
Nodi in Minstrel Pinnacle

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Minstrel Pinnacle

The detached outcrop in front of Preludes Wall.

Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Preludes Area

10 The Minstrel

Take the easiest way up the face. Start on the southwest face of the pinnacle (which faces into Central Gully). Short corner then (crux) traverse 4-5m L (nasty pendulum potential for the seconder), to gain the nice easy crack to the summit. There's also a more direct start about 6m further L which is a little harder and not as well protected, but with much reduced pendulum potential.

19 X E6 on grit

Bold. Don't forget the mattress.

Start: Right of Wild Rose at obvious crack.

Up crack swinging right to arete and stance. Back up left onto arete. Wander to top.

24 R Wild Rose

Climb the little crack which starts on the lip of the roof. Gain it from the left. The fixed wire and slings at the start of the crack are long gone and it is probably quite bold to place your own on the lead.

Start: Start on the west face (the face looking up Central Gully).

22 Kinky Kupple

The recent addition of a bolt has seen this route suddenly become a lot more popular. The short arete and wall (bolt) just R of 'Scourge'.

20 R Scourge

The central line with poor pro at first.

Start: Start in the chasm, in the middle of the north face of Minstrel Pinnacle.

19 Pestilence

Straightens out Jon Muir's old route which climbed mostly off to the L. Starts immediately L of 'Scourge'. A difficult pull or two leads up past two bolts and finishes directly up the seam above and up the middle of the final headwall.

21 The Garden's Full of Furniture

Directly up the wall.

Start: Start L of 'Scourge', and just R of the arete.

21 R The Chancre

The start is desperate and poorly protected.

Start: Start on the L side of the arete, L of TGFoF.

18 The Curse

Not bad.

Up the crack on the east face (the one that looks towards camp), then the SE arete (the one which looks towards the Organ Pipes).

25 R Wild Rose Direct

Climbs wild rose direct to the start of the roof seam. 0.75 cam protects the roof dyno. Bring a good spotter for the start!

Tutti 11 nodi visualizzati.

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