
Vie in Secret Valley

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Tutti 7 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
5.9 Hard

Hard- A steep face to the right of Couloir. 5.9

FA: unknown

Trad 10m
5.7 Couloir

The best route at Secret Valley.

Climb the couloir to a steep crescendo finish. 5.7 +.

FA: unknown

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5.9 Escalator

The stepped buttress to the left of Couloir . 5.9

FA: unknown

Trad 10m
5.3 Easy Up

The gully/corner to the left of Escalator. 5.3

FA: unknown

Trad 10m
5.7 Frog 1

A nice, sustained face climb to the left of Easy Up. 5.7 Reportedly a frog was first observed climbing this route, hence the name.

FA: unknown

Trad 10m
5.7 Frog 2

Just left of Frog I, pull up the steep wall and finish. 5.8

FA: unknown

Trad 10m
5.8 The Boulder

The short face climb on the boulder just below the climbs described above. This is the same outcrop where the kids gather to watch the climbing. You need a very large sling to set up an anchor over the top of the boulder.

Rating unknown 5.8+ is a guess.

FA: unknown

Trad 10m

Tutti 7 vie visualizzati.

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