
Vie come boulder in Wildsides

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Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
V10 Lazy Monnelli

A brilliant complex roof problem. Located 1 minute's walk downhill - left of the 'Sweet Sensation' cave. Sit-start right at the back of the cave, and climb out, down, and around to a cruxy finish out on the lip.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V6 The Beginning of a Great Adventure

Blue Mountains-like rock and style. Sharp, crimpy, steep and a great landing.

V8 Sweet Sensation

As for 'The Beginnings...' then break right and up via extreme undercling move to the slopey break.

FA: Klem Loskot, 2000

V8 Click

Low sit-start and up via a big move leftwards. Possibly lost some holds since the first ascent.

Start: 3rd climbing cave along from the 'Sweet Sensation' area.

FA: Klem Loskot, 2000

V5 Nelly the Elephant

Left-trending line from a low sit-start into the finish of Elephant's Swing.

V3 La Gina

Furthest most problem right of Nelly. Potential for more problems exist in the same area.

V3 Elephant's Swing

Broken looking holds right of 'Click'. Very low sit-start.

V0 The Lazy Mantle

Obvious (grim) mantle problem a couple of metres left of Lazy M's finish. A couple of other variations exist here as well.

V3 Sandy Candy



Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

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