
Vie come sportiva in First Year Uni Area

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Tutti 7 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
17 Moonlighting the Renovations

The left most route on the recessed face, equipped with carrots and fixed hangers. The top pitch is steep and in a very good position.

FA: J Gaibor, 2004

Sportiva 35m, 2
19 Year Long Winter

Line of carrots right of MTR, with lower offs at lip of ledge. Can also be done easily on gear but needs a #5 or 6 BD.

FA: C O'Leary, 2004

Sportiva 18m
19 Still no Bathroom
  1. Line of rings up slab to DRBB.

  2. Line of rings up orange wall to DRBB lower-offs.

FA: J. Gaibor, 2004

Sportiva 35m, 2
25 Lambrusco Kid

Start: Bolts 3m right of YD. This route is now unclimbable due to tree growing next to wall.

FA: A.Prehn, 1988

Sportiva 15m
22 Unknown1

Major arete on left side of the overhung wall. Start 3m right of the arete and trend left onto arete by about the 4th bolt. The arete can be climbed direct (22) or by climbing the face on the left side (20).

FA: Unknown

Sportiva 25m, 9
21 Fizzgig

Start 3m right of Unknown on left of the cave. Up juggy wall to roof, then swing right and diagonally upwards to overlap then straight up wall to loweroffs.

FA: G.Short, J.Smoothy & P.Mort, 2007

Sportiva 20m
19 Whodunnit

Start as for Fizzgig and traverse further right then up near right end of block. Use long slings to avoid rope drag. Alternatively start in Blaxlands Gully, crawl along ledge or launch off edge of gully and up onto the wall, then straight up. May have been climbed in the dark ages.

FA: G.Short, P.Mort, B.Junge & G.Bradbury, 2007

Sportiva 25m

Tutti 7 vie visualizzati.

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