
Vie in Southern Wonderland Range del grado selezionato

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Tutti 36 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Weathered Wall
16 Ecliptic
Trad 40m
16 Mistral
Trad 25m
16 Gardens of Babble On
Trad 35m
Neurology Wall
16 Bicus Dicus
Trad 18m
Upper Wurzlegummage Wall
16 A Long Tme Between Drinks
Trad 32m
16 Esmeralda
Trad mista 25m, 1
16 Bogle McNeep

Left of the steep bay with The Crowman there is a buttress. This is bounded on its L by a chimney corner line. Start below and slightly L of this line at a short wide crack. About 30m L of The Crowman. 1] 18m Up short crack to ledge, step R and up gully to break, move up and R to ledge on edge of buttress. 2] 16m [Crux] Traverse R on break to crack on front of buttress. Steeply up this.

FA: Jerry Maddox & Philip Armstrong [alts], 2009

Trad 34m
Devils Peak
16 M3 Hell's Angel

Start at small isolated buttress at extreme right-hand end of cliff, 115 metres right of 'Black Narcissus'. Initialled and filthy.

  1. 15m Up to right-hand end of roof. Traverse 3 metres left under roof to bulging hand-crack. Up crack (three aids) and on to recess.

  2. 20m Traverse 2 metres right. Aid left-leaning crack then free.

FA: Bruno Zielke, Gordon Talbett (alt) & Bob Connell, 1970

Artificiale 35m, 2
The Workshop
16 Dreadnought


Start: Start marked with chipped square. (50m right of Desperately seeking shade)

  1. 17m (16) (Crux) Beautiful left facing corner crack (eucalypt at 7m).

  2. 15m (16) Back to line and up it to ledge on right

  3. 13m (16) Start up right crack then left veering line

FA: Peter Lindorff & Peter Jacob

Trad 45m, 3
16 M6 Hot Rats
Artificiale 65m, 2
Sundial Peak South Face
16 M4 The Gryphon
Artificiale 82m, 2
16 Mock Turtle
Trad 83m
16 M2 Cheshire Cat
Artificiale 80m, 2
16 Borogove
Trad 96m
Sundial Peak East Face
16 The Mad Hatter
Trad 95m
16 Slithy Tove
Trad 95m
16 Knave
Trad 90m
Sundial Peak Epicurean Terrace
16 Epicurian

Good, sustained first pitch. Second pitch is rubbish and better to finish up 'Through The Looking Glass'. Start at short corner 5 metres right of 'Brillig', 13 metres left of the end of the terrace.

  1. 35m (16) Short corner to small ledge and up into sentry box. Traverse left on lip of overhang to ledge. Jam and bridge the line.

  2. 20m Up through the hole at the back of the ledge. Up and finish either side of the lookout (left-side is easier and less dangerous). Better would be to traverse left to last pitch (grade 14) of 'Through The Looking Glass' (take large cams).

FA: Rein Kamar & Bob Connell (alt), 1972

Trad 62m, 2
Sundial Peak The Bleachers The Alcove
V0 Death Trap

For historical purposes. The route to the right of "The Twisted Staircase". Sit-start and head directly up face/rounded arete. Would probably climb okay if not for loose edges. Be careful what you pull on.

Sundial Peak The Bleachers Moment Boulder
V0 The Moment

Climbs the centre of the very high slab. Finishes once your on the ledge.

FA: Carl & Carl Schneider, Ott 2015

Boulder 12m
Sundial Peak The Bleachers Heart Boulder
V0 Pray

Easy classic. Climb the middle of the face of crazy paving.

Boulder 4m
Sundial Peak The Bleachers Royal Box
V0 Boom Box

FA: Chook Betts

V0 Beat Box

FA: Chook Betts

Sundial Peak The Bleachers Moon Boulder
V0 Chook Run

Climb the Arete. Stand start.

Boulder 2m
V0 The Moonies

Sit start on the same holds as Over The Moon. Move left, then straight up to top out.

FA: Chook Betts

Boulder 2m
V0 Over The Moon

Sit Start under the flake. Go straight up. Interesting climb.

FA: Chook Betts

Boulder 5m
Sundial Peak The Bleachers Easy Peasy Boulder
V0 Dead Easy
Sundial Peak The Bleachers The Three Sisters
V0 The Kneeze

Stand Start in the Offwidth Crack and work your way up in the crack to a slopey top out. All holds within reach are in, but the more you are jamming, the more fun you are having.

Boulder 4m
Sundial Peak The Bleachers Den of Dwarfs
V0 The Crescent
Boulder 2m
V0 Mini Rig
Boulder 2m
Sundial Peak The Bleachers Frankston Boulders
V0 Aero Bar
The Guardians
16 I'm Going to the Blade

The following four routes are located on the small outcrop in front of / below Akimbo.

The L-most crack.

FA: Michael Hampton & Peter Bovino, 29 Feb 2020

Trad 18m
16 The True Believers

These next two routes are located on a wall up and left from the top of the Main Wall (Chicanery etc.), and can't easily be approached from below. Either approach from above (i.e. from the Sundial car-park) or access after doing one of the climbs on the Main wall.

  1. the left of twin cracks on a major buttress on the left side (east) of the amphitheatre.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Tim Burke, 1990

Trad 18m
Valley of the Giants The Taken Boulder
V0 VS Ramachandran

Easy and obvious crack which curves to the left, to committing top out. Can also be done as a sit start.

Boulder 4m
Valley of the Giants Weilly Annoying Boulder
V0 The Descent
Boulder 4m
V0 Easy Smile
Boulder 5m

Tutti 36 vie visualizzati.

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