
Ascensioni in Frog Buttress che possiede Informazioni sui passaggi

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1 - 100 di più di 10,000 ascensioni.

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Mar 18 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
13 Electric Mud - con Ryan Siacci Trad 10m Buona
Jessica Bradley
Finally something to succeed at. I was tired today.

14 Electric Lead — 2 tentativi - con Ryan Siacci Trad 26m
Jessica Bradley
Dogged the first attempt but got it good on the second.

16 Materialistic Prostitution - con Ryan Siacci Trad 20m Molto buona
Jessica Bradley
At least I learnt something.

Mar 18 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Iron Mandible Trad 24m
Absolute gold. Loved every bit of it.

Lun 17 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
27 Time for Tea — 2 tentativi - con Bryn Norris, Aidan Pflaum Sportiva 35m, 6 Mega Classica
Laura Price
insanely fun!! need an extra layer of sandpaper on the fingers for those crimps. Happy bday Bryn

27 Time for Tea - con Laura Price, Aidan Pflaum Sportiva 35m, 6 Mega Classica
Bryn Norris
Birthday punts. 2 sits

Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
25 Dura Voices in the Sky - con Martin Timperley, Stella Panella, Natalia Castoldi Trad 32m Mega Classica
Pedro Rocha
Holy moly!! What a climb! Amazing to send it after a cool process of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. This is by far one of the best climbs I've ever done. Relentless and unforgiving from the start. Technical and balancy sequence with awesome moves the whole way. Felt really solid and totally in the zone while climbing it. This one will always have a special place for me. And it's my first 25 on gear. Feels pretty stiff for the grade hehehe

22 Infinity Variant Finish - con Anna Vo Trad mista 10m, 1
Fun little side quest but the main line still reigns supreme

Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Lead-lined Lothario Trad 25m
Matthew Robbins
Slipped and had a ledge bonk. I do not like ledge bonks.

Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 ~15 Macraderma Trad 30m Mega Classica
The ManCarrot
The slander perpetuated by the anti-cave brigade must be halted! This route is one of the best climbs I have done at Frog. It's interesting, well protected (despite what the description says), and a mega cool feature. Access is a little bit of a faff, but well worth it. Not stinky, a little bit dirty, well worth it. Would gladly do again.

15 Bad Company Trad 20m
Jack Ferguson
Lead the climb but on Jason’s pre placed gear

15 Devil's Wart - con Caitlyn, Jack Ferguson Trad 27m Classica
Jason Nguyen
Lovely cruisy, flowy and fun start to a cave and then some awkward, thrutchy (but fun) moves to get out of it!

Had a great time but the 4,5 and 6 on my harness (thanks Jack) made the squatting / stemming technique I used a bit more awkward!

15 Bad Company - con Caitlyn, Jack Ferguson Trad 20m Molto buona
Jason Nguyen
Apart from the very start, this route was super awesome!! Thoroughly enjoyed apart from the horrendous foot pump I had.

Great gear but didn’t look at the line properly and carried 2s and 3s to the top unnecessarily!

Used a good amount of passive gear (including my hexes) so I was happy with that.

Sab 15 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
25 Dura Voices in the Sky — 2 tentativi - con Martin Timperley Trad 32m Mega Classica
Pedro Rocha
Day 3 working on it. Spent quite some time polishing the beta and gear, then managed to climb it clean while placing gear on tope rope. Anxious about leading it tomorrow

15 Bad Company Trad 20m Buona
Tom Q
Not a gimmie, but solid gear

17 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Classica
Tom Q

Ven 14 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Dura Blood, Sweat and Tears - con Mitch, Tim Trad 40m
Dan Johnson
Nails insecure in sections

18 Resurrection Corner - con Mitch Trad 25m Classica
Dan Johnson

15 Iron Butterfly - con Mitch Trad 28m Media
Dan Johnson
The top is pure garbage

Ven 14 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classica
Tom Q
Whipped, then the dogs were out. Doable!

Ven 14 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Century Trad 15m Molto buona
Tom Q
Short but sweet

16 Materialistic Prostitution Trad 20m Molto buona
Tom Q
Wayy more chill this time

Gio 13 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Materialistic Prostitution - con Tim Trad 20m Buona
Dan Johnson
First climb for the season

10 Sunday Afternoon Walk - con Mitch Baker Trad 12m Mega Classica
Mark Gamble
The old fart couldn't do it clean. Needed rope assistance at the top.

Gio 13 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Fluid / Epic Link Up - con Sam Rose Trad 30m Classica
Josh Peters
Kinda disappointed to not get this first go, but still stoked nonetheless. What an awesome route!!

21 Conquistador - con Sam Rose Trad 45m Mega Classica
Josh Peters
Pink point felt great, placing gear will be pretty gnarly but I’m stoked to get back and get her done.

21 Conquistador - con Sam Rose Trad 45m Mega Classica
Josh Peters
Failed redpoint attempt. Forgot all my beta, and forgot how sketchy the undulating middle section was for placing gear. Two sits. Cruised through the crux though, found much better beta through it.

Gio 13 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Black Light - con James Anthony Trad 25m
Sam J
Good first lead and learning, jigsaw falling into place.

15 Holy Ghost - con James Anthony Trad 15m Media
Sam J
The ghost with the most

Gio 13 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Conquistador - con Josh Peters Trad 45m Classica
Sam Rose
Managed get the overhang clean but had a little spill at the bottom. Still really gross in full sun.

18 Fluid / Epic Link Up - con Josh Peters Trad 30m Classica
Sam Rose
Footslip at the top prefaced my first winger on gear, maybe picked the best route/spot for it. Now halfway down the route I opted for the easy way out. Also my first climb with crack gloves, and they are in fact aid.

15 Rest Area Ahead - con Ryan Siacci Trad 10m Buona
Jessica Bradley
I really enjoyed that.

Mar 11 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Juggernaut Trad 30m Classica
Aaron Wong
Amazing off-widthing! I've never had to do hand-hand or hand-fist stacking before so this was super fun! Fist-fist stacks just do not hold though... need to watch more Wide Boyz

19 Sorcerer's Apprentice Trad 30m Classica
Aaron Wong
A very fine line

22 Yankee Go Home - con rickau Trad 26m Classica
Aaron Wong
Super frustrating to pump out on a bad jam after getting past the cruxes

For future reference: remember the first piece past the "anchor piece" is a lovely slot-in blue nut

17 Elastic RURP - con rickau Trad 20m Molto buona
Aaron Wong

Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Satan's Smokestack - con Erika, Ashton Trad 40m Classica
Aaron Wong
One for the absolute masochists!

Absolutely mega 4-sided chimney. The atrocious off-widthing prior really makes you earn the pitch.

Had to remove all the gear from my left side in order to not get hopelessly stuck in the off-width

23 Epic Journey — 2 tentativi - con rickau Trad 30m Classica
Aaron Wong
Excellent, tricky thin climb

For future ref: crux sequence, use the chalked up finger locks, right hand hand jam below the mega jugs and go for the jugs with the left hand.

Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Erg - con Ondra, Veronica Trad 25m Classica
Very rarely I enjoy having all 4 points wedged into a crack. This was one of those moments.

Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Plume - con Volodymyr K Trad 25m
All time. Some grunty jamming followed by some thoughtful moves all the way to the top.

23 Nosy Business - con Volodymyr K Trad mista 20m, 4 Molto buona
Ondra put gear on for me after he did gladiator. Some really nice movement but felt a bit wandery. Tried to stay on the face but felt quite forced at times.

23 Epic Journey - con Jonas Paget Trad 30m Classica
Most expensive project to date. Nuts rule!

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Drop Out - con Dylan Glavas Trad 24m Molto buona
Harrie Van de Linde
climbed without knowing the grade until after, dyl did well.

17 Neon Philharmonic - con Dylan Glavas Trad 35m
Harrie Van de Linde

20 Dream of Purple Peach Popsicles - con zac Trad 32m Classica
Harrie Van de Linde
was a fight for my life, last climb of the trip. I got it all in the end but my goodness, some of the finger locks are quite committing. great small gear, bring doubles of everything below red.

17 Chunder Crack - con zac Trad 30m Molto buona
Harrie Van de Linde
why this has no stars in the book I don't know. was one of the only cracks I could convince zac to do with me and it went quite well. classic grovel/squeeze/ chimney that is a piece of work when you're leading, but great fun all round.

14 ~15 Faki - con ashton Trad 13m
Harrie Van de Linde
pretty cool crack system, harder than 14 surely

18 Plume - con ashton Trad 25m Molto buona
Harrie Van de Linde
pretty good, but not as good as I thought it would be. bit of a fight actually.

18 Chocolate Watch Band - con ashton Trad 17m Buona
Harrie Van de Linde
was an ok route, top is not great though. just another 18 for me IMO.

18 Gladiator - con rickau Trad 20m Molto buona
Aaron Wong

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Black Light Trad 25m
Alex Mougenot
Ondra had a fixed line on this, so a rope solo lap as the sun set spectacularly was the only way to round off the day. Thanks Ondra, and thanks Frog for such a classy line!

17 Dave Mank's Electric Gorilla Direct Finish Trad 6m
Alex Mougenot
Up to the scooped headwall again but got spooky on the mantle! Next time I'll go, try and take the whip if need be. That's a promise.

22 Dave Mank's Electric Gorilla Direct Start — 2 tentativi Trad 10m
Alex Mougenot
Had a foot slip and fall on my first shot, then a foot slip that somehow caught again on my second shot, so no fall? There's a chance my foot caught on a biner, but we'll never know. I'll just have to come back and resend it another time to be sure!

20 Yokomo Trad 15m
Alex Mougenot
That short corner above is a decent reward after the rude introduction.

21 The Stars Look Down Trad 18m
Alex Mougenot
Looovely. A set of bullnuts goes a long way on this!

20 Rickety Kate Trad 15m
Alex Mougenot

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Sorcerer's Apprentice - con Troy McAndrew Trad 30m
Matthew Robbins

16 Micron - con Elaine Chiu Trad 20m Molto buona
Josh Peters
Elaine’s first real lead!! So proud. Good thing we had like 6-7 micros to keep the route nice and stitched up.

We won’t talk about my prized black tote that was overcammed required our guardian angel Simon to retrieve for us. I’m trying to convince Elaine it’s FUBAR and guilt trip her into buying me a new one (if you’re reading this it is most certainly ruined and my inevitable death will be by your hand)

22 Old Guard - con Josh Peters, Elaine Chiu, nicole Trad 40m
Martin Weir
Easier than conquistador? Lovely lovely moves though.

16 Satan's Smokestack - con Josh Peters, Elaine Chiu, nicole Trad 40m
Martin Weir
Ill take any excuse to get in the stack and not feel like I'm gonna die at the start

19 Sorcerer's Apprentice - con Kilroy, Liamtemp, Matthew Robbins, Bryn Norris Trad 30m Molto buona
Troy McAndrew
Attempted with Matts gear in. Had one sit at crux. Kinds death by fire as Matt very confidently ran out the top on the crack climbing part and I had to really commit to the 5 min lesson he gave me at the start of the day haha.

27 Time for Tea - con Kilroy, Liamtemp, Matthew Robbins, Bryn Norris Sportiva 35m, 6 Mega Classica
Troy McAndrew
Had a go on top rope and figured it out. Keen to come back really fun climbing. Need a cool morning for the mingers.

27 Time for Tea - con Kilroy, Liamtemp, Matthew Robbins, Bryn Norris Sportiva 35m, 6 Mega Classica
Troy McAndrew
Couldn't figure out the top first shot. Very hot when the sun comes over.

19 Infinity - con Elaine Chiu Trad 40m Classica
Josh Peters
Two sits. Felt infinitely (hah!) easier than it did the last time I did it, being my first climb ever at frog.

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
14 Shit Heap - con Kilroy, Liamtemp, Matthew Robbins Trad 10m Buona
Troy McAndrew
Short but good.

16 Materialistic Prostitution - con Kilroy, Liamtemp, Matthew Robbins Trad 20m Molto buona
Troy McAndrew
Great one to start the day.

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Fluid / Epic Link Up - con Elaine Chiu Trad 30m Classica
Josh Peters
Deserves more stars, what a brilliant line!!! Had a sit bc I couldn’t figure out the crux(?) but resorted to basically a one arm pull up on a bomber jam.

Realised I went way too high before cutting right onto the other line, resulting in some colourful language and yelling my disdain for the bullshit sport that is climbing. Note to self, cut right when hands are on the big ledge, not when I’m stood on it.

27 Time for Tea — 3 tentativi - con Volodymyr K, Troy McAndrew Sportiva 35m, 6 Mega Classica
Bryn Norris
New projie just dropped 😎

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Dave Mank's Electric Gorilla Direct Start — 2 tentativi - con Rayray, Ajnin Trad 10m
Lauren Hunter
1 sit from flash pump. Pulled back on and finished, did all the moves 😁

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
24 Bitching and Back Stabbing - con Liamtemp Trad mista 12m, 2 Pessima
Matthew Robbins
Went for an onsight attempt but retreated back down at the first bolt. Climbing is classsy but the bolts do not look to be in a healthy state.

Happy to have tried it (Frog has lots of hidden gems but this isn't one of them), happy to have exercised good risk assessment and bailed.

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
25 Carrion Comfort Trad 25m Classica
First go today, went smoothly and felt strong. Mixed up a placement before the upper crux but kept calm and made it work. Very happy with how it felt, stoked!

Sab 8 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Satan's Smokestack - con zac Trad 40m Molto buona
Harrie Van de Linde
done before, always cool, lead on Zacs gear, following closely

Sab 8 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
11 Parson's Pleasure - con ashton Trad 10m Buona
Harrie Van de Linde
first climb of frog, late arvo session

20 Rickety Kate - con rickau Trad 15m Classica
Aaron Wong
Lovely line, if only it went on for longer

16 Dura Winston Alley - con rickau Trad 10m
Aaron Wong
Access pitch. Tough for 16

16 Castor - con rickau Trad 22m
Aaron Wong

Sab 8 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Witches Cauldron (Variant Finish) Trad 14m Molto buona
Brendan Coulter
By far the superior variant. The crack in the chimney is actually excellent, for all 3 moves of it.

Watch your head for the rock sticking out at the top of the chimney though!

19 Jigsaw Trad 35m Molto buona
Brendan Coulter
An underrated route. If it were longer it’d for sure get more stars

Sab 8 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Dura Mainliner Trad 20m Molto buona
Brendan Coulter
Surprisingly good! The wide start hides the nice finger crack from you.

Initially only went up to clean up the sling left by someone presumably bailing?

18 Noose Trad 22m Buona
Brendan Coulter
Worth doing, but make sure to bring a 3, 4, and 5. Maybe double depending on how you like to space things. Don’t do what I did, and bring a 2 and a 4

Sab 8 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
26 Dura Wild One Trad 20m
Matthew Robbins
Seeing how it felt +1 year. Top crack still easy, bottom crux feels like it’d go any shot but could also be another 5 sessions of bad luck. Might leave it for end of the season.

25 Green Plastic Comb - con Liamtemp Trad 20m
Matthew Robbins
Account closed.

Sensational, sustained arete and compression climbing. Unrelenting until the final body crack, which unfortunately keeps it from being a 3 star route.

Stoked af.

Ven 7 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 Smoked Banana - con rickau Trad 40m Classica
Aaron Wong
Don't gain any weight or you might not fit in this in the future

21 Conquistador - con rickau Trad 45m Classica
Aaron Wong
Very happy with this tick. Nice cruxy finger crack moves

26 Petulance - con Kyle Addy Trad 45m
Sam Pearson
Blew it just past the crux with a beautiful clean whipper. Stunning line!

21 Odin II - con Kyle Addy Trad 30m
Sam Pearson
Don't be a kook and drag a #5 & #6 up there like I did.

Gio 6 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Dura Erg Direct - con James Anthony Trad 25m Classica
Sam J
When the learning is done, the send will come.

Mer 5 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
25 Green Plastic Comb Trad 20m
Matthew Robbins
Encouraging! Done cold and while at the tail end of the flu.

Send attempts Saturday.

Lun 3 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Dura Insomnia Trad 40m Classica
Brendan Coulter
First time back at Frog in 12 months, and another new line done. Super fun, though committing and quite tricky for the grade at the start (maybe I’m just out of practice).

Channel your inner sport climber and you can get away with doing no real offwidth climbing.

Dom 2 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Fluid Journey Trad 40m
Martin Weir
Tough couple of moves off the ledge. Blue totem saving the ankles 💪

21 Cock Corner - con Sam Pearson Trad 30m
Daniel Razzino
Quite the brutal warm up getting into some really crouched positions to get wires out. One of the great crack test pieces at frog

23 Epic Journey - con Sam Pearson Trad 30m Classica
Daniel Razzino
After the lead burn with multiple sits Sam gave me his right foot Egyptian drop knee beta and this climb was a totally different experience. Like apples to oranges

23 Epic Journey - con Sam Pearson Trad 30m Classica
Daniel Razzino
Really messed up the right foot beta and needed quite a few sits working it out. Find this style quite hard to work out

21 Odin II - con Sheena Trad 30m
Sid Lu
Stem up through the crux. The hanging rocks look like they will come off.

18 Saffron Crack - con Tristan Baskerville Trad 40m
Lauren Hunter
Didn't even need to fist jam..! Bonus chimney to finish up Smoked Banana was fun.

Dom 2 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
23 Satanic Majesty - con Tristan Baskerville Trad 30m
Lauren Hunter
Flowed. Beautiful climb, fingers to forearm jamming forme, with an arm bar as well!

Dom 2 Giu 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Cock Corner - con Daniel Razzino Trad 30m
Sam Pearson
Found this pretty undeserving of the ledge fall reputation. I think most people deck because their belayer can't see. Push your belayer further out from the cliff so they have a good visual and plug the corner right up. Plenty of good gear until it seams. Crack was super pumpy!

Gio 30 Mag 2024 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
23 Satanic Majesty - con Amy Trad 30m
Lauren Hunter
Send attempt. Crux beta was perfect, forgot the move after it haha. Good times.

22 Black Light Trad 25m
Sam J
Doggo, sorting out the gear and moves down low.

Gio 30 Mag 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Short Order - con Nil Trad 30m
Martin Weir
Cheeky Weekday Frog session with Nil as he continues his whirlwind tour of Australia. Great to catch up and boy did he crush it! Carrying a quadruple rack up everything was a sight.


1 - 100 di più di 10,000 ascensioni.

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