
Vie in Glasshouse Mountains del grado selezionato

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Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Mt Tibrogargan Caves Route Sector
2 Bert Salmon Traverse To Cave 4

First climbed in 1926, this whole section of cliff, including the Modern Traverse and the terrace below, was climbed in the pre-rope era of climbing in Qld. START: RH base of Cave 3, scramble down to a wide dirt ledge, follow this around right & up into Cave 4.

Controversially retrobolted by the Modern Traverse.

FA: Albert Salmon & Lyle Vidler

FA: 1926

Trad 40m
Mt Ngungun Babylon
2 A Walk In The Park

From the ledge above Neil's Access Route, aim for the huge boulder, then up rh side of this.

FA: Mark Gamble, 13 Set 2017

Trad 50m
Mt Beerwah North-east face
2 Hiker's Route Left Variant

From the Organ Pipes area follow the track left. The well worn track becomes steep until an exposed move is encountered. The fall from here would be fatal. Past this move, scramble over a series of boulders and bushes until the hiker's track is rejoined.

Alpinistica 360m
2 East Beerwah

An excellent alternative to the Hiker's route. This route has frequent red paint marks from base to summit. A well formed downhill track starting just east from the carpark at S26.89052, E152.88797 will lead to the beginning of the route. From here scramble up easy slabs traversing towards north-west following the marks. The track then climbs straight up for the central part followed by a leftward traverse on easy slabs to a small cave before veering right and up to an exposed and highly scenic finish to the summit.

An alternate finish to this route that goes north at the top (but a bit more exposed) is mapped at

Alpinistica 390m
Mt Beerwah West Face
2 North West Track (Grade 2 Alternate Start)

About 20m right of Mr. Busy Pillar, just as the cliff-base starts to descend (towards the original start of the Alpine Route/NW Track, which is ~40m away), you can scramble up through several ledges and bushes at grade 1 or 2 to reach a large ledge system. Bushwalkers have placed tape and a track is starting to form.

Follow a track along the ledge system southwards, exposed in a couple of places, to join-up with the Alpine Route. At the junction, this alternate track is more prominent than the original Alpine Route / NW Track.

Follow the Alpine Route up to the Tourist Track.

This route is an easy solo down-climb too.


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