
Via in Air Malta

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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
25 Air Malta
1 23 30m
2 21 20m
3 22 60m
4 25 30m
5 23 20m
6 22 60m

Starts left of Nitro Express. From the river bed skirt up and along a ledge to near its end. All bolts and for Bungonia very clean with little loose rock.

  1. 30m 23 Follow line of bolts on the right to an overlap at half height with a heinous mantle (crux) then trend up and left to DBB next to bushes. Missing first bolt but one can stick clip the second bolt from the ledge.

  2. 20m 21 Follow bolts up and left across slab then up and through the short steep wall to ledge and DBB.

    Move to anchors on the left of the ledge

  3. 60m 22 up left of first bolt then follow bolts right then up a long slab and an orange tufa 10m below the overhang. At last bolt traverse right to the anchor at the DBB on ledge.

  4. 30m 25 the Money pitch. Climb up the slab till the start of the steep rock, 3 bolts. Climb the juggy run out to the first bolt on the left. Follow very steep ground to mantle the tufa blob!. Jump off the tufa and follow the bolts up right then left to the ledge above. Long draws can help with rope drag (The tufas to the left is a different alt finish)

  5. 20m 23 Climb the steep chimney and wall to a ledge. Head right and up the gap between the trees to a DBB. Could use a bolt to climb between ledges but is only grade 10.

    Head right along this ledge to a DRBB 10m.

  6. 60m 22 follow the bolts to face crux moves and then wander to the top on easier terrain and DBB. Rope stretcher.

Tracciata: Duncan Hunter, Michael Demarco & Johannes Friedl

FFA: Duncan Hunter

FA: Duncan Hunter & Michael Demarco, 15 Mar 2016

Sportiva 220m, 6, 18

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