
Vie in Brady's Lookout del grado selezionato

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Tourist Boulder
V0 V0

Climb straight up the middle of the boulder. Probably the best for getting off the top of the boulder as well once you’ve made it there.

Boulder 3m
Three's a Crowd Boulder
V0 Zero's none

Sit start to the left of the arete via good holds and head up left to the highest part of the boulder

FA: Kris Penn

Boulder 5m
V0 Centre Left Slab

Stand start the middle left line on the slab and climb straight up

Boulder 6m
V0 Centre Right Slab

Stand start on good edges, fun climbing with high steps and balance moves

Boulder 6m
Pyramid boulder
V0 V0

Head for the topout jug halfway along the downhill side.

V0 V0 (second)

start 3m right of 'Snapshot' and head for the top.

Playground Area
V0 Fat Kid on the SeeSaw

Climb up the root system of the fallen tree and walk along the trunk. Downclimb the boulder

Boulder 2m
Berry Picking Boulder
V0 Berry Picking

A Great looking line in an awesome position. The small pillar perched in the middle of the area. Easy to see if walking from the bottom up.


Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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