
Vie in Reprisal Wall

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
19 Pure Ethics

Start as for Black Swan and either clip its first bolt or go for the Purity and place gear the whole way. Head up trending left following great holds and gear to top out and lower off the anchors of Black Swan.

FA: Dick Lodge & Riley Nicholson, 9 Apr 2023

Trad 10m
24 Black Swan

If you have done the other two 24s then why not finish yourself of with this one! More of the same thin face climbing. Four bolts finish at same anchors of Act of War.

FA: Adam Demmert, 2008

FFA: adam demmert, 2008

Sportiva 10m, 4
24 Acts of War

Excellent thin face climbing up the orange streak left of Midnight's Children. Four ring bolts to anchor.

FA: Adam Demmert, Mark Gould, Nathan Ross & Marcus(visiting German), 2008

FFA: adam demmert, mark gould, Nathan Ross & Marcus(visiting German), 2008

Sportiva 10m, 4
24 Midnight's Children

Beautiful thin, overhanging, grey face. There should be 50 metres of it. The first move is a nice boulder problem. Anchor is just 2 fixed hangers.

FA: Ed Neve & Norm Booth, 1997

Trad mista 10m, 4
8 Wasted Dreams

The first line on the cliff.

Start: Start below and L of the line.

  1. 33m (8) Climb to a ledge, move R and past the bush on the R. Follow the line to below the overhang.

  2. 7m (8) Easily out L and up.

FA: Ceri Law, Bill Andrews & Allan Hope, 1990

Trad 40m, 2
14 Invisible Aspirations

Steep moves to gain the line which is followed until it ends. Continue up the walls to the first overhang which is breached from the R. Move R, and onto the block, then to the top.

Start: Start at the discontinuous line a few m R of 'Wasted Dreams'.

FA: Allan Hope, Ceri Law, Peter Watling & Bill Andrews, 1990

Trad 40m
13 Lost Dreams

Takes the R-leaning diagonal.

Start: Start 4m L of 'Past Glories', near some broken flakes.

  1. 30m (13) 'Steep' moves to gain the start of the diagonal which is followed past a cave and a flake to a belay ledge.

  2. 15m (13) Move a little L, chin through the roof and easily up R to top or move R from belay and finish up 'Past Glories'.

FA: Bill Andrews, Peter Watling, Ceri Law & Allan Hope, 1990

Trad 45m, 2
10 Past Glories

The second (R-most) of the prominent lines.

FA: Peter Watling, Bill Andrews, Ceri Law & Allan Hope, 1990

Trad 40m

Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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