. This includes both errors from the content and system errors.

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Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this crag guide:

Sam Bycroft Aaron Thomas

The size of a person's name reflects their Crag Karma, which is their level of contribution. You can help contribute to your local crag by adding descriptions, photos, topos and more.

Table of contents

1. The Point



48 routes in Area

All Bouldering

Lat / Long: -0.002451, 148.354143


This is the stretch of rocky coast between Beerbarrel Beach and The little Beaches.

access issues

Many locals continue to use community run website for crag/route updates and noting any access issues. The associated app can be downloaded and used offline!

Gerry Narkowicz also produces hardcopy guides to numerous venues across the state via the 'Climb Tasmania' website

inherited from Tasmania


Park at either the boat ramp or Beerbarrel Beach and walk around the front or on the track to your boulder.


Crag Stewards

Many Tasmanian climbing areas have Stewards assigned as a point of contact for safety or access concerns.

For more details and the list of Steward emails please visit:

Statewide Ethics

  • The operation and use of drones by park visitors on reserved land including national parks is not permitted​

  • Peregrine Falcons nest from July - December each year. It’s important that climbers don’t climb near active nests during this period. Known sites (non exhaustive) are: Sand River (Far East, The Panopticon), Bare Rock (R of the Boneyard, L of Bisso of Orange), Rocky Cape, Pubic Wall/Duck Reach, Hillwood, Gunners Quoin, Lowdina.

  • Please note that Tasmania has notoriously patchy phone reception for particular service providers. Telstra is the most reliable. An emergency Personal Locator Beacon or similar is recommended kit when climbing in remote locations.

  • For more information - follow the link below for some local tips + tricks on how to better reduce your impact during your next Tassie climbing holiday

inherited from Tasmania

1.1. The Tip



18 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: -41.274657, 148.356748

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Bubbles Crag

A small crag with a boulder in the middle that is surrounded on two sides with a wall

2 Soggy Chai-Chalk

Sit start on the juggy undercling in the cave with funky feet (no bat hangs). Climb over the bulge then finish up the fun face on great holds.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 20 Mar 2023

V5 Boulder 4m
3 Soggy Chai-Chalk (Batman Style)

Climb as per Soggy Chai Chalk but start in a bathang.

V4 Boulder 4m
4 Project Power

SDS on the juggy crack and power up the arete.

V4 - 6 BoulderProject 4m
5 Chubby Bunnys

Stand start on the arete, climb up through good holds and topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 20 Mar 2023

VB Boulder 3m
6 Reverb

SDS on whatever holds feel comfortable. Powerful first move out right to the crimpy undercling then throw to micro crimps rail. move out right to establish the jug then go up and left to the horn and topout above the start.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 1 Dec 2023

V4 Boulder 4m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
7 Project Slap

Sit start on whatever holds are comfortable. huge through up to slopy crimp on the lip, match and head up through holds on the left.

V6 - 8 BoulderProject 3m
8 Project Shoulder

Start same as Project Slap but after establishing the slopey crimp, traverse out left on tiny crimps and knobs to the arete and mantle to topout.

V9 - 13 BoulderProject 5m
9 Project Shoulder Stand

SS on the arete and throw upwards through bad holds to topout

V7 - 10 BoulderProject 3m
10 Project Popit

SDS with the jug and crimp. Pop out to the sloped crimps and knobs on the face then Pop to good topout holds.

V8 - 11 BoulderProject 4m

The Sardine

Appropriately Named

12 Sardines

Sit start on rock using the great foot hold with hands where the orange meets the white. climb up the diagonal rail then traverse to the arete to topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 20 Mar 2023

V4 Boulder 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Piano Wall

14 Mozart

SS left hand side pull and right undercling. go up the layback or just throw to the top and topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 1 Dec 2023

V1 Boulder 2m
15 Project Crimps

SS on the face crimps or undercling on the right side of the face and climb up.

V7 - 11 BoulderProject 2m
16 Marys Lamb

VB sit start. as easy as a SDS gets. SDS on the obvious jug on the bottom right of the face and standup to topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 1 Dec 2023

VB Boulder
17 Weis

SS on the arete and climb up the arete to topout

V1 Boulder 2m

Serendipity Wall

A vertical wall with two faces

19 Serendipitite

ser-en-dip-it-dite. Stand start L hand on high juggy sidepull and R hand wherever feels natural. climb up and topout just to the left of the juggy sidepull. the good flake to the left for feet is out.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 20 Mar 2023

V2 Boulder 2m
20 Serendipity

Ser-en-dip-ity. Start the same as Serendipitite, traverse right through the blank section on amazing micro edges. Keep traversing right with sustained difficulty moves and finish up Serendipititous.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 20 Mar 2023

V4 Boulder 5m
21 Serendipititous

Ser-en-dip-it-tie-tus. Stand Start on good foot and hands wherever. climb up the slopey tufa looking thingos and topout on great holds.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 20 Mar 2023

V2 Boulder 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
22 Serendipititousology

Ser-en-dip-it-tie-tus-ology. Stand start around the corner on the juggy feature. climb up the gradually getting worse arete then finish with a scary topout

FA: Sam Bycroft, 20 Mar 2023

V2 Boulder 3m

1.2. The Iceberg



15 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: -41.277365, 148.358237


Park at Beerbarrel carpark. Take the walking trail North after approx 300m there is beach access to the Mollusc, then another 400m and it opens to the Iceberg bolder which is visible from the trail.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

The Iceberg

The main boulder in this sector. Access from main walking track. easy to spot as in peaks over the treeline.

2 Shivering Caroline

SS on the crimps in the horizontal running crack at about shoulder height. feet on the headwall and throw to the juggy crimp out left then up to topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 1 Dec 2023

V4 Boulder 3m
3 Iceberg Lettuce

SS on the juggy ledge and climb straight up to topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 1 Dec 2023

V0- Boulder 4m
4 Underwater Iceberg Caving

SS on good holds to the right of Iceberg Lettuce. climb up through the megajug and topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 1 Dec 2023

VB Boulder 4m
5 Cold Alabama

SS on the blank wall to the right of Underwater Iceberg Caving. through great trust in feet it is possible to scale this wall.

FA: Crofty11, 8 Jan 2022

V4 Boulder 3m
6 Alabama Dyno

SS on the far right side of the boulder with R hand sharp crimp horn and good right foot. lean your left foot out to a selection of horrible feet and dyno to out left the topout sloper for Cold Alabama. FA up for grabs, felt like v5.

V5 BoulderProject 3m
7 Icey Grip

SS same as Alabama Dyno But instead of dynoing, layback your way up the slopey rail to reach the topout sloper for Cold Alabama.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 1 Dec 2023

V2 Boulder 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Lentil Crevasse

A cool wall that is slightly overhung.

9 Crack Bean

stand start on easy crack with good feet. climb up and easy topout.

VB Boulder 2m
10 Easy Bean

Stand start on good hold. climb up and topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Feb 2022

V0 Boulder 3m
11 Legume

Sit start on good hold with bad feet. Throw up to juggy crack and topout over easy slab.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Feb 2023

V2 Boulder 3m
12 Chai-Smelling Squawk

Sit start same as Legume but travers right through the crack with slopers and gaston crimps. finish by topping out. FA up for grabs.

V5 Boulder 3m
13 Chai-Smelling Squawk (Stand)

Stand start R hand on crimpy gaston pocket thing and L hand on slopey crimp. topout directly over the start.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Feb 2023

V4 Boulder 3m
14 Project/Open

start somewhere on crimps and climb up

BoulderProject 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents


A wall with easy problems

16 Crissy Wake Up

sit start on left crack and climb up to topout.

V0 Boulder 2m
17 Easy Sleazy

sit start on middle crack and follow it up to topout.

V0 Boulder 2m
18 Breezy Peasy

Sit start hands in crack and follow the crack up to topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Feb 2023

V0 Boulder 2m

1.3. The Mollusc


5 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: -0.002451, 148.358710


From the Beerbarrel car park, walk North along the trail for approximately 300m until you see the first clear open area on your right (East) where you can access the beach. The Limpet boulder is down and to the left (North).

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Limpet Ledge

Up the centre of the boulder past the horizontal and up trending ledge at mid height, mantle over the top.

FA: Crofty11, 11 Mar

V1 Boulder 3m
2 Cuttlefish Crack

Crack in the middle with nice pinch fin up the centre.

FA: Crofty11, 11 Mar

V0 Boulder 3m
3 Hermits Hump

Nicely up the flake and over the hump to finish. Not using the "fin" from Cuttlefish Crack.

FA: Crofty11, 11 Mar

V1 Boulder 3m
4 Clamshell Crack

Moves up the crack and over the top

FA: Crofty11, 11 Mar

V1 Boulder 3m
5 Resolution

Beautiful moves starting with undercling, then committing at the top with high feet. Onwards to glory.

FA: Crofty11, 11 Mar

V3 Boulder 3m

1.4. The Beaches



10 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: -41.275050, 148.351789

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Crackers Wall

Has three main vertical cracks

2 Cheese

stand start holding the big crack, climb up the crack an topout on great holds

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Mar 2023

V0- Boulder 3m
3 Salami

Stand start holding the thin crack in the middle climb up that crack and topout.

V3 Boulder 3m
4 Pom-Poms

Start hands in the crack to the left of Salami then throw up to the top hold of Salami and topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Mar 2023

V2 Boulder 3m

Hole Punch Corner

6 Chompa Stomp

Stand start on good feet and the good ledge. travers to the right to the crack and finish up Chompa Chomp

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Feb 2023

V2 Boulder 5m
7 Project/Open

Start as per Chompa Stomp, climb up the slopey top of the L boulder. dont bridge out to the wall to the R.

BoulderProject 3m
8 Chompa Chomp

Sit start on underclings at the base of the crack. work your way up the crack and topout.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Mar 2023

V2 Boulder 4m
9 Project/Open.

Start as per Chompa Chomp, climb up the crack until you are standing on the good foothold the reach to the R for the arete and compression your way up the boulder toping out at the highest point.

BoulderProject 5m
10 Chompa Chomp Stand

Stand start on good foot hold with hands in the crack and work your way up the crack to topout

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Mar 2023

V1 Boulder 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

The Cat Cave

Located around to the Right of Hole Punch Corner.

12 Happy Cat

This is a cool climb with unique moves that starts in the depths of a granite boulder cave. Start at the back of the cave holding the juggy undercling. Move R into juggy gaston then move around the gaston onto the slab face and layback your way to victory. This climb technically hasn't been topped because I wussed out and finished up Scaredy Cat so FA is up for grabs.

V4 BoulderProject 4m
13 Scaredy Cat

Climb as per Happy Cat but escape to the boulder to the L as you finish up the slab.

FA: Sam Bycroft, 11 Mar 2023

V3 Boulder 3m

2. Index by grade

Grade Stars Name Style Pop Area
VB Chubby Bunnys Boulder 3m 1.1. The Tip
Marys Lamb Boulder 1.1. The Tip
Crack Bean Boulder 2m 1.2. The Iceberg
Underwater Iceberg Caving Boulder 4m 1.2. The Iceberg
V0- Iceberg Lettuce Boulder 4m 1.2. The Iceberg
Cheese Boulder 3m 1.4. The Beaches
V0 Breezy Peasy Boulder 2m 1.2. The Iceberg
Crissy Wake Up Boulder 2m 1.2. The Iceberg
Easy Bean Boulder 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Easy Sleazy Boulder 2m 1.2. The Iceberg
Cuttlefish Crack Boulder 3m 1.3. The Mollusc
V1 Mozart Boulder 2m 1.1. The Tip
Weis Boulder 2m 1.1. The Tip
Clamshell Crack Boulder 3m 1.3. The Mollusc
Hermits Hump Boulder 3m 1.3. The Mollusc
Limpet Ledge Boulder 3m 1.3. The Mollusc
Chompa Chomp Stand Boulder 3m 1.4. The Beaches
V2 Serendipitite Boulder 2m 1.1. The Tip
Serendipititous Boulder 3m 1.1. The Tip
Serendipititousology Boulder 3m 1.1. The Tip
Icey Grip Boulder 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Legume Boulder 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Chompa Chomp Boulder 4m 1.4. The Beaches
Chompa Stomp Boulder 5m 1.4. The Beaches
Pom-Poms Boulder 3m 1.4. The Beaches
V3 Resolution Boulder 3m 1.3. The Mollusc
Salami Boulder 3m 1.4. The Beaches
Scaredy Cat Boulder 3m 1.4. The Beaches
V4 Reverb Boulder 4m 1.1. The Tip
Sardines Boulder 3m 1.1. The Tip
Serendipity Boulder 5m 1.1. The Tip
Soggy Chai-Chalk (Batman Style) Boulder 4m 1.1. The Tip
Chai-Smelling Squawk (Stand) Boulder 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Cold Alabama Boulder 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Shivering Caroline Boulder 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Happy Cat BoulderProject 4m 1.4. The Beaches
V5 Soggy Chai-Chalk Boulder 4m 1.1. The Tip
Alabama Dyno BoulderProject 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Chai-Smelling Squawk Boulder 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
V4 - 6 Project Power BoulderProject 4m 1.1. The Tip
V6 - 8 Project Slap BoulderProject 3m 1.1. The Tip
V7 - 10 Project Shoulder Stand BoulderProject 3m 1.1. The Tip
V7 - 11 Project Crimps BoulderProject 2m 1.1. The Tip
V8 - 11 Project Popit BoulderProject 4m 1.1. The Tip
V9 - 13 Project Shoulder BoulderProject 5m 1.1. The Tip
? Project/Open BoulderProject 3m 1.2. The Iceberg
Project/Open BoulderProject 3m 1.4. The Beaches
Project/Open. BoulderProject 5m 1.4. The Beaches
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