
Vie in Steel Delinquency Pinnacle

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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23 R Blood and Iron


Start: Start 4m L of SD, below little gumtree poking out of cliff.

FA: Tim Day, Nick Neagle & Craig Roberts, 1992

Trad mista 30m, 1
20 Steel Delinquency

"If you enjoy crumbling sea cliffs, you might feel at home on this" (Mentz-Tempest guide). Climb through moss to a ledge, to stand below the striking grey prow. Some gymnastic moves are required to get started, and if your second is not tall they will struggle to remove the gear you placed out of their reach at this point. Follow the line of pockets up, veering left at the end.

FA: Glenn Tempest & Kevin Lindorff, 1977

Trad 18m
23 Pick Pocket

Up face, over pocketed roof, then up R to hole.

Start: Start under the arch.

FA: Chris Shepherd & Paul Tattersall, 1982

Trad 30m
18 Steel Delinquency Variant

Up the slick crack, traversing left to join Steel Delinquency. Probably not a good route to choose if your seconder can't jamb, because they'll likely hit the ledge if they come off at the start.

Start: Start beneath the white L-arching crack.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Glenn Tempest, 1977

Trad 35m
24 R Mr Sheen

Polished face, with 1 BR which is scary to clip, and a scary finish.

Start: Start 2m R of SDV.

FA: Mark Moorhead & Malcolm Matheson, 1981

Trad mista 13m, 1
27 Down To Zero

Short flake, then up wall past 2 RB and small gear to DRB.

Start: Start on ledge 5m around R of MS.

FA: Mark Moorhead & Jon Muir, 1981

Trad mista 10m, 2
23 Throw Me No Beers

Up the patch of orange rock, 2 BRs.

Start: Start on the tiny outcrop which is downhill from 'Steel Delinquency' Pinnacle, and which faces the same way.

Trad mista 12m, 2
22 Trench Rawfare

Trench Rawfare - It'll leave you raw!

Offwidth/Roof trench on the right hand side of Steel Delinquency Pinnacle. Approximately 6 meters to the left of Finger Prince.

Go up cave roof and out. Rappel Anchors installed at top of climb.

Offwidth Size Dependent!!

FFA: Chris Ferre, 12 Gen 2018

FA: Chris Ferre, 12 Gen 2018

Trad 12m

Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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