
Vie in Northern Cliff del grado selezionato

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Tutti 4 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
14 Space Cowboys

Start 3 metres right of 'Free To Air' Better than it looks, which might not be saying much.

  1. 30m Climb black, left-facing corner/gully to large block on right at about 20m. Crack, small corner, then slab above to ledge.

  2. 30m Up left on to next ledge. Left on this for 4m to eucalypt. Now steeply up right, then straight up line.

FA: David Gairns & Chris Baxter. (alt), 1997

Trad 60m
14 Clearasil Spattered Fantasy

Not located but somewhere near 'Florentine Pogen' or 'Dog Breath'

Trad 30m
14 Pocahontas

First pitch takes one of the most prominent lines on the cliff. May be undergraded. Giant corner 60 metres left of 'Tonto'.

  1. 35m (14) Giant right-facing corner can be started on the right or directly, Up corner to belay in niche below a large guano stain. There may be an old piton here.

  2. 15m (14) Up corner on poor rock for 5 metres then right across slab and then hand traverse right to ledge.

  3. 23m Right again for 12 metres, up past bush at overhang to cave.

  4. 30m (14) Over bulge and up to roof and right to chimney-groove.

FA: Ian Guild & Michael Stone, 1966

Trad 100m
14 Broken Arrow

Start as for 'Pocahontas'. This alternative finish looks outrageous for the grade.

Trad 85m

Tutti 4 vie visualizzati.

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