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Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
16 The Sickle Crack

From Site 16, walk about 30m up the hill to the jumble of scrappy boulders and skirt to the left. A short and wickedly left-curving offwidth, capped by a small roof, presents itself.

Set a top-rope off of bomber boulder anchors on top, lead it (nothing bigger than #4 camalots required), or suck it up and boulder it out...

Excellent after-dinner or after-breakfast entertainment (for spectators)

FA: Ro Latimer, Samuel May & James Bultitude, 2013

Trad 6m
V0 Gaston Almighty

This is a traverse around the outside of the Lake Catani Shelter. Begin by standing inside the hut and the problem commences as you step directly out onto the rock façade of the building in the left direction. Continue around all walls of the building until you return to the door and can finally step back inside onto the ground. Whilst not technically that difficult it is an epic endurance problem with many pinch grips. Use of the wooden eaves is forbidden and you cannot sit on the window ledges for rest. Link up with a second loop of the hut by traversing the doorway and beginning the problem again.

FFA: Annie P, 31 Mar 2019

FA: Annie P, 31 Mar 2019

Boulder 40m

Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

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