

The first route on the grey face about 20m further right of Battle of the Bastards. Start up the featured arete and then on to the clean face. Finishes on chains.

Route history

24 Aug 2022Route setter: Nicholas West
24 Aug 2022First ascent: Nicholas West



Lat/Lon: -25.71070, 27.88807

Grade citation

18 Assigned grade
20 [19 - 21] ++ grAId


 The crag and parking: The climbing is on private property and the owner's right of admission is reserved. Any individual making use of the crags access arrangement agrees to the conditions stated below. ALL CLIMBING TO PURCHASE A PARK ACCESS PASS FROM IRON THRONE ADVENTURE PARK

• Please note: Individuals enter this area at their own risk. Climbing is a high-risk activity and can result in serious injury or even death. The owners and / or the Iron Throne Adventure park take no responsibility for any harm or death that results from individuals accessing and using this property and fixed climbing protection including damage or loss to private property due to theft, fire or any other cause whatsoever You are responsible and accountable for your own safety and must not endanger those around you. Report any sign of danger or unusual wear on bolts

• To ensure continued access please keep to the following: Visitors to the lower crags must access through the Iron Throne Adventure Park. if you are using the gondola to go up, plz ensure you buy a park access permit from Irom Throne 1st.

Do not drive off the established roads and park only at the parking provided by the cableway.

Stay on established paths. Walk in single file on existing paths and avoid creating new paths. Visitors may only go to the climbing area and use the paths leading to them.

NO FIRES are allowed Reduce disturbance to animals specifically the Black Eagles and other nesting birds. Specifically, no climbing and or bolting may take place near the Black Eagle nesting site (upper right rock face). NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING - Climbers are only permitted during daylight hours. Carry out all waste. This is a high-use area, treat “peels” etc. as non-disposable rubbish. We request that you inspect the area for rubbish before leaving, do not ignore other people’s litter, pick it up and carry it out Take extreme caution when smoking. PACK OUT CIGARETTE ENDS Consider fellow climbers when relieving yourself, paths and climbing routes. Burry / carefully burn toilet paper but ideally use the facilities provided by Aerial cableway.

Respect other visitors. Do not throw or roll rocks off cliffs when accessing areas from above as there may be climbers below.

In case of any accident / emergency

call park management 0718931653 Thomas van Tonder OR call MCSA Mountain Search and Rescue on 074 125 1385 or alternatively 074 163 3952. Where applicable, assist and encourage others to adhere to the above.

inherited from Cable Way Crags





Mega Classic
Very Good
Don't Bother

Overall quality 71 from 4 ratings.

Tick Types

Onsight 1
Flash 1
Red point 1
Attempt 1

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