


Access issues inherited from France

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Ethic inherited from France

Park where indicated, take care of the environment, buy the local guidebook when possible (this is one of the ways you can help local route setters), clean up your shoes before climbing, don't spray beta, be polite.


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Grade Route
1 3c
2 5b
1 3c
2 4a
1 3c
2 5c
3 6b
1 4c
2 5c
1 4b
2 6a+
1 4c
2 3c
3 5b
1 4c
2 5b
3 6c
1 4c
2 3c
3 6a
1 4a 30m
2 5c 45m

Easy first pitch, solid ledge for P1 anchor. Excellent second pitch. Full on fun. 2 bolt anchor with chain on P2. Two raps with a single 60.

Variant of Ca béne.

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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): François Burnier & Dominique Potard

Date: 2023

ISBN: 9782910672294

Climbing in the mountains around Chamonix - surrounded by spectacular nature. A selective guidebook describing 37 separate climbing areas including 4 bouldering areas in Chamonix Valley.

Author(s): Charlie Boscoe & Luke Davies

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9781873341780

A selective guidebook for Chamonix describing the very best rock climbs and mountain routes around Chamonix and Mont Blanc. It covers all aspects of climbing in Chamonix, from topping out on Mont Blanc, spectacular peaks, classic long ridges, to intimidating north faces and valley sport climbing.

Author(s): Fabrizio Calebasso & Matteo Pasquetto

Date: 2020

ISBN: 9788885475816

A comprehensive rock climbing guidebook to the Italian side of Mont Blanc, covering 66 crags/faces including the Tacul area, the Capucin area, Pavillon, and the Italian side of the Grande Jorasses.

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Thu 27 Jul
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