
Ascensione di Gaze a Gazely Stare come Red point o First free ascent

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Tutti 1 ascensione visualizzati.

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Sab 14 Gen 2023 - Blue Mountains
Lower Blue Mountains Falling Water Wall Lower Cliff
26 Facile Gaze a Gazely Stare - con Simmo, Jared Anderson, Match Trad 55m Molto buona
Paul Frothy Thomson
5 days of effort -though 4 of those were wasted with an utterly stupid way of climbing the crux.

Crazy crazy steep mixed climbing over the void. Sustained, and absent "ledges" or major breaks... but marred by "Duck-Wall-esque" rock quality (read: average Blueys Rock), so I'm only giving it 2 stars.


Tutti 1 ascensione visualizzati.

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