
Ascensione di Bunny Bucket Buttress come Onsight, Greenpoint onsight o Onsight solo come sportiva da Robert Hartley

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Mer 28 Dic 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Bunny Bucket Buttress and Hotel California Area
18 Bunny Bucket Buttress - con Amy Chan
1 18 20m Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley

Nothing quite like a stiff, reachy boulder problem to warm up the tendons!

2 18 20m Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley

Fun moves up the short corner, and a jam to get onto the arête above.

3 18 40m Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley

Probably the standout pitch, in terms of climbing. A delicate slab traverse up to a blunt arête tenuous move to other side.

4 8 30m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Amy Chan

Super dirty!

5 8 40m Da secondo

Also dirty, but with at least some vertical ledges.

6 18 40m Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley

Really cool moves through the roof, jug-haul the rest of the way up.

Extended the first 4 bolts. Rope drag was apparent, but manageable.

7 18 40m Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley

Vertical jug hauling to slopey exit.

8 13 40m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Amy Chan

Nothing special, but particularly abrasive rock.

A indirect belay would be best from the top of this pitch.

Sportiva 270m Classica

Tutti 1 ascensione visualizzati.

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