
Via in Nostromo

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15 Nostromo

A travers of the cliff. Atnosperic. Star in the gully on the R which seperates the main face from the Candle. Solo the groove on the L to a small stance and bolt belay.

  1. 15m 15 (Crux) Down 2m then traverse up to the base of a wide crack and bolt. Move down L onto the obvious traverse line which is thin and sustained but has good rock to the 1st stance of Carious crack.

  2. 15, Traverse L into TAM and across the L wall. Continue across the face in a good position to a wide crack and bolt. Move 1m up and continue traversing to the good 2nd stance of Poseidon.

  3. 27m Diagonally R wards up the crack which is the 3rd pitch of Poseidon. From the top of the block traverse horizontally L to a zone of collapsing grass and bolt. Claw up the grass to a stance on the R.. Step L and climb a tricky little crack. Exit around the corner and go up to a Piton anchor at the top of the terrace.

  4. 28m Climb the awkward crack and gully line above and slightly on the L. Finish up the blocks and grass to a Bolt Belay in a boulder.

FA: Robert Bull & Peter Jackson, 1965

FFA: Chris baxter & Andrew Thompson, 1973

Trad mista 85m, 4, 4

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