
Ascensioni ripetuta tra 2014-04-01 e 2014-06-30 in Australia come vari tipologie da Tracey Hua

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1 - 100 di 117 ascensioni.

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Ven 27 Giu 2014 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
23 Squealer Sportiva 21m, 6 Molto buona
Warmup, Awesome seeing Tarryn send this!

25 Madder Sportiva 15m, 5 Classica
Nooo elbows don't give up on me

27 Hybrid Vigour Sportiva 24m Molto buona
Draws on

27 Hybrid Vigour Sportiva 24m Molto buona
High point

27 Hybrid Vigour Sportiva 24m Molto buona
Started to feel it in elbows

Sab 21 Giu 2014 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
21 The Stars Look Down Trad 18m Molto buona
Spoogy with EricSan, Called it quits after this as it was hot and there was no wind around

22 Child in Time Trad 25m Mega Classica
So had a false start where my foot slipped... I had my number 1 nut in the crack to protect me.. Fell and it held.. thank goodnesss! Restarted and fell at the first crux then went to the top! Couldn't get my nut out so now theres an awesome piece of fixed gear at the start

18 Resurrection Corner Trad 25m Mega Classica
Just amazement! So many cracks to choose from and so many foot jams. Rad

Lun 16 Giu 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 The Guns of Navaronne Trad 30m Classica
Omg the exposure!!! really had to bust my bum on this one... hidden holds and didn't want to fall seconding

22 Old Guard Trad 40m Classica
Failed so hard on second a year ago... on lead a year later why not and yay sendage Scary weird end though... Finger cracks are awesome!!!

23 Insomnia Trad 40m Classica
So good... amazingly awesome hard start and awkward offwidth finish with a crack inside a crack!

18 Fluid / Epic Link Up Trad 30m Classica
Warm down.. felt hard I was super tired...

20 Piranha Trad 45m Classica
Wow... very different climbing. Lots of chimneyish like moves, was good but slightly scary

Dom 15 Giu 2014 - Mt Coolum
29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
Kneebar didn't feel quite right tripped me out...

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
Tired needing a good rest from climbing

26 Screaming Insanity Sportiva 15m, 9 Classica
Had to fight the tiredness but got there in the end! What a big day >

25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat Sportiva 8m, 5 Molto buona
Draws on for Jai

25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat Sportiva 8m, 5 Molto buona

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
Felt good till the crux... bahhh!

Mer 11 Giu 2014 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
23 Monkey Magic Sportiva 10m, 4 Classica
Wow didnt think I would get this! Amazing sustained crimps so much fun!

21 Pigsy Sportiva 12m, 4 Buona
Warm up, Trickey start.

19 Something About Sandy Sportiva 13m, 5 Buona
Warm up

27 Hybrid Vigour Sportiva 24m Molto buona
Draws on, made it through Wailer

27 Hybrid Vigour Sportiva 24m Molto buona
Not enough rest, was getting dark! Head lamps

Lun 9 Giu 2014 - Brooyar
Eagle's Nest
17 Send Me an Angel Sportiva 40m, 11 Classica
Really nice route! has a bit of everything!

14 2 For Tea Sportiva 32m, 9 Molto buona

23 Fatman Scoop Sportiva 20m, 4 Molto buona
Cool moves! Minus the top crumbley stuff

23 Blinky Bill's American Breakfast Sportiva 8m, 3 Molto buona
Sickkk... got on it 2 years ago blasted through the sustained crimps this time and finished it off with a booby mantle.

Dom 8 Giu 2014 - Brooyar
Point Pure
24 Pipeline Sportiva 15m, 5 Buona
Igor gave me some weird beta, did some choking of the cobra. Didn't want to do the upside down fall..

24 Pipeline Sportiva 15m, 5 Buona
Yeah new beta proved useful really cool toe hook at the top

25 Losing Fingers Sportiva 8m, 3 Buona
Yeowww! Grunty but the holds weren't that sharp! What is everyone complaining about!

19 Unleash the Swarm Sportiva 15m, 5 Pessima
I was scared.. enough said

Dom 8 Giu 2014 - Brooyar
Black Stump Buttresses
14 The Dog's Paw Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
Sneaker ascent for the girls to TR

Sab 7 Giu 2014 - Brooyar
Black Stump Buttresses
25 Little Wednesday Sportiva 8m, 6 Molto buona
Got on this 2 years ago... Smashed it out of the water first go

20 Dreamcatcher Sportiva 15m Molto buona

24 Shake and Bake Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Stuffed my sequence and peeled

24 Shake and Bake Sportiva 15m Molto buona
Yeow! Slabby fun!

17 The Enticer Sportiva 14m, 5 Molto buona

Dom 1 Giu 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Molto buona
Ahhh Mitchs first trad fall! So scary on belay

19 Hollywood Rattlesnake Trad 18m Molto buona
Nice finger jammin! Wish it just kept on going!

20 Cock Crack Trad 38m Molto buona
Wow this was exciting! Crack is hand jam size, crack gets bigger and bigger... now it doesn't fit my number 4 bd.. 10metres later... now it fits another number 4.. yay I'm not going to die awesome fun!

12 Witches Cauldron Trad 18m Buona
For mitch to learn how to place gear

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Molto buona
Warm up fun! Mitchs first crack climb

Sab 31 Mag 2014 - The Pulpit (private land)
Back Wall
21 Rumplestiltskin p1 Sportiva 20m, 5
20 The Brothers Grimm Sportiva 20m, 4
Sab 24 Mag 2014 - Mt Coolum
29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
Wow getting consistant...1 sit

26 Screaming Insanity Sportiva 15m, 9 Classica
Warm ups

Mar 20 Mag 2014 - Mt Coolum
29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
Got another high point yeow

26 Screaming Insanity Sportiva 15m, 9 Classica
Yeow! Warm-up

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
Felt good! got a high point and did it in 1 sit...

Ven 16 Mag 2014 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
23 Squealer Sportiva 21m, 6 Molto buona
Warm up

27 Hybrid Vigour Sportiva 24m Molto buona
Only got 1 shot before the rain... booo rain.. head was terriable >

Dom 11 Mag 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Magical Mystery Tour Trad 34m Classica
Wooo this one was exciting! Hard finger crack start to crazy offwidthness! Face climbing to chimneying to arete step-out walked a number 4 cam for what 10m.. Crazy!

17 Micron Trad 20m Buona
Yeow Repeat! Thanks for an awesome day Tom

22 Lonely Teardrops Trad 22m Mega Classica
Yay! My first 22 trad route >< So nervous it didn't go as smoothly as when I did it on second

Dom 11 Mag 2014 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Winston Alley Trad 10m Buona
Small crack to RK

20 Rickety Kate Trad 15m Classica
Yeow! So sick seeing Reido do this! Crazy paper wasps at the start of the route....

Ven 9 Mag 2014 - Mt Coolum
24 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sportiva 12m, 7 Molto buona
Warm to the up

24 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sportiva 12m, 7 Molto buona
Second warm up, managed to down climb it as well

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
All the moves felt good Nice to be back on this again after a long break due to finger injury

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sportiva 12m, 6 Classica
Couldn't find a place for my left foot after the crux move... still bafaled... Can't remember what I used to do...

26 Screaming Insanity Sportiva 15m, 9 Classica
Omg I must of been tired plus its so hard putting that 4th draw up..

26 Screaming Insanity Sportiva 15m, 9 Classica
Last climb of the day power yelped my way through... was a bit of a fight...

Dom 4 Mag 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Lonely Teardrops Trad 22m Mega Classica
Woo so much fun for small fingers

25 Voices in the Sky Trad 32m Mega Classica
I've always wanted to get on this climb! It was amazing climbing. Techy, high steps, laybacks and gastons

21 Conquistador Trad 45m Classica
Got on this last year and fell off while seconding. First day out at frog.. why not try conquistador So good to get this one off the dog list!

19 Infinity Trad 40m Classica
Wooo First frog climb! Warm-up

Dom 4 Mag 2014 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
26 Future Tense Trad 40m Classica
Ahhh So nice... Fell at small crack and the crux...

20 Egotistical Pineapple (Egotistical Pinapple) Trad 14m Molto buona
Last climb of the day! Start was awkward, bridged with my legs and back

Sab 26 Apr 2014 - Mt Coolum
26 Wholly Calamity Sportiva 20m, 12 Classica
Never felt so good after clipping the chains of Screaming, so kept on going and worked out the moves!

26 Wholly Calamity Sportiva 20m, 12 Classica
Yeow finally ticked

24 Has It Got a Chevy Motor? Sportiva 12m, 7 Molto buona

25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat Sportiva 8m, 5 Molto buona
Draws on

25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat Sportiva 8m, 5 Molto buona
Sped up climb and down climbed past the crux. Thanks Tom for the awesome catch

28 27 Spoonman Sportiva 20m, 11 Classica
Haven't been on this since I sent but got really psyched seeing Tom, Robbie and Lee on it! So had a go and got to the last throw! Super happy!

Gio 24 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
24 Shore Break Sportiva 15m Buona
Fell at crux on the onsight attempt! Still pretty hard up to there!

24 Shore Break Sportiva 15m Buona
Gave it everything at the crux and stuck it pretty cool upper section!

25 Rubber Lover Sportiva 20m, 5 Buona
Warm up and no expectations! Finally sent it!!!!! Yeow

24 Jaqueline Hyde Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
Woo!! Techy crux and scary 3rd clip!

Mer 23 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
19 Powerbra Rangers Sportiva 23m, 8 Mega Classica
Really nice climbing!

22 Nylon Happy Sportiva 20m, 8 Classica
Omg... Amazing climb but pretty committing! Super happy with this onsight!

Mer 23 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Sail Away Wall
24 Black Heathen Sportiva 25m Buona
Arghhhh soooo harddd! top crux move I was able to catch but the gastons lower down were very wet... couldn't do that move!!!

Mar 22 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
23 Lyptus Sportiva 23m, 8 Classica
Draws up for MJ she did so awesome on the crux

25 Grape Power (Link-up) (Grape Power) Sportiva 20m, 8 Mega Classica
Enjoyed this so much! Super fun climb

25 Grape Power (Link-up) (Grape Power) Sportiva 20m, 8 Mega Classica
Fave climb of the trip

Dom 20 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
23 Mental Mantle Sportiva 27m Molto buona
Yay just made it, pheowww!

23 Mental Mantle Sportiva 27m Molto buona
Fell at the heart breaker crux! Noo climbed all that way >< Big whipperrrrr!

Dom 20 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Steep Wall
16 The Sisters of Fatima Sportiva 12m, 5 Classica
18 A Tale of Two Cities Sportiva 12m, 7 Classica
23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Sportiva 9m, 4 Classica
3 bolts of goodness nice to get on it again after sending it 2 years ago!

Sab 19 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Adults Only Cave
26 26 M0 The Way of All Flesh M0 Sportiva 22m Mega Classica
Amazing route!

Sab 19 Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Little Triggers Wall
16 Karinya Sportiva 25m, 7
18 Jolly Good Fellow Sportiva 25m, 9
19 Mike and Lorna go to Town Sportiva 25m, 6
15 The Arrow and the Song Sportiva 26m, 9
Dom 13 Apr 2014 - Arapiles
Northern Group High Dive Gully
21 A Taste of Honey Trad 27m Classica
So Nails! Felt so hard! Wooo to another alien saving my life had a mini freak out on it...

Sab 12 Apr 2014 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Pilot Error Area
21 20 Pilot Error Trad mista 12m, 1 Molto buona
Yay cool exposure!

Sab 12 Apr 2014 - Arapiles
Atridae The Flight Deck
24 23 Orestes Trad 40m Mega Classica
Previously done on TR. Weee felt awesome to accomplish this!

Ven 11 Apr 2014 - Victoria Range
Mt Fox Area Muline Crag
24 Krankandangle Sportiva 15m, 5 Classica

24 Krankandangle Sportiva 15m, 5 Classica


1 - 100 di 117 ascensioni.

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