
Vie in Glasshouse Mountains del grado selezionato

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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Mt Tibrogargan Slider Wall
19 Something About Sandy

Start 3m R of 'Pigsy'.

Bit of a one move wonder. Better than it looks. 5 FHs to anchor.

Sportiva 13m, 5
19 Bite My Shiny, Metal Ass

The furthest left route on the small cliff. Pleasant climbing straight up.

FA: Ryan Castel, 2014

Sportiva 18m
Mt Tibrogargan Celestial Wall
19 Rescision

Start: At the belay anchor at the top of Troposphere's second pitch.

Step L using delicate moves up to giant jug, trend L for a couple of moves and then up to join 'C Section'. Very fun; wish it was a whole route using similar moves as the start.

FA: Phil Box, 2007

Sportiva 15m
Mt Tibrogargan Halfway House
19 Rocketsauce

Start: A couple of metres R beneath bolted corner

Up past a couple of FH's to rooflet. Interesting moves pulling R around this. Join Tenacious D to finish.

FFA: Lee Cujes, 2007

Sportiva 12m, 6
19 Tenacious D

Start: 1m R on the fallen block beneath the bolted corner.

Up the steep little corner passing FH's to a ledge. Step R to clip bolt on bulge, then up to clip anchor on R. A nice moderate sport route for 'Halfway House'.

FA: Lee Cujes, 2007

Sportiva 12m, 6
Mt Tibrogargan Clemency Wall
19 Divergence

Start: At the "D", directly beneath impressive bright orange corner 60m up, 2m L of Guenevere.

Climb 4m up to R-facing sickle-corner. Up this to bulge and clip FH. Steep corner through bulge, then follow up L to join Clemency's second pitch at the white flake. Continue up and then move L to ledge with DBB from here you can continue up the Tested Twistical variants.

FA: Cameron Fairbairn & Phil Box, 2002

Trad mista 20m, 1
Mt Tibrogargan Carborundum Wall
19 Patience Crack - Direct pitch 1
  1. 30m (19) Start as per PC, up crack on good gear to overhang, then straight up through the shallow chimney on scant holds & gear, to gain ledge above, then trend Right along this to crack corner & belay.

  2. 32m (13) Up the obvious crack corner, beautiful laybacking, bridging and wall climbing & solid gear. Gain a small stance where Faith crosses wall and belay off tree/bush.

  3. 32m (12) Traverse R and up continuation of corner, to finish on ledge & TB. From here, head up Right, across a vegetated scree slope, to join the Caves Route below Trojan.


Trad 94m, 3
Mt Tibrogargan Desperation Wall
19 Ishoni

A proud line. Start by scrambling up onto vegetated terrace 25m right of Line of Credit, then walk off left end of terrace 3m to tree. Belay out of wide crack. Double ropes essential. Up left around bulge, then up to first of three black FH's. Up and left to ledge (big gear). Right off ledge to horizontal break in superb marble-like stone, then back left to FH. A long undercling move, then up to last FH. RP's take you up the ever steepening wall, then a good wire and a thankful rest on easy ground. Slab to chains. Well protected with careful placements.

FA: Lee Cujes, Aaron Jones & Neil Monteith, 1999

Trad mista 35m, 5
19 Ideas Man

Groove/crack to its end. Up wall trending right to S crack and double hanger anchor with quick links. Small to medium gear. Well protected along the route and before the cruxes.

FFA: Ross Ferguson Ben Carter, 2013

Trad 30m
Mt Tibrogargan Candy Mountain
19 Papa Smurf

Start 2m R of Old Elvis, unmarked.

A popular line that follows 5 FHs before trending L to a shared DBB. Anchor is shared with Old Elvis.

FFA: Steve Kloske, Zac Trembath-pitham & Oskar Kindbom, 2013

Sportiva 18m, 5
Mt Tibrogargan NE Buttress Sector
19 Ross Miller Route
1 18 25m
2 15 25m
3 11 20m
4 18 25m
5 19 25m
6 13 15m
7 19 15m
8 16 30m

An adventure route up an interesting section of Tibro. Take some long slings and 14 draws and either a double rope or trail a second rope if rapping (40m rap). Optional #3 C4 Camalot or medium hex, although most leaders will be confident running it out or slinging ironwoods in the absence of gear. There are some run out sections and there are patches of poor rock, interspersed with sections of fun and exposed climbing.

Access: From the old climber's carpark, take the right fork of the Tibrogargan track, heading north. Follow the track until you reach some chairs and a picnic table, after which you'll ascend some steps to find a small trail leaving the main track on the left. Follow this to the base of Candy Mountain. The Ross Miller Route starts directly above this small crag. To access this ledge, head left uphill until the rock face turns back in to form an alcove with a large tree in it. Scramble up the rock on the right-hand side of the tree and traverse right for about 20m. You will find a leftward trending gully with bolts on the headwall directly on its right-hand side. The route begins here.


  1. 25m (18) Up to FH then tricky moves right to 2nd FH, follow the line of FH's avoiding suspect rock as necessary.

  2. 25m (15) Typical Tibro face climbing following line of FH's, when you reach the ironwood bushes, clip the abseil re-direct sling and continue up and left to the anchor.

  3. 20m (11) Head up the obvious corner directly above the anchor (optional gear) to the tree (sling), continue up the corner to the next tree (sling) then delicately step right and head up to FH on headwall then continue up to anchor.

  4. 25m (18) Up following FH's right of blunt arete.

  5. 25m (19) Engaging climbing following FH's into corner and out onto top face, continue up to anchor.

  6. 15m (13) Climb slabby section following FH's trending left in the second half to anchor at base of head wall.

  7. 15m (19) Left off the belay to first FH then cruxy moves for a couple of metres past FH's to anchor avoiding the crumbly holds.

  8. 30m (16) Follow the line of well-spaced FH's to anchor, stop to peer into the madness of sport climbing in cave 5 on the way.

There are various descent options, including:

  • Continue climbing slightly left and up unprotected but easy climbing and good rock and either rappel left into Cave 5 or down the Caves Route chimney then descend the Caves Route, or
  • Traverse right along ledge to scrubby bushes and the 5th anchor of SBB, climb its (unprotected) 6th pitch and walk off, or

  • Rap back down the route in 6 pitches:

    1) 30m Straight down to previous anchor (top pitch 7).

    2) 40m Straight down to anchor at top of 5.

    3) 40m Down into free air and then scramble left to anchor at top of pitch

    4) 20m Straight down between the trees then scramble left on the ledge to anchor at top of pitch 2, be careful of loose blocks and small rocks here.

    5) 25m Traverse out right underneath ironwood bushes and clip rope through permanent sling and biner to redirect abseil (missing as of August 2018, rap straight back down to anchor at top of pitch 1 or it may be possible to reach the ground on a 50m rap.

    6) 25m To ground and scramble out the way you came in.

FA: Annett Miller, Bernie Walsh & Steve Kloske, 2013

Sportiva 180m, 8, 14
19 Sunburnt Buttress
1 18 28m
2 16 34m
3 19 25m
4 16 36m
5 14 45m
6 10 20m

Start at the 'Rock Garden' chimney at R end of alcove, 10m L of the 'Peeping Tom' pillar at 'Shadow Glen'. Marked with a small square.

  1. 28m (18) Climb up the 'Rock Garden' chimney for a few moves then step R and follow line of FHs to DBB.

  2. 34m (16) Follow FHs traversing L (line of FHs going R then up is 'The Chris Mann Route') across 'Rock Garden' to DBB shared with 'Blabbermouth'. End of this pitch is very run out without trad gear.

  3. 25m (19) Straight up past 3 FHs then traverse directly L following more FHs to DBB. Due to traversing involved, the second needs to be confident.

  4. 36m (16) Follow FHs L then up to DBB.

  5. 45m (14) Gradient easing now. Well-spaced FHs (can supplement with occasional trad placement) to DBB.

  6. 20m (10) Solo up short easy wall to DBB at top.

FA: Neil Monteith & Lee Cujes, 2000

Trad 190m, 6
Mt Ngungun Andromeda
19 Worm Hole

Start 5m L of 'Southern Cross'. Marked "WH".

A difficult move to clip the 2nd bolt. A hold may have come off since the original grading of 18? Regardless, holds are there and just need to be found. Goes well once you know the sequence. Rebolted 2014.

FA: Heinz Buscher, 2010

Sportiva 17m, 5
Mt Ngungun Lower Cliffs Owl Pillar
19 Dawn Raid

Best route on the pillar - sustained. Start 2m to the R of & 2m down from 'Afternoon Delight'. Stickclip high first bolt from ledge on the left but start the climb down right. 3 shiny new RBs to lower-offs. Retrobolted (with permission) 2015. Take care clipping the 2nd bolt, as there has been at least one ground fall.

FA: Neil Monteith & Marten Blumen, 1994

Sportiva 9m, 3
Mt Ngungun Upper Cliffs The Upper Main Cliff
19 Baby Driver

Marked 'BD'. Bold face climbing up the blank wall with only small RP's as protection. Once past the first 10m, it eases to fairly juggy climbing and a tree belay.

FA: Barry Overs, 1970

FFA: Neil Monteith, 1994

Trad 25m
Mt Ngungun Babylon
19 Gossamer Threads

Obvious tessellated wall & arete just a few meters R of 'Hijinx'.

Preclip 1st bolt by leaning in from ledge to R but start direct. Crimpy moves up smooth face past BR, FH and BR to DBB. Harder if you avoid holds on arete. The terrible original anchor is still in place as some old crap on carrots, please use the newer chain anchor to the right.

FA: Lee Cujes, 1999

Sportiva 13m, 3
Mt Beerwah The Secret Garden
19 Don't Bring a Peashooter to a Gunfight

The proud right-trending arch/roof starting at the far left of the crag. Place gear in the crack on the left of the climb all the way to the anchors. Plenty to choose from. Avoid using any bolts. The FA used a full set of cams from micro to #6, plus some nuts and hexes, but you might be braver. Crux is the last few metres. Bolted top anchor. Rap or belay down to the 1st Maiden Voyage anchors, then rap to the base. Or rap as far as you can (tie end knots) and scramble down the rest.

FFA: Mike D & Ian Lim, 2020

Trad 35m
Mt Beerwah Thanksgiving Wall
19 Ants Without Pants VF

FA: Darrin Carter & Sean Smith, 1996

Trad mista 3
Mt Beerwah West Face
19 Shiver Me Timbers

FA: Gareth Llewellin & Darrin Carter, 1997

Trad 20m
Mt Beerwah Wayne's World
19 Dream Weaver

Easy block hop up to high first bolt then follow ringbolts to DBB. Fun, thought provoking moves. There is an optional med/large hex between 4th & 5th bolt but the climbing here is easy.

FA: Wayne & Debra Mieth, 2007

Sportiva 31m, 7
19 Party Time

Straight up to chains. (Yes, the second bolt of this and Excellent are very close, this may be fixed soon)

FA: Wayne Mieth & Ross Ernst., 2006

Sportiva 30m, 7
Mt Beerwah Short Cool Ones Wall
19 Entrapment

Start: 2m left of Super Size Me (carroted route), below the right facing corner. Nice, well protected face climbing. Up face, to first u-bolt out left, the up corner crack, passing 2 more u-bolts, chains up left, above Shanny.

FA: Lee Cujes & Erik Smits, 1999

Trad mista 15m, 3
Mt Beerwah Short Cool Ones Wall Just Juice
19 Just Juice

Start: 60m left, down the hill from Chocolates, near some large blocks on the ground.

  1. 45m - 14 Take the thin line, towards a right facing corner, above a roof. Up steep twin seams on scant gear, to a grassy pocket, continue up on improving gear, then trend right as the angle eases, to a bolted belay below the prominent roof.

  2. 50 19 - Crux move right off the belay, into the corner above, following 3 FHs, to a good stance, then gear placements (left), up slab over loose flakes, trending left, to DBB.

  3. 50m - Straight up the slab, look for a thin crack & the only gear on this pitch, up the comparatively easy slab to a large terrace & TB. NB: the rap slings are probably worn: take one or two with & abseil back down the route.

FA: Darrin Carter, Gareth Llewellin (Pitch 1), Sean Smith (Pitch 2 & 3), 1997

Trad mista 150m, 3, 3
Mt Beerwah Spikey Green Jelly Slope Alfalfa Boulder
V1 It's So Dirty

Sit start in groove with left hand on crimp on face and right hand on higher crimp in the groove (shorties may need to stack pads for right hand) Bust up through jugs and mantle out. For the full experience throw some dirt on the top holds before attempting the problem.

FA: Oliver Rickford, 21 Nov 2020

Boulder 2m
Mt Beerwah Spikey Green Jelly Slope The Yowie House Boulder
V1 Titanium for Legs (Stand)

Stand start in the middle of the wall then head straight up.

FFA: Brent Cobb, 1 Lug 2014

Boulder 3m
Mt Beerwah Spikey Green Jelly Slope Bluebird Sam Boulder
V1 Bluebird Sam

Nice solid holds, using the tree makes it easier.

FFA: Brent Cobb, 1 Lug 2014

Boulder 3m
Chiusa Mt. Coonowrin
19 East Crookneck

FA: Ron Cox, Pat Conaghan & John Comino, 1959

FFA: Les Wood & Donn Groom, 1966

Trad 80m, 3
19 Like Icecream For Spiders

Start in the corner about 20m L along the cliff from 'Elfin' & 'No Biggie'.

Climb the corner then traverse R onto the face and up past 4 FHs to the anchors.

The anchors consist of 2 solid FHs with new stainless hardware for lowering. However, 3 old rusty mallions are still in place. Whoever has the chance/tools/inclination please remove them.

FA: Dan Pit & Scott Lawrence, 1998

Sportiva 10m, 4
Wild Horse Mountain Dozer Wall
V1 Shoe in

Feels committing, but once you do it's a shoe in.

FA: Bruce Schneider, 13 Nov 2021

V1 Straight from the Horse's Mouth

Delicate start to easier finish

FA: Bruce Schneider, 13 Nov 2021

Wild Horse Mountain The Watcher
V1 Horse Power

The Northern face of The Watcher boulder

FA: Bruce Schneider, 31 Gen 2021

V1 Wyld Stallyns

Matt's route on the right side of The Watcher boulder. Originally tried in 2015, returned 5 years later with pads and spotters.

FA: Matt Pelekanos, 31 Gen 2021


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