
Ascensioni in Australia come vari tipologie da Michael 'Wonderdog' Woodrow

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1 - 100 di 699 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Ven 22 Mag 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Wizards Back Trad 10m Buona
Ven 15 Giu 2012 - Mt Tinbeerwah
Main Wall
15 Cruiser Direct Sportiva 35m Media
13 Cruiser Sportiva 35m, 8 Media
16 Revelation Sportiva 30m, 7 Media
8 8 R Genesis Sportiva 30m, 7 Media
Gio 9 Nov 2006 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Area Below Tiptoe Ridge
4 5 Introductory Route Trad 140m Classica
Very nice exposure and moves on the top pitch.

Mer 8 Nov 2006 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Preludes Wall
11 Dracula Trad 40m Buona
Mer 8 Nov 2006 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Charity Buttress
9 Hope Trad 16m Buona
Dom 5 Gen 2003 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Descent Gully Walls
15 Santa's Little Helper Sportiva 15m, 6
17 Velvetine Sportiva 14m
17 Butt Head Sportiva 15m, 7
14 Tony Sportiva 8m, 3
17 Hang On Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona
It was OK...

17 Slim Pig Games Sportiva 17m Buona
First ascent, nice position, don't fall off at the top...

17 Mad Hatter Sportiva 20m, 12
Sab 4 Gen 2003 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Indian Wall
14 16 Sitting Bull (Shitting Bull) Sportiva 8m, 4 Buona
1999 - Killiecrankie
Main Cliff Sedgies Buttress
14 A Serious Proposal Trad 30m Buona
Sab 1 Mar 1997 - Mount Buffalo
The Cathedral
23 Seven Veils Sportiva 20m, 4 Molto buona
Top roped with Dayle and Martin on a previous trip... came back with Ian Campbell and finished it, although Ian couldn't follow.

Sab 8 Feb 1997 - Mount Buffalo
The Cathedral
20 Strange Angels Sconosciuto 15m Buona
21 Caravanserai Trad mista 20m, 3 Buona
2nd on first ascent

Dom 3 Apr 1994 - Killiecrankie
Main Cliff Campsite Buttress & Pinnacle
21 20/21 Carnival of Fear Trad 75m Molto buona
Sab 2 Apr 1994 - Killiecrankie
Main Cliff Sedgies Buttress
12 Bush Bash Trad 25m Media
11 Little Tiger Trad 25m Buona
15 Carnivore Trad 35m Buona
16 Incinerator Trad 35m Buona
1994 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
19 Chubba Chips Mods Trad mista 20m, 3 Buona
my first 18 lead... now graded 19!

1993 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Halva Sportiva 20m, 5 Buona
15 16 R Insomnia Trad mista 18m, 4 Buona
19 Arrow Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
22 Froth Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
Hard overhang at the top

18 Keyhole Trad 18m Media
20 Juice Sportiva 18m, 4 Molto buona
Really nice corner at the top

22 Pre Menstrual Tendons Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Did first ascent on top rope with Ron Masters and seconded Martin on the first lead

Dom 18 Ott 1992 - Arapiles
Atridae The Flight Deck
24 It'll Never Fly Sportiva 20m, 4 Buona
Took a few goes but got there in the end...

Dom 18 Ott 1992 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Pilot Error Area
21 Pilot Error Trad mista 12m, 1 Buona
19 Daily Planet RHV Trad 20m Buona
Dic 1991 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Golden Fleece Wall
20 Beautiful Possibilities Direct Start Trad 36m Media
1988 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
21 Dolerite Dreaming Trad mista 18m, 4 Media
1987 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
17 17 R Jets Over Jordon Trad 10m Pessima
1986 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
23 Cucumber Castle Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
1986 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
21 Rear Entry Sportiva 22m, 4 Buona
1986 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
21 Alien Sex Fiend Sportiva 20m, 5 Buona
Exciting lead!

1986 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
22 Lesbian Printshop Workers Trad mista 20m, 5 Classica
Exciting finish...

1986 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
17 Gash Flash Trad 11m Media
20 Wallbanger Sportiva 22m, 6 Buona
1986 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
20 20 R Zac Trad 20m Molto buona
1986 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
23 Bird Dance for Shiva Sportiva 13m, 1 Buona
Oops... the ground is soo hard!

1986 - Mt Beerwah
The Organ Pipes
A1 C1 Stainless Anticlimb Artificiale 130m Molto buona
Done this one a couple of times... great fun.

Set 1985 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
17 Wrath of Grapes Trad mista 20m, 2 Buona
Did this and the varient on the same night. It had previously been established as a TR problem (Rick White I think)

Lun 19 Ago 1985 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
20 Responding to Purely Rabitoid Stimuli Direct Finish Sportiva 13m, 3 Media
So much data gets lost over time... did this one with Moira Blom as well.

1985 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
22 Hanger Wall Arete Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
One hard move

1985 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
22 Spack Attack Sportiva 14m, 2 Molto buona
Named after girlfriend broken leg epic on Crookneck...

1985 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
21 Another Girl Another Planet Sportiva 18m, 3 Molto buona
Scarey lead... top roped shamelessly first

19 Socketh It Unto Me VF Trad mista 20m, 2 Buona
1985 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
18 Dazed and Confused Trad mista 14m, 1 Buona
Seconded Tony on first ascent... bouldery start.

1985 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
20 Heap of Shit Trad 17m Media
First free ascent of a Hot Henry Barber top rope problem!

1985 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
14 Trash Thrash Trad 14m Media
1985 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
19 Eddie Goes to Gay Bars Trad 50m Buona
24 Punks in the Gin Sportiva 17m, 5 Molto buona
18 Socketh It Unto Me V Trad mista 18m, 3 Buona
18 Socketh It Unto Me Trad 18m Buona
Quite hard and a bit scarey from memory...

24 42 Wheels Sportiva 18m, 3 Molto buona
19 Mission Impossible VF Trad mista 18m, 1 Buona
15 Wrinkled Welsh Weenies Trad mista 13m, 1 Media
Not sure that I did it as per the guidebook... didn't seem too hard to me at the time...

1985 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
20 20 R 32A Trad mista 20m, 3 Molto buona
1985 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
23 Raped in a Church Trad mista 11m, 2 Molto buona
Crimpy with a kidney puncturing fence to avoid when first done... not a good one to fall on!

1985 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
21 Idiot Wind DS Sportiva 18m, 4 Buona
nice boulder problem

21 The Stoats Stepped Out Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
Was quite scarey in its original form...

1984 - Kangaroo Point
V0 Rankin's Rape Boulder 4m Buona
1984 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
14 Cornflake Crack Trad 18m
17 Tiger Eye Trad mista 18m, 3
19 Radioactive Cheerio D Trad mista 18m, 3
1984 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
14 Endoplasmic Exterminator Trad 20m Orrenda
Crap for my first ever new route... young and foolish!

1984 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
18 Wounded Knee Trad mista 18m, 4 Buona
Rob Whannel actually led this first, after I put the bolts in (I am no longer bitter... I am no longer bitter...

16 Robbie's Robust Runners Sportiva 20m, 5 Buona
17 Lost in Space Trad 18m
16 Ring Around the Moon Corda dall'alto 18m
1984 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 SHC Trad 18m Media
Sandshoe Hairy Crux... fist ascent top rope... details hazy...

1984 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
16 17 A Bum Full Of Fists Sportiva 20m, 3 Molto buona
Sensational climbing at the grade... quite exciting!

1984 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Illusion Trad 23m Buona
My first lead at Frog!

1984 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
16 Razor Sportiva 18m, 3
16 Slime Fresh Trad 18m Media
15 David Mac Trad mista 18m, 3
16 Robbie's Robust Runners (Variant Finish) (Robbie's Robust Runners VF) Trad 20m Buona
15 Radioactive Cheerio Trad mista 18m, 3
1984 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
16 Kasper Sportiva 18m, 6 Media
15 16 Tombstone Row Sportiva 18m, 5 Media
21 Idiot Wind Sportiva 18m, 5 Classica
Took the whinger at the top before I got it... classic!

20 Pommy Bastard Sportiva 18m, 5 Media
I put some crappy bolts in this and led it with some visiting climber whose name escapes me...

17 Bombadil Sportiva 18m, 5 Buona
1984 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
15 Bottle Stopper Sportiva 18m, 4
14 Smog Trad 18m
1983 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
25 Bufo Marinus Sportiva 8m, 1 Buona
1982 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Exhilarant Trad 18m Classica
Sensational moves for the grade... the swing over is classic!

1981 - Nowra
Ben's Walk
15 Twister Sconosciuto 12m Buona
1981 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
19 Keep the Wasp Off the Tiger Trad 10m Pessima
wasps... ouch...

Dom 1 Dic 2013 - Camels Hump
Omega Block Area Lower Tier
17 16 Blind Justice Trad mista 40m, 5 Media
22 Silent Assassin Trad mista 20m, 2 Buona
Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
10 D Major Trad 50m
Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Bad Blues Trad 22m Media

1 - 100 di 699 ascensioni.

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