
Samborondon & El Vallecito




These 2 sectors are at the furthest left of the cliff, looking at it from town. Being 2 of the easiest sectors to access, it can be a popular place on the weekends so a good place to meet some local climbers.

Access issues inherited from Cojitambo

Getting to the town Cojitambo is easy but the access trails to the rock can be a little tricky to find.


Walking: From the main square, follow the road at the top left of the square that runs parallel to the mountain. After a few hundred meters pass the Cementerio, then take the small road that veers right towards the rock. After about 100m, you will see a sign with a map of trails. Follow the trail that heads past 'El Chorro' and continue for around 500m to 'El Calvario'. Eventually you will see a small house and to the right of that a steep overhanging wall. This is the furthest right part of El Vallecito. follow the trail to the wall and continue along the base of the rock for the rest of the routes in these sectors.

By car: From the main square, follow the road past the Cementerio for about 1km, then turn right. Follow the road as it veers around to the right, then turn right again towards the rock after a few hundred meters. At the end of the road, it's only 100m walk to the rock and the Samborondon Sector.


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The furthest left route on the slabby face, closest to the carpark.

Bolted route just to the right of the big crack feature that runs up the face.

Similar to Pepelepu but with a slightly harder finish over the belly and extra meter of climbing to the anchor.

Lovely route up the face to the right of the crack. Can climb to the left of the anchor which is shared with Diburón Martillo to extend for a few extra meters of slabbiness.

Climbs the seemingly blank arrete.

Slabby start that moves right into the crack.

Shares anchor with La Minga.

Farthest left bolted route of the steep overhanging wall.

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Thu 27 Jul
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