
Nodi in Beheda

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Tutti 7 nodi visualizzati.


Limestone Boulders

Below the Road

100m past the big bridge in Beheda, down the hill on the left hand side beside the river.

Up the Road

Multiple boulders made from mainly compact limestone uphill of the road. Only a few crimps are available, but prone to loose the whole flake they're attached to. So be careful for any FA.

Up the Road
V3 What's Up

Low start. Put your right hand to the right crack, and the left to the large hole on the left.

V4 Revolução

Slightly overhanging start, with two hands in the same crack.

V3 Plattengrüße

Compact limestone with almost no holds at the SE slope.

V1 Alter Weg

Just follow the main crack.

Tutti 7 nodi visualizzati.

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