
Vie come boulder in Gara Gorge

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301 - 400 di 561 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Upper Gara Gorge Central Boulders Hierarchy of Kneeds Boulder
V1 Physiological kneeds

Up the hand crack between to two boulders

FA: carol lee, Brendan Heywood, Simon Porter, Ash & Danni, 15 Apr 2022

Boulder 3m
V1 Safety kneeds

A truly unique problem. Hand crack then into body chimney

FA: carol lee, Brendan Heywood & Simon Porter, 15 Apr 2022

Boulder 3m
V2 Belonging kneeds

Start either in the crack, or a more direct start on pinching the overhung flake, up then traverse along the flake with the obligatory double knee bar invert rest just because you can.

FA: Brendan Heywood & carol lee, 15 Apr 2022

Boulder 3m
V4 Esteem kneeds

Same start as Safety & Belonging, but then head up the outside to the rail and then dyno to top

FA: Brendan Heywood, 15 Apr 2022

Boulder 3m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Tank Boulder
V9 Suzeranity

Tall mans start up rail, then hard long move left to link into other rail.

Boulder 5m
V4 Hard arete

Arete to left of crack

Boulder 5m

The arete on the right of the crack

BoulderProgetto 3m
V0 Easy peasy

Try it with no hands!

Boulder 2m
V3 Arete

Thinner and crimpier

Boulder 2m
V2 Tank face

Thin and crimpy

Boulder 2m
V0 Layback

Sweet layback problem

Boulder 2m
V2 Just the arete

Good but contrived

Boulder 2m
V0 Tank Chimney

Walk/squeeze into the Tank crack and chimney out top from the middle.

Boulder 4m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Crack Boulder
V2 Old school

Layback the crack and top out on the left face

V3 The crack

Sit down start, sweet moves using only the right side of the crack and stay on the face at the top.

Boulder 4m
V11 Ikarus

Only known repeat by Matt Wrigley.

FA: Fred Nicole, 2000

Boulder 5m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Hilltop Boulder
V0 1

Crimps up the left side of boulder.

Boulder 3m
V1 2

Up the centre line of crimps.

Boulder 3m
V1 3

Up the right line of crimps.

Boulder 3m
V1 Mantel as Anything

Sit start both hands on jug and mantel up onto it, then to top.

Boulder 3m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Sloper Boulder
V2 Sloper traverse

Start far left practically lying on the ground and slap all the way around the the juggy mantle

Boulder 1m
V1 Directly
Boulder 2m
V0- Sloper Fin

2m north of Sloper boulder at base of the Fin. SDS on slopers and up the Fin for a move or two then head L to join Fun Fin at the crimp edge then up.

FA: Keiron Sames, 24 Apr 2022

Boulder 2m
V0 Fun fin

3m north of the sloper traverse. Up a vertical rail onto the fin

Boulder 2m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Flake Boulder
V5/6 Earthworm Jim

Sit start at very bottom end of worm hole (cave). Writhe, grovel and squirm your way towards the light without dabbing. Take a headlamp. *This little low-ball ripper is also Gara's 1000th logged route.

Boulder 5m
V6 Unknown

Sit start low on uphill side of boulder on the good edge for right hand. Pull up with right hand (or try matching) to good edge, then up to sloper on arete, to the nice crimp facing the wrong way, up to the bottom of the flake scar and mantel to top out.

FA: Alan Ezzy, 2014

Boulder 4m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area Self Isolation Boulder
V3 No App, No Play

Sit start on Decent feet, R hand sidepull edge & L hand on slimper above head. Move up & R to top out.

FA: Ben Vincent, 12 Mag 2020

Boulder 3m
V4 When in Rona, Do as the Ronans Do

Sit start on obvious sloper/jug feature in break. Punch high to crimpers and mantle. Boulder to the R is out and should only be used to support your chalk bag/gear and sending sweeties.

FA: Ben Vincent, 24 Apr 2020

Boulder 3m
V6 Ruby Princess Fiasco

Stand Start at corner of arête on obvious R-hand crimp & L-hand under roof. Move up & L before finishing up through big pinchy/slap-happy lip & topping out. Sit Start potential for a couple of extra grades...

FA: Ben Vincent, 23 Apr 2020

Boulder 3m
V2 Essential Service

The low ball left of N-ES. Start on pinchy flake feature. A R heel is essential (for most mere mortals).

FA: Ben Vincent, 23 Apr 2020

Boulder 1m
V2 Non-Essential Service

The low ball right of ES. Start on the slopers & obvious footer rail. Mantle & finish on obvious weakness.

FA: Ben Vincent, 23 Apr 2020

Boulder 1m
V3 Coronal Inquiry

Sit start L of the Bursaria shrub on a small L-hand crimp, R-hand sloper and great feet. Up to roof lip corner and then traverse around R arete/top. Mantle to finish.

FA: Ben Vincent, 16 Apr 2020

Boulder 5m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V4 Quickdraw roof

Start low on left, heel hook your way up and right under roof, the up and mantle.

Boulder 3m
V6 Shooter McGavin

As for QR but continue R along features in seam and poor feet until you reach obvious edge & pocket in roof then up and mantle.

FA: Ben Vincent, 12 Mag 2020

Boulder 3m
V4 Quickdraw Low Traverse

As for the regular traverse, but instead of going to high slopes above start holds, go further left onto small crimps, then drop down onto good edge further left and stay a bit lower than the regular traverse.

Note: noticed on 10-Nov-2010 that one of the small crimps has broken off, so it could be a lot harder now (Ben V*t to blame?)

Boulder 2m
V2 Quickdraw traverse

SDS the traverse left and top out. Various finishes, the longer the harder

Boulder 3m
V0 Quickdraw direct

SDS and straight up

Boulder 1m
V2 thing

Sit start with both hands on on the right jug of Quickdraw Direct, pull up and slap, then slap again to sloper and mantel. Hint: get your right foot high and right.

Boulder 1m
V2 Gymnastic

Juggy but awkward

Boulder 1m
V1 One slap

Easy slap then side mantle and up

Boulder 1m
V7 Full Traverse

Start as for Gymnastic and traverse left to the start hold of Thing and keep going left low and make long move left to seem then finish up on the big easy slopers. Probably been done before.

FA: Unknown

Boulder 2m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Three Crack Boulder
V2 Tree Crack

Start in the crack on the left side of boulder with the thin little tree growing in it at half height. Climb crack not using the tree.

Boulder 5m
V2 Right of Tree

Start half a metre right of the crack with the tree in it. Up thin crimps to join the horizontal crack above. It is a elimination variation so try and not to use the crack to your left.

Boulder 5m
V2 Unknown

Just left of the finger crack is a micro right facing corner. Start there and go to nice edge then mantel and finish as for the finger crack.

Boulder 5m
V0 Finger Crack

the obvious finger crack that goes up then left across slab to another crack and up. Good fun.

Boulder 5m
V2 Unknown Var.

Start to the right of the finger crack and without using it, proceed up the very thin slab.

Boulder 4m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Two Cracks Boulder
V0 Hand Crack

Climb the obvious hand crack on the east face of boulder.

Boulder 5m
V0 Thin Crack

On the north face of the boulder is right leading thin crack. Climb the face starting at the bottom third of crack. Good crimps.

Boulder 4m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Grindr boulder

Interesting feature, awkward start, gritty rock

BoulderProgetto 2m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Piece of Yarrowyck
V2 A little peice of Yarrowyck

Start on an undercling then right slap and up.

Boulder 1m
Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Powers Lab
Powers Lime

Start somewhere left, ideally on the ground or maybe from the half way point with the cool knee bar feature. Traverse up the crack with little finger slots.

Boulder 3m
V2 Powers Witch

Start on the lower rail on the left side, up and around the corner over the water

FA: Brendan Heywood, 27 Giu 2021

Boulder 2m
V3 Powers Lab

Instant classic! Start at the far right, traverse on some of the best roof holds gara has on offer and then finish same as 'Powers Witch'

FA: Brendan Heywood, 27 Giu 2021

Boulder 5m
V4 Powers Cream

One move, start left pinch on the arete, right hand on the sloper, then pull on and up. A line link from the lower rail through this is the obvious mega project.

FA: Brendan Heywood & Benji Dutaillis, 27 Giu 2021

Boulder 1m
V1 Inertial force

Easy moves to roof mantle

Boulder 2m
Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Red Lichen Boulders
V0 R1

Thin slabby moves

Boulder 2m
V1 R2

Reach up to crimps then up to crystal lump

Boulder 2m
V2 R3

Very thin slab moves

Boulder 2m
V1 R4

Thin crimps and smears

Boulder 2m
V0 R5

Up easy layback rail just right of 'R4'.

Boulder 2m
V2 R6

Start on undercling below overlap and up right to good hold then slap up and left onto sloping arete then mantel.

Boulder 3m
V2 R7

Nice tall crimp problem with a few variants. Pull down not out, crimps have a tendency to flex a bit.

Boulder 4m
V4 Hitchhiker

Stand start R of R7. Essentially up the arete using all the little features & steering clear of all the large features.

V1 R8

Big jug, then mantle using pocket. Watch where you fall.

Boulder 4m
V1 R9

Traverse thin crimps then top out

Boulder 4m
Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Bonsai Boulder
V3 Palm Sugar

Sit start beneath pockets in horizontal break, traverse L on slopers & small feet. Up flarred crack to top. A slopey, crystally adventure.

FA: Ben Vincent, 13 Giu 2020

Boulder 3m
V3 Footloose

Sit start on obvious L-hand layback feature, R-hand arete & small feet. Up to slopers & finish as for PS.

FA: Ben Vincent, 13 Giu 2020

Boulder 3m
V0 Crystal Bonsai

Sit start using R-hand edge & L-hand arete. Up to Bonsai jug (mind the namesake) & through to funky crystal feature & into PS crack to top.

FA: Ben Vincent, 13 Giu 2020

Boulder 3m
V0 Backfoot Bear Hugger

Start as for CB. Pull through & mantle, shuffle L & naviagte the top-out where the two boulders meet.

FA: Ben Vincent, 13 Giu 2020

Boulder 3m
V3 The Scenic Route

Sit start as for PS but instead of topping out continue traversing L through funky crystal feature & down into bonsai jug. Continue L & finish as for BBH.

FA: Ben Vincent, 13 Giu 2020

Boulder 3m
Open Project

Sit start as for Palm Sugar. Side-pull jug, crimp, slopers, crimp and top.

Tracciata: Keiron Sames, 24 Apr 2022

BoulderProgetto 2m
Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Mad World Boulder
V5 Mad World

Sit start 1m left of OLS. L-hand side pull feature & small R-hand crimp. Bomber rail for feet. Up to tiny R-hand sidepull & big L-hand move up to slopey/crimpy mantle features.

FA: Ben Vincent, 25 Giu 2020

BoulderProgetto 2m
V3 Good Cop, Bad Cop

Start as for OLS. Up crack until it gets awkward & then exit L & top-out on good crimpers.

FA: Ben Vincent, 11 Giu 2020

Boulder 2m
V4 Ocun's Last Stand

Sit start at base of crack. Up through solid hand jammies until they become loose fists beyond the buldge. 100% crack baby.

FA: Ben Vincent, 11 Giu 2020

Boulder 2m
V1 Violent Crumble

Start as for OLS. Up crack & exit R on gritty coarse features. Warning: a fair bit of rotten, flexy rock surounds the top-out jugs (avoid the obvious juicy looking low R-hand jug).

FA: Ben Vincent, 11 Giu 2020

Boulder 2m
Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Three Star Boulder
V3 Crack

Climb the thin crack.

Boulder 3m
V6 Unknown

Start on tiny crimps and dyno to horizontal break, then up to top.

V4 Rock-hugger

Same start holds as 'Dyno'. Following actual dyno, head left along the horizontal crack until you meet the 'crack' climb from which you top-out.

FFA: Ben Vincent, 2012

Boulder 4m
V4 Dyno extension

An alternate crack top-out to the existing sloper finish

FFA: Ben Vincent, 2012

Boulder 4m
V4 Dyno

Start on small edges, dyno to large edge/ledge

Boulder 3m
V5 Thin starlet

Thin layback moves up arete

Boulder 4m
V1 Slab

On the east face of boulder climb slab with seam to horizontal break, which is usually wet, then left and to top.

Boulder 3m
Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Australia Boulder
V4 S2

Desperate crimps up face, hold broke off as well, grade is a guess.

Boulder 2m
V1 S3

Sit start on the flake and head up to sloper then top. Many variations exist to make it harder or easier.

Boulder 2m
V3 S4

Heinous crimps up improbable face, grade is a guess.

Boulder 3m
V0- S5

Up the right side of this well featured and somewhat mossy but climbable face.

Boulder 3m
V0 S6

Up the left side of this well featured and somewhat mossy but climbable face.

Boulder 3m
V3 S7

Up the blunt low angle arete? Grade a guess.

Boulder 3m
V2 S8

Start on crimps above alcove then mantle.

Boulder 2m
V8 Australia Sit

Sit start off low rail under the lip. Power up to crimps and finish up S8.

FA: Alan Ezzy, 2014

Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Headstone Boulder
Boulder 3m
Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Corners Boulder
V1 Seam-less

Start on slopers then mantle up the thin seam

Boulder 3m
V2 Corner traverse

Start on slopers then traverse around corner and up

Boulder 4m
V5 Undercling Traverse Corner

Sit start on undercling with high foot up to edge. Traverse right along sloping lip to edges then up into corner and top.

Alternate start avoids the undercling and starts at the traverse.

Excellent problem, has more than 4 moves!!

V5 rating is a guess for the sit start, and starting at the traverse would be V2 (ish)

Boulder 4m

Up the corner from right to left. Too bad boulders below are there.

Boulder 4m
Steep Project?

Up the steep wall? Bad landing.

Boulder 4m
V2 Back of corners?

On the back, up the corner near a tree?

Boulder 4m
V2 The Diamond

Thin crimps up centre of face to sloping mantel. Variations exist.

Boulder 3m
Upper Gara Gorge Southern Boulders Tall Boulder
Arete Project?

High boulder with dead tree leaning against, which might be the only way off the boulder if you get to the top.

Boulder 5m

301 - 400 di 561 vie.

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