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1 - 100 di 216 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Monkey Rock Western Slab Face
10 Marcel

This route is a great introduction to leading. Glue in U-bolts pro-tect. Start below two obvious opposing diagonal cracks that bisect each other about 4m above the ground to form a large "X". Climb directly to the second bolt, take the crack on the left for a move or two, then move out on to the right face and up to a double bolt belay on a good ledge. Descend using the rappel station 2m to the right at the top of Funky Monkey, or top out up the second pitch of Funky Monkey. FA Scott Ishman, Paul Collis, 19th April 2015.

Sportiva 26m, 8
13 Funky Monkey

Start a few metres right and below of Marcel, below a faint cres-cent flake/crack at 5m. Climb rightwards up to the flake, make a tricky move up to a pocket on the left and then on up the features and slabs above. Glue in U-bolts protect. FA Paul Collis, Scott Ishman, 19th April 2015

Sportiva 27m, 8
11 Derek’s Line

Start a few metres right of Funkey Monkey at a short blank slab below a deep vertical groove line. Climb the slab which can be tricky if wet and then move to the right wall of the groove. Climb up a pillar to breaks then step left to the crack as it begins to turn to the right. Climb the crack to reach a double U-bolt belay. The gear is mostly good but is a bit sparse and at about one third height. FA Scott Ishman, Paul Collis 30th May 2016? Led previously? Known to have been top-roped by Derek et al.

Trad 26m
15 Ancestral Vices

Start eight metres right of Funkey Monkey just left of a wide righ-wards leaning block filled groove/crack. Climb up leftwards across a blankish wall (crux) to reach a short diagonal crack. Move up right and then onwards up the pockets and over a diagonal break to reach a double U-bolt belay. Glue in U-bolts protect. FA Paul Collis, Scott Ishman, 30th May 2016

Sportiva 26m, 10
17 King of the Swingers Sportiva 12m
12 Compulsion

Begin below a bush at the base of a left facing flake at 5m. Climb directly to the flake, up it, and then head slightly right to join King Louie and finish up that route. The line is a bit grubby and unless you have very small cams the gear is a bit sketchy (and even if you have them it’s dubious in places). FA Scott Ishman, Paul Collis, 30th May 2016.

Trad 27m
12 King Louie

The route is located on the south east most portion of the area marked on the map. Ideal beginners route. Mix of gentle sloped slabs and areas with plenty of holds. Upper portion is basically slab/steep scramble. No belay loop present but otherwise u bolts present. Tree roots etc available to tie in light belayers/top rope.


Sportiva 27m, 9
10 Jungle Fever

The route is located on the south east most portion of the area marked on the map. Ideal beginners route with plenty of decent holds and the large crack the allows some chimney style movements. U bolts present, no belay loop at base but suitable tree roots present.

Sportiva 12m, 6
14 Chimpanology Sportiva 40m
23 Vicki Got The Beta

Follow the track past the intail climbs, just before the access to the top there is a ring bolted sport route next to it. Follow the cresent moon crack to the top and then head left and top out for the route. Top access for ring bolts or a sport 19 to the right for a warm up to get to the ring bolts. Have not bolted the route itself yet.

SconosciutoProgetto 25m, 3
Monkey Rock Monkey Rock, West Face
14 Le Mure

Start at left side of West Face. Traverse left for 3m above bushes then diagonally up and rightwards for 10m. FA was a solo.

FA: A. Roilo, 1989

Trad 15m
15 Cheeta

Starts 20m right of Le Mure and 2m left of chimney. Climb slightly overhanging wall via the holes up to a good ledge. Chimney for 5m then traverse left up slabs to finish.

FA: A. Roilo & R. Mann

Trad 25m
19 Tarzan In New York

Start near the base of the gully and climb halfway along the diagonal crack and traverse right for 3m onto face. Up face for 5m then move back left to finish straight up slab above.

FA: A. Roilo

Trad 20m
Monkey Rock Monkey Rock, South Face
18 Simian

Grade 18-20?, carrots/trad., 38m? No details of this route are known so the name and grade are as-sumed. An undercut start just left of Father and Son leads to good looking climbing, trending left first then up. The stainless steel car-rot bolts look to be fairly closely spaced except for between bolts 3 & 4 where some medium/large cams might be used in pockets to the right. Thanks to some kind soul this route is blessed with a big fat double U-bolt belay which it shares with the next two routes. Scramble off to the top. FA Unknown

Trad 38m
18 Father and Son

Starts 5m east of gully at base of slab of South Face. Climb up large ockets at 5m then diagonally leftward onto steeper rock until te angle starts to ease. Marginal gear.

FA: K. Bennet & D. Bennet, 1991

Trad 35m
18 Shock The Monkey

The slab on the right side of the face. Climb slab for 7m to reach a large crack. Follow crack and go for a long run-out (10m) to the large horizontal crack and build belay.

FA: A. Roilo & R. Mann, 1990

Trad 40m
Monkey Rock Western Slab Plateau Bouldering
15/16 Permanent Wave

This climb begins in the wide cleft between the biggest boulder and its’ crescent fake offspring. Climb the cleft until the outer edge disappears then go directly up the main boulder face to the summit. Two or three carrots or glue-in machine bolts protect. Looks to be a tad bold even in its current form. In its original form this route is reported to have been climbed as a pure unprotected bridging route up the cleft. The steepening cleft and increasingly scary rattling fall down into it made it a bold and “never again” lead according to one ascentionist Steve Cooper. There is also a carrot and a fixed hanger at the top for anchor, but you can't abseil from that. You can scramble down the north face though.

Sportiva 10m, 2
14 Little Trouble in Big China

This climb takes the obvious compelling crack in the south face of the boulder. Easy OW well protected with a 5 & 6 plus supplemental smaller cams. Adventurous down climb through the blocky chimney to the east.

Trad 10m
Monkey Rock Monkey Rock, Eastern Face
16 Monkey Puzzle

FA: Paul Collis & Scott Ishman, 27 Apr 2015

Sportiva 48m
17 Monkey Puzzle Direct

FA: Paul Collis & Scott Ishman, 27 Apr 2015

Sportiva 48m
18 Ape Index Sconosciuto
16 Cheeky Monkey

FA: Paul Collis & Scott Ishman, 18 Apr 2015

Sportiva 27m
18 Monkey Business

FA: Paul Collis & Scott Ishman, 26 Apr 2015

Sportiva 22m
13 The Naked Ape Trad 20m
14 Rock Lobster

Found on a CAWA Forum from 2015, potentially a duplicate of something already here. Please delete if not the FA. Without photos I can't tell what's what.

This is the obvious short chimney that is easily found on the descent to the Eastern face,

Start to the right of “The Naked Ape” at the obvious chimney. Climb the chimney and then continue up the vertical crack on the left. There is a bolted anchor at the top for “The Naked Ape”.

N. Cole, R. Trigger Sep 15

Trad 16m
13 The Measure of a Man

Begin just down from the top of the gully at a large right hand flake crack/chimney. If you have very large cams and a penchant for Yosemite style classic chimneys, climb up inside the off-width. If you have no large cams but bags of confidence, layback boldly up the outside of the flake until rewarded by respite and gear. Move up and then left to join The Naked Ape to finish. FA Unknown.

Trad 20m
Lights Beach Stand Alone Bloc
V3 Glass Mountain Policy

Can pretty much start anywhere around the boulder and start traversing in either direction. Largely well featured with a couple tricky sections (and sometimes a wet section near the water depending on the swell). Traverse around the whole boulder. Good one for working on the footwork.

V0 The Lights Boulder

Stand start. Up the slab with flat holds.

V2 Lux Aeterna

Stand start with the obvious large flake. Up and slightly right. Great exposure with easy moves

V2/3 High and Dry

Stand start with the next juggy feature along then up. Rad.

Don't fall on the dog

Standing start head left of the flake on small crimps and over onto the slab

V3 The Original

Far left line on the face. Start with undercling flake and up.

V0 Back slab

Well featured slab facing away from the ocean.

Slab stuff

Didn't try it, but probably some easy slab stuff here...

V0 - 1 Vague Crack

Stand start.

V1/2 Flakes and Pockets

Sit start with the flake. Up to the obvious large pocket jug and up.

VB Lights lite

Well featured section of the wall.

V0 Mini-flake

Sit start. Layback and up easy slab

V0 Off sider

Sit start.

Lights Beach Main Area
V5 Wave Particle Duality, left

Sit start on flat edges. Up the face trending left with sharp holds.

Boulder 3m
V4 Wave Particle Duality Direct

Sit start on flat edges. Up directly and slightly right. Avoid using the obvious juggy flake as it has a lot of flex to it and will probably come off soon. A bit more awkward than the left

Boulder 3m
V1 EM Radiation

Sit start with crimp. Up arete. Awkward to start

Boulder 3m
V0 Maxwells Equations

Sit start, layback.

Boulder 3m
V3 Light Wave Experiment

Sit start on the far left with left hand on arete and right hand on sloper. High foot under the roof and slap out right and traverse all the way around until you can swing your feet down onto the chossy flake and top out. Early exits are possible.

Boulder 4m
V6 Into Daylight

Sit start as for 'Light At The End of The Tunnel' and extend the traverse all the way left to a finishing mantle at the far left corner (big obvious flake on the left that isn't connected to boulder is out).

Boulder 5m
V5 Light At The End of The Tunnel

Start matched on obvious flat-ish low jug on the right. Traverse left and up. Awesome.

Boulder 4m
Middle Line
V7 Tunnel Vision

Start on obvious flat-ish jug as for 'Light At The End of The Tunnel'. Head straight up with slopey holds. Tricky moves to navigate around the bulge onto the slab.

Boulder 3m
V1 Darkness

Sit start with flake. Straight up.

Boulder 2m
V3 Christmas Lights

The far left line.

Boulder 3m
V0 Fairy Lights

Stand start with sidepull jugs and up. Fun and easy

Boulder 3m
V0 Fairy Lights Variant

Stand start with the flat juggy hold and up.

Boulder 3m
V1/2 The Lighthouse

Sit start and up with good holds.

Boulder 4m
V3/4 The Illuminated Path

Sit start on the right with two flat holds. Thrutchy first move up to the undercling then traverse leftward on undercling to an easy topout.

Boulder 5m
V0 Lumos

Stand start and up easy jugs.

Boulder 4m
V1 Lumos, Sit

Sit with two flat holds as for 'The Illuminated Path'. Up to undcercling then up with jugs

Boulder 4m
V0 - 1 Luma 255

Stand start, up with flat holds.

Boulder 3m
V3 Wavelength

Sit start compressing the lowball overhang and up avoiding the right boulder.

Lights Beach The Sandy Blocs
V1 Low Tide

Sit start with obvious hold. Up the slab. Avoid the big flake on the left for feet.

Boulder 3m
V0 Sand In My Shoe

Sit start. Up the obvious crack trending right.

Boulder 3m
V0 Sand In My Shoe, Left

Trending left onto the slab.

Boulder 3m
V0 Slip, Slop, Slap

Sit start. Up the obvious jug flake. Often wet.

Boulder 3m
VB SPF 40+

Sit start. Up the slabby crack.

Boulder 3m
V0 Beach Games

Sit start the lowball face.

Boulder 2m
V1/2 Jaws

Sit start matched on obvious jug. Up the arete. A bit awkward.

Boulder 2m
V0 - 1 Great White

Sit start right hand undercling left hand arete. Slap up and over. Fun

Boulder 2m
V1 Sharknado

Sit start. Traverse rightwards on the slopey lip.

Boulder 3m
The Channel Wall
V1 bumble gum

start sitting on the bulge with left hand in the higher 2 finger pocket and right hand in the pocket low on the bulge, trend right on good holds avoiding the thin flakes and choss above and finish matched on the slopey bulge just below the lip.

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 3m
V5 The Bees Knees

Start as ‘Bumble Gum’ and traverse right to link all the way right and finish as ‘Queen Bee’

FA: Michael Taran, Lug 2023

Boulder 7m
V4 swarm dreams

sit start matched on the good side pull jug under the mini roof, big move up to the good holds and finish matched on the slopey bulge just below the lip.

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 3m
V3 swarm nightmares

crouch start on big jutting jug in the mini roof traverse left on slopers and a cool pinch hold join into bumble gum and finish matched on the slopey bulge just below the lip.

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 4m
V3 dirty baggers

crouch start on the big jutting jug under the mini roof and traverse right on slopers to join and finish as for the honey hole

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 3m
V4 sausage dogs are a myth

crouch start on the big jutting jug under the mini roof and head up eliminating the slopers out right, using a right hand side pull move up to a slopey pocket up high and move right to finish matched on the bulge.

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 3m
V2 the honey hole midstart

stand start with good 3 finger pocket and perfectly round 2 finger pocket, move up through slopers and into a two finger pocket to finish matched on the bulge just above.

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 2m
V4 the honey hole

sit start with thin side pull and flat crimp directly up to join the stand and finish matched on the bulge above the two finger pocket.

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 3m
V3 Queen bee

Stand start in the 3 finger slot and the 2 finger pocket and traverse right with shouldery moves on slopey holds to finish matched on the blocky bulge (the pinch to the left of the bulge doesn't count)

FA: Aussie Edwards, Giu 2023

Boulder 3m
V5 Queen Bee Sit

Sit start as for the honey hole on the left hand side pull and right hand flat edge move up and trend right along seam of bad slopers to finish with a precarious match on the blocky bulge up high (the pinch to the left of the bulge doesn't count)

FA: Aussie Edwards, Giu 2023

Boulder 4m
V7 Lockjaw and Tetanus

Sit start on green jug with a big dead point move to a slopey crimp, traverse along similar holds left to join the start of Honey hole and finish the same

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Boulder 5m
V7 Lockjaw Queen

Start as for lockjaw and tetanus and link into queen bee traversing right on slopers into a precarious match finish on the blocky bulge up high (the pinch on the left of the block does not count)

FA: Aussie Edwards, Giu 2023

Boulder 6m
V4 Bare knuckle fist fight

Start on the big green jug as for lockjaw and tetanus and head right and finish matched in the black slot

FA: Aussie Edwards, Giu 2023

Boulder 2m
V5 A Knife to a fist fight

Sit start on low slot and pocket, move up through crimps and pinches to join bare knuckle fist fight and finish matched in the black slot. Direct might go?

FA: Aussie Edwards, Giu 2023

Boulder 3m
V8 Lockjaw to a knife fight

Start in low slots as for knife fight and head left climbing into 'lockjaw and tetanus' and finish matched on the bulge. Bit of a power endurance piece.

FA: Aussie Edwards, Giu 2023

Boulder 6m
V8 Lockjaw to a Knife Fight var

Climb as ‘lockjaw to a knife fight’ but instead of finishing left as ‘honey hole’ traverse right from the three finger pocket and finish as ‘lockjaw queen’. Slightly harder than the original

FA: just a variant to the original line for a bit of fun

Lockjaw Direct

Straight up after the big move with powerful throw to slopey edge then finish on obvious blocky jugs. Hard as nails

V6 Misdirection

Start as for 'A Knife to A Fist Fight' but up tending right to finish in the black slot. Awkward

FA: Michael Taran, Lug 2023

Boulder 3m
V4 The scientific name of a bee

Sit start on slopey edge and move up and right with powerful moves to finish in the chossy break

FA: Aussie Edwards, Giu 2023

Boulder 3m
mustache proj

Sit start on back wall and link into under ya nose

V5 under ya nose

start matched on the flat ledge and move up through slopey dimples finish on the jug up high

Boulder 3m
V8 Killer Bee

Sit start on the right and traverse left with tricky moves into the stand of 'Under ya nose'. Pumpy and cool.

FA: Michael Taran, Lug 2023

Boulder 6m
Right project #1
V6 rocket pockets

sit start left hand on pad 2 finger pocket and right hand on good jug under mini roof, power your way up and move right through the pockets with a big move finish just above on strange holds on the bulge

FA: Aussie Edwards, Mag 2023

Distancing Boulders Carpark circuit the orange blocks

sit start squeezing the boulder and up

FA: Michael Taran, 2020

V1 COVID Tracker

start on blocky jug straight up on jugs

FA: Michael Taran, 2020

V3 Pre-Apocalypse

sit start on two side pulls stacked on top of each other, squeeze your way up

FA: Michael Taran, 2020

V5 Remain Indoors!

start with left hand on big jug and right hand on good side pull avoiding big juggy sidepulls in the break, move left to join arguing and top out

FA: Michael Taran, 2020

Distancing Boulders Social Distancing Bloc (and surrounds)
V1/2 Solitude

Sit start with left hand on arete, and low right hand. Low foot under the roof and right heel.

FA: Michael Taran, Mar 2020

Boulder 2m
V1 Distancing

Sit start and then up the obvious vertical jug flake.

FA: Michael Taran, Mar 2020

Boulder 4m
V1 Distancing, Left

Sit start then traverse left on edges to an easy top.

FA: Michael Taran, Mar 2020

Boulder 4m
V7 Social Distancing

Sit start with left hand low slopey sidepull, right hand flat crimp and up the arete with awesome moves. Avoid escaping right and instead go straight up. Classic.

FA: Michael Taran, Mar 2020

Boulder 5m
V4 Breaking Quarantine

Sit start as for 'Distancing' then go right to the flat rail and finish as for 'Social Distancing'.

FA: Michael Taran, Mar 2020

Boulder 5m

1 - 100 di 216 vie.

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