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1 - 100 di 460 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Mar 11 Set 2012 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
24 23 It's no Game Sportiva 12m Media
23 Scheme of Things Sportiva 12m, 5 Media
23 24 Chicken Skin Sportiva 12m
Mar 11 Set 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
25 The Reality Dysfunction (The Awesome 25) Sportiva 20m, 12 Classica
Sab 8 Set 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
26 25 Digitalicious Sportiva 20m, 12 Molto buona
Second shot. Feels like 26 to me. A really good couple of boulder problems, I had to try quite hard. A grade harder than the other 25's here.

Sab 8 Set 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity Sportiva 22m, 9 Classica
great route. Nice wwarmup

23 The Cramps Sportiva 22m, 10 Molto buona
Really nice rock and very good climbing

Sab 8 Set 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
24 25 Taxi Driver Sportiva 20m, 9 Molto buona
Fun climbing and crux.

Ven 3 Ago 2012 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
24 It Beat A Circus Sportiva 12m Buona
I know Mitch loves this route, but really it's not any better than the other things at the left side of the crag. Pretty fun I suppose.

Sab 14 Lug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
25 The Reality Dysfunction (The Awesome 25) Sportiva 20m, 12 Classica
I've actually done this one a couple of times clean now. It's just excellent.

26 Realized Ultimate Reality Linkup (Link 25 into 29) Sportiva 20m, 11 Mega Classica
Second shot I fell with my hand on the jug at the anchor! Super pumped and yelling all the way to the end. This route is Fricken' Unreal!

21 When the Spirits are Calling (Steves new climb) Sportiva 15m, 8 Media
Well... it actually climbs lots better than it looks, so it's kinda average! hardish for 21.

Dom 1 Lug 2012 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
28 The Eviscerator Sportiva 30m Buona
Tried this one about 4 times over winter. It's really good, but the low crux is really sharp, so if you fall off, your skin really suffers. Might have to wait for next winter now. Crux only goes for me on cold windy days.

28 The Eviscerator Sportiva 30m Buona
Sab 25 Feb 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
23 On the Wagon Sportiva 22m Buona
Sat at the crux.... got a bit lost. Good quality and a confusing crux!

Sab 25 Feb 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
22 La Niña Sportiva 25m, 10 Buona
This is 21 at most. I think Birthday Bolts might be harder! Good fun!

25 24 Driven Sportiva 20m Buona
A really good crux on great rock. Easy 25 or hard 24, hard to know.

25 Swinging In The Rain Sportiva 20m, 13 Classica
This is really excellent. Maybe best route at the crag, with Neils Binary. Sustained, pumpy, good climbing all the way, great rock.

Dom 12 Feb 2012 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
25 Binary Neil Sportiva 25m, 10 Classica
Really nice rock and moves. Lovely climbing.

24 Survival Day Sportiva 20m, 10 Media
An awkward crux. Found an easier kneebar which makes it more like 23. 21 without the crux.

19 Birthday Bolts Sportiva 20m, 9 Molto buona
Great! Maybe harder than 19 though... 21?

Mer 21 Dic 2011 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Diamond Falls Access Ledge
25 Diamond Jack (Diamond Jack P1) Sportiva 60m Classica
Great route. Maybe one of the better 25's in the mtns, up there with Nikita and Wipeout and Toyland! Neil there are good routes to go to the left of this one!

Dom 9 Ott 2011 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Andersens Left Main Font Boulder
V5 White Destiny Boulder 4m
Dom 9 Ott 2011 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Andersens Lower Clicke Sydney Highrise Boulder
V4 V7 French Toast Boulder 5m
Dom 9 Ott 2011 - Mt Stapylton Campground
Campground Boulders
V3 Super Deluxe Boulder 4m Media
V7 Happy Camper Boulder Mega Classica
For some reason this is not in the crag database, one of the obvious lines at the crag. Really cool

V5 No Sex After Mushrooms Boulder Molto buona
V3 V4 Ross's Problem Boulder 5m
Dom 11 Set 2011 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
26 Smoked Mussels Sportiva 12m, 4 Buona
I think I've done it 2 or 3 times now. Good, but I've twisted my knee twice now on that start move. Really solid little number. It's low end 26 I think.

Sab 27 Ago 2011 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
25 Madge McDonald Sportiva 12m, 7 Classica
For the N millionth time, but I still Lurv it!

29 August 1914 Sportiva 12m Buona
All but the lunge move, which I keep falling off. The rest is good and not too hard.

Sab 27 Ago 2011 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
24 Junket Pumper Sportiva 15m Media
Just a boulder, but good for taking jumping practice from the top!

Sab 13 Ago 2011 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Equaliser Wall
29 Decodyfier Sportiva 20m Classica
Beautiful, technical and thin. I would love to tick this route. The top crux is going to kill me!

Sab 13 Ago 2011 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
23 Mental Mantle Sportiva 27m Classica
An excellent route! Done it at least half a dozen times, its Great, Mate!

Mer 3 Ago 2011 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
29 28 La Realite N’Existe Pas (The 29) Sportiva 22m, 10 Molto buona
A couple of good boulders, then really pumpy.

Mer 3 Ago 2011 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
26 Lovable Rogue (Unknown) Sportiva 14m Molto buona
This one is apparently 26, but it felt like 25 to me.

23 24 Ten No Trumps (Seam Crack) Sportiva 16m, 7
21 Jingle Bells (First Flake) Sportiva 15m
Mer 3 Ago 2011 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
21 Hot Pump Action Baby Sportiva 25m, 6 Molto buona
Pretty cool. half a dozen times.

28 Zapt Sportiva 20m, 10 Classica
Easier end of grade. A thin techo boulder at the top. Stoked for Karen and myself to get this one today. Nice flash Will!

28 Pulse Sportiva 20m, 7 Classica
2 goes today. Harder than Zapt with now extended crux. What a good pumpy day!

Dom 31 Lug 2011 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
21 The Gangs of Mt York Sportiva 20m, 6 Pessima
Sorry Steve, this one is really average.

Dom 24 Lug 2011 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
25 26 Crumple Zone (Short Left Traverse) Sportiva 8m, 6 Molto buona
A really good short bouldery route. Solid.

Dom 3 Lug 2011 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
27 Event Horizon (The Awesome 27) Sportiva 22m, 10 Mega Classica
This route is SOOO fantastic! Beautiful moves and rock.

24 A Rover in Time (Boomy) Sportiva 15m, 10 Buona
I liked the moves. Fell onsight and haven't redpointed.

Ven 17 Giu 2011 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
23 A Streaker Named Desire Sportiva 25m, 13 Buona
I find this one quite hard. Thin and balancy and sustained.

Ven 3 Giu 2011 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Duck Wall
22 Daffy (The 22) Sportiva 20m Molto buona
I really liked this.... it's pretty tough!

24 23 Out For A Duck (The 24) Sportiva 15m Buona
I liked the boulder at the top. Steve reckons 23. Felt like 23 with all the good beta.

17 How Much Is A Duck Worth (Flakes at Left End) Sportiva 15m Orrenda
Sorry Meg.... this is not so good!

Lun 21 Feb 2011 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
21 Thirty Three Years Sportiva 15m, 7 Molto buona
cool and tricky.

25 Thunderstruck Sportiva 45m, 17 Mega Classica
Of course I would say megaclassic! It's pretty fun I reckon. 24 or 25, not sure. Needs repeats.

Lun 21 Feb 2011 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
22 The Sublime and the Beautiful Sportiva 75m Molto buona
I really liked this one. skipped final pitch and lowered off though.

24 Guillotine Sportiva 48m, 23 Mega Classica
This is such a beauty. Did it from the ground, and it felt quite pumpy. Hardest move is off the ground, then pumpy at the top.

23 28 Marxism (Marxism Pitch 1) Sportiva 62m, 22 Molto buona
This is great, but would be improved by starting at Vespasians wall then heading right. Would need a couple of bolts for the link.

24 The Young Violent Pony Sportiva 25m, 10 Buona
Quite good, shame it finishes in the middle of nowhere. The open extension is not very nice.

Lun 21 Feb 2011 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity Sportiva 22m, 9 Classica
This is excellent!

Lun 21 Feb 2011 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Sail Away Wall
25 Wipe Out Sportiva 30m, 8 Mega Classica
Very excellent!!!!

Dom 3 Ott 2010 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag The Fuse Box
25 Particle Accelerator Sportiva 15m Buona
22 20 Switch Gear Sportiva 10m, 3 Media
Mer 1 Set 2010 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
23 Puppy Fat Sportiva 10m, 4 Media
Mar 17 Ago 2010 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
24 Displaced Persons Sportiva 33m Molto buona
Feels like 23 to me. Very good, but an anchor below the dirty top roof would be good.

23 Golliwog Grades (Golliwog Grading) Sportiva 25m, 13 Classica
This feels more like 24 to me. It is excellent. Done it maybe 5 times. The extension is good but often wet.

25 Silently Flying By Sportiva 25m Molto buona
Sometime last year. Done it a few times now. A good boulder, easy in the cold, desperate in summer!

Mar 3 Ago 2010 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Jean Jaurès Wall
21 20 La Femme Flic (Vertical Wall Right) Sportiva 30m, 10
The best of the 3!

Mar 3 Ago 2010 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
25 Year of the Sun Bear (The Righthand 25) Sportiva 20m, 10 Buona
A thin boulder. Nice and steep.

25 The Reality Dysfunction (The Awesome 25) Sportiva 20m, 12 Classica
I haven't actually ticked this.... fell twice putting the draws on at the top, then didn't get on again!

25 The Dreaming Void (Up the Middle) Sportiva 29m, 12 Molto buona
Half a dozen shots. This one is really pumpy for me. Other people find it ok??!?

Mar 3 Ago 2010 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
23 Jigger Jeff (Slab to Steep) Sportiva 17m, 10 Buona
Cool trickiness at top.

18 19 Belayer's Root (Belayers Route) Sportiva 14m Media
23 24 Wet Paint (Steep Corner) Sportiva 16m, 6
Done this 2 or 3 times. 24?

25 24 Snappy Dresser (Little Flake) Sportiva 15m Classica
Really cool. 24?

Mar 3 Ago 2010 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
22 Jug Buzz Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
Heaps of times over the years. Sharp

Gio 27 Ago 2009 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
24 23 Glad Ingram Sportiva 15m, 8 Buona
Lun 3 Ago 2009 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Jean Jaurès Wall
19 21 Little Dick Street (Vertical Wall Middle) Sportiva 35m
23 Avenue Jean Jaures (Vertical Wall Left) Sportiva 35m
Lun 3 Ago 2009 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
23 Searching for the Light (Heuco Line) Sportiva 24m, 14 Molto buona
feels like 22 to me.

24 Troc de l’Ile (Red Incuts) Sportiva 15m, 7 Buona
feels like 23 to me.

Lun 3 Ago 2009 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
25 Paint God (Orange Delight) Sportiva 20m Mega Classica
Beautiful rock and climbing

27 Autophagocytosis (Orange Delight Direct) Sportiva 20m Classica
Really good, lots of boulders. Maybe 3 or 4 goes a few years ago.

Lun 3 Ago 2009 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
24 Mr Dwindle Sportiva 15m, 4 Buona
Did this a couple of years ago. Good I remember.

Lun 1 Set 2008 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
24 Goosebumps Sportiva 10m, 4 Buona
I've done this one maybe half a dozen times. I reckon it's the best line in this cave.

Dom 3 Ago 2008 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
22 Seamstress (Seam at Left End) Sportiva 22m, 10 Classica
cool. graded 21 I think.

Dom 3 Ago 2008 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
22 23 Boysenberry Ripple (Big Corner) Sportiva 18m Media
Ven 3 Ago 2007 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
24 Transmission Sportiva 20m, 9 Buona
did this a few years ago

Sab 10 Feb 2007 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Egg
24 The Deal with Space Sportiva 15m Molto buona
really good. First half is same as floating line, so can't say I flashed it.. first try.

28 The Floating Line (homage to an angel) (The Floating Line) Sportiva 22m, 7 Classica
4 more shots today. Getting so close dammit!

Mar 6 Feb 2007 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area The Freezer
24 Meat Mallet Sportiva 25m Buona

Sab 3 Feb 2007 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Logan Brae Main Cliff
25 Kathy K Sportiva 16m Buona
Softy! Nice moves though.

Sab 3 Feb 2007 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Egg
24 Red Demon Sportiva 14m Classica
So great! many laps recently

Sab 3 Feb 2007 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Logan Brae Main Cliff
25 Dr Stein Sportiva 18m, 10 Molto buona
first try today. A few tries several years ago.

Mer 31 Gen 2007 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Egg
24 Funky Monkey Sportiva 14m, 8 Molto buona
very tough. repeat.

24 Funky Monkey Sportiva 14m, 8 Molto buona
What a sandbag! one more lap. floating line x2 with one fall!!

24 Red Demon Sportiva 14m Classica
two laps today. so close to floating line!

28 The Floating Line (homage to an angel) (The Floating Line) Sportiva 22m, 7 Classica
two shots today with one fall both times. This is a fantastic line. It was the first line I bolted at the egg, quite a few years ago. Lent to Mitch who solved the crux with a slip of the drill, and finally done by Tobias Wolf. A bit soft for 28, great power endurance! i lurv it! Hope it goes soon.

Ven 26 Gen 2007 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Logan Brae Main Cliff
25 26 Shark Pool Sportiva 12m Buona
Got bitten! quite hard!!

Ven 26 Gen 2007 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Egg
24 Red Demon Sportiva 14m Classica
Fantastic climbing, not too hard....repeat.

Ven 26 Gen 2007 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Logan Brae Main Cliff
24 Surprise Package Sportiva 17m, 8 Classica
great, pumpy

25 Critters (Criters) Sportiva 20m Buona
not too hard.

Ven 26 Gen 2007 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Egg
24 Funky Monkey Sportiva 14m, 8 Molto buona
Wow, this is quite stiff... repeat.

Sab 20 Gen 2007 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass La La Land Area
24 Escape Velocity Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Baking hot day!! should have gone to the egg for the morning! Cruxy, but still nice. Karen reckons it'll go direct through the crux in cooler weather... maybe we should knock that wide gaston off steve!! (only joking)


1 - 100 di 460 ascensioni.

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