
Nodes in A: Duiker

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A: Duiker

(Leaving this here as its inherited by child locations - please take the time to take pictures of the boulders you visit and post them under the relavent locations so that we can start populating more topos 🙂).

As of 2014, no climbing is allowed in Rocklands without a valid climbing permit. Land owners often conduct inspections in the climbing areas and anyone found without a permit will be asked to leave the climbing area. Permits can be obtained online - - or purchased at CapeNature's Kliphuis campsite office; De Pakhuys campsite office; or Traveller's Rest farmstall and restaurant.

6B+ Die Mond

Sit-start deep in the cave, move out a little until able to mantle then move to sloper and climb out left.

7A Duiker

Sit-start with slot / jugs and climb out through the low roof. "Named after a skeleton found at the cave entrance"

5B Drop Bear

Sit-start with pinches and climb up. "A mysterious creature found in the Australian wilderness"

Showing all 4 nodes.

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