
Vie in Trinity Beach

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Tutti 85 vie visualizzati.

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Taylor's Point
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
VB Bold In The Hole

Sit start with jugs sitting directly below the hole in the top of the short cliff. Jugs galore to the top out.

Tracciata: Nick Murphy, 26 Apr 2020

FA: Nick Murphy, 26 Apr 2020

Boulder 2m
Project 4
Project 6
Project 5
VB Jellylegs

Sit start at the bulge down and left of the gap. Pull up on all the jugs to the top out.

Tracciata: Nick Murphy, 26 Apr 2020

FA: Nick Murphy, 26 Apr 2020

Boulder 2m
Project 7
Project 8
Project 10
Project 9
19 - 23 Unknown 19/23

Very easy start for first 5m (14) and last 6m is overhung with big pockets and a crack. It can be done directly (tape your hands) (23) or layback from crack (19).

Trad 11m
16 Waldorf Saw A Therapist

Easier start to right of 19. Traverse into first bolt over flake. WARNING: ANCHORS (AND LIKELY BOLTS) SEVERELY RUSTED/CORRODED

Sportiva 8m, 4
19 Waldorf's Separation Anxiety

This climb is on the 2nd of the Trinity Beach cliffs at Taylor Point, right hand side. Starts below flake, goes up to high first bolt. WARNING: ANCHORS (AND LIKELY BOLTS) SEVERELY RUSTED/CORRODED

Sportiva 8m, 4
Unknown Name Corner Climb

Info taken from old QURANK Guide. Only mention that it's in the corner. Unable to locate any bolts.

Sconosciuto 12m
Project 14
Project 13
V2 Flakes A Lot Man!

Sit start at the base of the right facing blunt flake, pull up off sidepulls and stab for the flake to the left, head up onto the ramp, then follow thin seam and crimps to top out.

Tracciata: Nick Murphy

FA: Nick Murphy, 3 Mag 2020

Boulder 4m
V1 Flakes For Joining Us

Sit start at blunt arete below the ramp. Pull up using the pocket, mantle onto the ramp and trend right to meet up with 'Flakes A Lot Man!' using the same crimp rail to the top.

Tracciata: Nick Murphy

FA: Nick Murphy, 3 Mag 2020

Boulder 4m
V1 Be Bold, Don't Fold

Sit start at base of ramp to the left of the arete sitting on the block. Pull off slots above, pulling up onto ramp, then following straight up the arete on thin crimps to top out.

Tracciata: Nick Murphy

FA: Nick Murphy, 3 Mag 2020

Boulder 4m
Bladed block project

Tracciata: Nick Murphy, 3 Mag 2020

BoulderProgetto 4m
Project 16
North Trinity Bouldering Main Stack
V0 Oceanic Traverse

Traverse the long obvious rock that dips into the ocean. Be mindful not to dip your feet in

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V1 Funky Chunky

Start far right, work pockets and incredible hidden undercling jug up weakness to orange patch. Nice pinch into jugs and topout

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V5 Triangulate

To the right of IA seated at base of slopey arete left of FC, using face and arete holds. Pocket, undercling edge, slopers and 2 ridiculous pinches to get to rail and oval pocket to top. Low small feet and heels help. Big and vertical cracks are OUT. Contrived.

Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman, 11 Apr 2019

Boulder 4m
V2 Illicit Arete

Sit start at the base of the arete, left of slab the slab wall. There is a small pocket for right hand low on arete. Follow arete keeping feet smeared slab, avoid use of left hand face. Perfect hold halfway. Rails just left of arete on face are in for V1, out for V2. Topout at top of arete.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V3 Pocket Rocket

Start seated on rock, work up mostly through pockets that work as edges to vertical central crack with pocket. Edge left of this is in. Top out via crack and horizontal rails.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Eli Taylor

Boulder 4m
V3 Don't Dab Slab

Stand start low- two underclings. Up through pockets. Then to edge and mini sidepull. Stay left of slight arete. To prow for topout.

Harder for sit start, easier if stand starting using pockets straight away (i.e. not using undercling start holds).

FA: Jared Tyerman, 15 Giu 2019

Boulder 4m
V2 Magical Mystery Tour

Work from Funky Chunky's start to the far left of the Forewall. Thereby traverse all climbs here through the 2m section of the wall. Cool movements prior to the Pocket Rocket section of the climb. Top out as far left as you deem safe, ends above rocks not pads

FA: Sean Reilly

Boulder 4m
V0 Haul of the wall

Sit below crack, work jugs into crack, follow crack to flake-type feature and jugs and crack to top out. Exclude various features for V1

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V3 Epidermis Assemblage

Work far right to far left, using mint heels and toes and open hands on top hand grating edge, to jugs and the topout as far left as possible

Boulder 2m
V1 Santa's S'cr'ack

Sit in rocky hole, work left hand crack using wall features for V1, V2 for direct up crack without wall's aid

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V0 Chimney of the North Pole

Offwidth crack essentially with staircase within

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V2 Thing 1

Left hand arete of off-width

Tracciata: Jess Szekely

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V2 Thing 2

Arete right of offwidth, bit more slopey than Thing 1

Tracciata: Jess Szekely

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V1 Mulitple one-move-wonders

Using the underside as a sit start, use funky holds of choosing for many renditions of a one move wonder that tickles your fancy. Fair few there to try.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 2m
V2 Le'Crack layback

The landing is a bit sketchy, first point to warrant mentioning. Follow the hand crack from bottom left to top right. Cleaning it each time helps remove the moss.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V3 Headless Chook

Start low at far left of obvious ominous wall. Work face and arete up to roof. Top left of roof for easier and safer finish. BEWARE GUILLOTINE ROCK BELOW! Also feel free to top right over roof if you trust it as a free-standing piece.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V2 Awkward Turtle

Pad the hole, start on the arete into chill sidepull holds and semi jugs/pockets. Be wary of scrappy feet. Topout through flaring crack-like weakness

Tracciata: Sean Reilly

FA: Sean Reilly

Boulder 2m
V1 Thin and lacking skin

Use FLIP's thin crack into finger lock, top out over and through crack right of horizontal flake. Start seated by the base of the i

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 2m

Sit start on the flake surrounding the F on the Flip graffiti, work up and around and top out.

FFA: Monica, 7 Apr 2020

Boulder 2m
V3 Leftover Sandwhich

Sit start with pocket and pinch on obvious overhang. Work to scoop, up left to diagonal rail. Gain left horn then miraculous jug rail at top. Topout with far back features or closer cracks.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Sean Reilly

Boulder 3m
V7 Pinch and a Punch

Hard right most line of holds. Use none of the holds from LS except the 2 sit start holds and topout jug. All sharp edges (and one ultra micro).

Jared Tyerman (Attempts & beta)

FA: Callum Mather

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V2 Amazing A'c'rachnid

Sit start underclining underside of major central flake (made possible by the spider who gave his home for this hold). Avoiding dabbing pointed flake behind. Follow into weakness diagonally up left, top above here.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V3/4 Klingon

Arete just right of Gecko graffiti. Slopey compression after small edges. Tops after high dark pinch. Harder starting off right edges and traversing into arete.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman, 17 Apr 2019

Boulder 3m
V3/4 Sheba

Same as for SD except that the right wall is IN for feet/hands.

FA: Sean Reilly

Boulder 3m
V6 Sheba Direct

Sit at low left diagonal crack. Move up and right to dihedral finger crack opening using foot holds on face only (right opposing wall is OUT). Gain higher vertical rail and above edge. High right diagonal pinch and/or lip for topout.

FA: Jared Tyerman, 26 Mar 2019

Boulder 3m
V5 Thy Holy Arete

Sir Reilly dubs upon thee:

Sinner, repent for the Lord hath delivered upon your unworthy flappers Thy Holy Arete! Climb the left side of the proudest arete in all the land.

FA: Callum Mather

Tracciata: Sean Reilly

Boulder 5m
V0 Tap Hollow

Use hollow jugs for fun flying up route

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V1 Bubble crack

Use bubbly crack to get to top

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V1 Bubble arete

Start sitting at arete's base, into bubble features to topout

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V2 Sitting on the fence

Start seated with pad on spikes, work into crossing holds and then jug to topout. Cool movements.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V0 Direct dyno

Work 3 obvious jugs or 2 as a dyno. Mind the spiders in the holds

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V2 Insect Arete

Start seated on point of rock to wide arete to nice curved rail, minding all the while the guillotine here below as well. Pad well

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 3m
V1 Double crimp arete

Sit start the block into undercling to second block to stand on, use two crimps if you're ballsy rather than top of rock to top out (And don't be a Dave and get eaten by skinks haha)

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V1 Face your left

High ball, use features at left of face and go up, end is a bit scarce, just face it and topout

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 5m
V1 Face Front and Centre

Work holds in centre of wall, end again is slightly scarce of holds working cenral due to angles. But works, topout

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 5m
V0 And a face to the riii-iight

Use crack and holds left of crack for cruisy sailing to the top

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 5m
V1 The wanderer's crack

Use crack direct working to flared section and topout. Mind loose sounding section 3/4 of the way up. Should be solid. Use pockets right of crack with crack for V0

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 5m
V1 Outright

Uses pockets right of Wanderer's crack and into flake to pocket and jug topout via mantle

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 5m
North Trinity Bouldering Above The Treeline
Arete Project

Big moves between fragile holds. Gnarly drop into hole below makes it a little uninspiring.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

BoulderProgetto 6m
V7 Gladiator

Start low on crimp right of the arete and wobbly crimp just left of arete. Traverse left on small edges before mantling and finishing up the slab.

FA: Callum Mather

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 6m
North Trinity Bouldering Falcon Boulder
V2 Cave roof

Work from as far in as possible then out to the slopey openhands and final jugs to topout on sharp features.

Tracciata: Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman

Boulder 2m
V3 Peregrine

Start on right side of boulder with 1/3 and 2/3 height ledge holds (can start further along but holds crumble). Traverse ledges down into hollowed out roof. Topout on features above roof.

FA: Jared Tyerman, 7 Ago 2019

Boulder 2m
V3/4 Combined Efforts

On hill side of boulder. Sit start with two underclings halfway in roof. Work to quarts vein rail, then to far left edge and jug feature just beyond. Gain lip and topout (can also traverse left on lip and then topout).

Sharp rock. Tape up and brush start holds. Some glass in further than start position to be mindful of.

FA: Jared Tyerman, 9 Giu 2019

Boulder 2m
V4 Kestrel

Same start as CE but with closer feet pushing you toward lip. Direct to right dark edge and then lip for topout.

Tape up.

FA: Jared Tyerman, 10 Giu 2019

Boulder 2m
South Trinity Bouldering
V0 1a

Up right arete stand/squat start

Boulder 5m
V3 1a.i.

High foot sit start to arete problem

Boulder 5m
V0 1b

Up slab face with edges to hollow feature and top

Boulder 5m
V1 1c

Up green moss/lichen covered arete left of slab. Nice feet for start. Not too sharp. Sit start.

Boulder 3m
V1 1d

Up semi chunky slab starting at orange colouration

Boulder 4m
V0 1e

Up layback crack

Boulder 3m
V0 2a

Far left bulges - sit

Boulder 3m
V0 2b

Next right mini pinch start - sit

Boulder 3m
V0 2c

Next right layback with black vertical edge - sit

Boulder 3m
V0 2d

Next right layback feature - sit

Boulder 3m
V0 2e

Next right laybacking up obvious split/vertical ledge - sit tucked

Boulder 3m
V1 2f

Next right up slab face using edges, smear, toe pocket, side pull and top. Both aretes are out - sit

Boulder 3m
V0 2g

Up right arete starting seated on fallen block. Some face features used. Start foot on opposing slab in back of cavern - in.

Boulder 3m
V0 2h

Up small block's left arete. Smears for feet only on low left dark vertical rock - sit

Boulder 2m
V0 2i

Up layback

Boulder 2m
V0 2j

Up right arete. Slightly on right side - sit

Boulder 2m
V2 3a

Traverse left to right, sit start matched on long edge. Stay low.

Boulder 3m

Any conceivable line up, capping at around V2.

Boulder 3m

Tutti 85 vie visualizzati.

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