
Vie in Sentry Wall

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Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
15 Topple Tor

Scramble around the bottom of the broken buttresses for about 50 metres to an undercut, leaning stack. The steep southwest arête.

FA: Bedford

FA: Lyons & Gordon

FA: Gary, 2005

Trad 15m
9 The First Post

Five metres left of the chimney. A nice short corner to a ledge. 'Escape' off right or thrutch up a wide crack to top.

FA: Gordon Bedford & Gary Lyons, 2005

Trad 12m
16 Aware

Three metres right of the chimney. The steep crack through the bulge at the top.

FA: Gary Lyons & Gordon Bedford, 2005

Trad 12m
15 Cold At Dawn

Five metres right of 'Aware'. The steep right facing flake crack.

FA: Gary Lyons & Gordon Bedford, 2005

Trad 12m
12 Sentry Line

On the eastern face on the other side of the block directly over from 'Aware'. Starts in a small alcove. The narrow, left leaning crack that finishes the semi-circular break in the top overhang.

FA: Gary Lyons & Gordon Bedford, 2005

Trad 15m
5 Sentry Arête

The right hand rib of the chimney.

FA: Gordon Bedford & Gary Lyons, 2005

Trad 12m

Tutti 6 vie visualizzati.

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